Monday, August 30, 2010

Notes Congragulation On Engagement

GOAL V 9 No. 2: Back in college

After editing, the information is adjusted, if necessary,
site bulletin
(690 members, 9th season of the electronic newsletter)

Savannah Sparrow ( Coin du Banc, Summer 2010)

News Section
DAT Registration for admission to Dentistry
Guidance Humanities

The statement of social relevance of the profession co Guidance counselors Quebec, after a process two years of reflection and exchange, have agreed on a statement of social relevance of their profession. Here is the wording: "The co , for their expertise in the individual-job-training seek wellness personal and professional potential of mobilizing people and helping them to take their place in society throughout their lives. "

College:" The MELS has more expertise "
President of the Federation of colleges, Gaetan Boucher accuses the Ministry of Education (MELS) to no longer possess expertise in college. According to Mr. Boucher, the government's decision to replace only two official who retires has resulted in the elimination of skilled employees in Quebec. "There is more expertise at MELS college education. Quite simply, we can not give us a hand to Quebec, "says Boucher. Rather than acting to really improve education college, the MELS bombed colleges requests for accounts, according to Mr. Boucher. "We have requests for reports and accounts on everything, "he said. Mr. Boucher said such a few months ago, the 48 colleges in the province have received a grant of $ 6,000 each to promote healthy lifestyles. "The colleges have different activities such as tasting tofu. Well! So you can imagine that at the end of the year, the department has asked us to write in detail what was done with the $ 6000. I understand that demands accountability for expenditure of millions. But for $ 6000? "Mr. Boucher regrets in particular that the colleges have spent almost the equivalent of the subsidy to the preparation of this famous report. "The system has more expertise on colleges. When you have more expertise, you ask reports! "Says Boucher. In addition to the documents to be submitted to the MELS, colleges are subject to 11 laws, 13 regulations, 95 and 56 appendices budgetary guidelines. In the coming months, the Federation wishes the Department to raise its status. While the Fédération des apprehended last year a decrease of customers, rather it indicates a 2.2% increase in the number of students this year. The increase is particularly marked in the regions of Montreal (3.3%), Laurentides (6%) and Lanaudière (6.6%). Boucher believes the increase is partly due to the difficult economic situation, which encourages young adults to return to school. The fact that the placement rate is 100% in several sectors, such as nursing or respiratory therapy, also attracts many candidates. "But the projection wishing that we lose 30,000 students by 2021 is still valid," he says. Coming to college in the first cohort of students in the reform does not worry unduly Mr. Boucher. "But we will not give them our requirements and we will monitor it closely," he said. The Fédération des also take account of planned forums on education in the fall to discuss the development of technical and vocational and continuing education. Number of students enrolled in college this year: 172 518; 49.6% in the pre-university sector, 45.5% in the technical sector, 57.8% of students are girls and 42.2% of boys.

The students arrive at college reform. college professors worry the new students they will be dealing from the next few days.

Learning Disabilities: A emergency, "said the Federation of colleges. "We must adjust it for the 2011 school year," says Gaetan Boucher, president of the Federation of colleges. Faced with a soaring learning disabilities, the Fédération des believes it is urgent. By the autumn of 2011, colleges hope to rely on additional funding to develop more services for these struggling students.

Learning Disabilities : The hot topic in college. It day of term today in the Quebec CEGEP. Already last week, the Cégep de Sainte-Foy, students came to buy their textbooks. Skyrocket: Concerns are high, since in recent years, students who suffer from various learning problems are becoming more numerous in the college system. The figures vary according to the sources, but the trend remains the same. According to the Federation of colleges, their number has more than doubled in two years, from 426 to 1071 students. But according to the Commission on Human Rights and Youth Rights (CDPDJ), the number of cases has skyrocketed from 860 to 4309 in four years.

collegiate Homecoming: legal obligation " accommodation. The colleges have a legal obligation to accommodate a student with a disability. But these adjustments have to go far? Many gray areas remain. The question concerned students, parents and principals of colleges, which were likely to contact the Commission on Human Rights and Youth Rights (CDPDJ) on this subject. To meet these many requests for information, CDPDJ set up a work table comprising twenty partners in the field of education, to submit recommendations to the colleges. "The college system has been very proactive in this area, but we want to do an inventory to properly identify the situation," said Daniel Ducharme, researcher and head of the CDPDJ folder. Over the years, various legal notices have confirmed that once the student has graduated from high school, colleges must implement measures to alleviate the disability, whether physical or neurological. But other questions remain. "What measures can be put in place to help a student to pass the uniform examination in French? How far will the accommodation requirements for graduation? If skills can not all be acquired, is that a student could graduate restricted? How to ensure that service levels will be the same for a college to another? "Lists Ducharme. CDPDJ should publish its recommendations early next year.

Learning Disabilities in college: the tip of the iceberg. students experiencing learning disabilities are becoming more prevalent in colleges. And this is just the beginning, "warns Gerald Boutin, a professor at the University of Quebec in Montreal specializes in school integration. The number of cases will increase further this year with the arrival of students in college reform, says he. Since the beginning of the reform, students with learning disabilities or coping were more integrated into mainstream classes, both at primary and secondary, said co-author of Inclusion or Illusion? Pupils in regular classes: challenges, limitations and conditions. "With the current reform, we went even further integration. And students who arrive in colleges this year have not experienced the repetition, "he recalls, because the Department of Education has waited several years to fix this. "It is normal that students with special needs are more likely to knock on doors of colleges. We did not see it coming, "he said. However, college teachers are not remedial, said Mr. Boutin. Many do not even have training in pedagogy, as it is not mandatory. "The teachers feel helpless," he said. Furthermore, the integration of these students to the college system raises several questions, particularly regarding the quality of degrees. "There is a likelihood of graduation at a discount. We want to give it a chance and I'm not against it, but there must be limits. You can not make everyone successful. "

Eight ways to facilitate the passage of secondary college. The new college students from the reform are not guinea pigs supports the Quebec Federation of College Students. The Federation of College Students is tired of hearing described as guinea pigs or lost generation students from the reform. She believes they could even be more skilled than their predecessors in some areas, but still offers the means to facilitate their transition to college.

Back to School At the dawn of a new school year, colleges in the region belie forecasts, which suggested a dramatic decline in admissions Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean . Apart from the Cégep de Saint-Félicien, where one expects a slight decrease of 4%, all other institutions in the region expect to record an increase this year. In a period of demographic decline in secondary schools, the performance of the four colleges is almost a miracle, one might say. "No," replied the director of Alma College, John Paradis, who expects more than 1,300 students Monday morning. Like its counterparts in Chicoutimi and Jonquière, John Paradis believes that the current situation is the fruit of many efforts in recent years. In the case of Alma, for example, the number of students enrolled in natural sciences from 75 to 125 in the space of four years, particularly through the promotion of this field of study pre-university. The establishment of a program tailored to students who have not completed high school having failed their courses in French, has also achieved impressive results. "For us, the changes to the scheme of college are not a problem, however. Last year we hosted 21 people who failed their high school French. Under the new rules, they were expected to graduate within the first session. We have therefore gathered inside a panel, then they have proposed a schedule including a French course specifically dedicated for this clientele. 19 of these 21 people have finally accepted the challenge and were able to continue their college education, "says Jean Paradis. In Jonquière, the director Michel Gravel discusses the coming year with equal enthusiasm. Beyond students of 3200 should in fact pass through the gates of the facility next week, not counting some 225 people registered at the Centre for Studies of Charlevoix and another 200 who will attend the NAD Centre, based in Montreal. These two institutions are affiliated with the Cégep de Jonquière. In an interview, Michel Gravel focuses on foreign students, which will be about 75 this year Jonquière. This is a historic high for the institution. "These are 75 students from 12 to 14 countries and are spread over 22 programs. But what is most interesting is that many of them are enrolled in programs such as less popular, such as chemical engineering or industrial engineering. Their contribution allows us to maintain these programs, "said Director of the Cégep de Jonquière. Cégep de Chicoutimi, the communications coordinator, Eric Emond, expected to increase from 150 to 300 students this year, which will swing the number of students around 2800. The head supports that the dynamism of the institution's recruitment is causing this increase. He also stressed that more and more jobs require 1 December in the years to come. "Our enrollment programs are always popular, he puts in relief. For example, we recorded 202 applications in pre-hospital emergency care, then we can only accommodate about thirty students. For flight training, we received 373 requests, "he says. Eric Emond says that other programs, historically more marginal, show significant growth this year. This is particularly the case for training in forestry, which has suffered effects of the forestry crisis. "It's very encouraging," he said. This year, we have a fortnight of registration in forestry when we had trouble attracting more than four people. For years, we have nevertheless supported the program at the request of companies, "says Eric Emond. Cégep de Saint-Félicien, lower customer under 4% is not dramatic. According to school director, Gilles Lapointe, the situation was predictable since it is due to the declining population in the area high schools. Moreover, it is in the pre-university programs that was a decrease enrollment. Technical programs for their part, experienced a slight increase in popularity. Cégep de Saint-Félicien should receive about 1,050 students next week, with the exception of some 130 people registered at the Centre of Chibougamau, affiliated to the institution.

Back to School in Québec colleges. No disaster this fall. in contact for two weeks with the students forming the first cohort after the reform to enter college, the professionals of the Federation Professional Staff College (FPPC-CSQ) present a first observation that these students are no different from those that preceded them, if they had different backgrounds, and there is probably no disaster plan for this Fall in Quebec colleges. "They are neither worse nor stronger than previous students. Consider the disaster would mean that staff and secondary teachers did not know they would attend the college! I do not consider that they were only performers of all directives of the ministry! ", Says president of the FPPC-CSQ, Bernard Berube., 0,1661,9342,0,0, html? Action = display & BoxID = 16183 & langId = 2 & KindID = 2 & complete = yes

Garneau senior provincial review of the College of Nurses of Quebec. For the second consecutive year, our graduates have performed nursing examinations of the College of Nurses of Quebec (ONQ) the top ranking in provincial institutions. The success rate of thirty-five students who presented Exam is over last year is 97.1% compared to 96.2% exceeding the provincial pass rate is 79.3% for Quebec graduates candidates appearing there for a first down.

The meeting of new and revivals . Almost everyone has questioned whether these youths are ready to go to college, with the level of knowledge and methodological rigor needed to hope to succeed. Many have also questioned whether the college community was ready to welcome them ... we saw any response: most recently, a return to some confidence in songs like "Not as good but different" (La Presse 08-24/A8_FECQ), or "End ready for college" (La Presse 08-23/A17_une mother about her son).

Make school compulsory until age 18? In Ontario, new legislation came into force in 2006: School is compulsory until age 18 or until graduation from high school. To encourage youth to stay in school until majority of the Department of Education has provided a clear penalty: suspension of driver's license.

Renovations: Student reinforcements
Graduates Program Architectural Technology Cégep Lévis-Lauzon are looking for challenges. They rise up in the form of sketches and plans, solutions to problems of renovation for 10 actual clients. It could even be for you! In the course surveys and building renovations, Students of third year of seeking the nomination of Owners who need help for renovations. The project, which has been ongoing for over 10 years at the College, is "the moment of truth for the students," says Denis Lahaie professor.


French exam for prospective teachers: questions posted on Facebook. Only 25% of undergraduate students Teaching successful the first time the TECFEE. To obtain a teaching certificate, you must be at least 70% with this review. Exasperated by the Certification Test in French for teaching writing (TECFEE), they find too difficult, future teachers in Quebec have created a Facebook page where they disclose several questions in this test supposed to be secret. Only 25% of students in the Bachelor of Education succeed the first time the TECFEE. To obtain a teaching certificate, you must be at least 70% with this review. With the Facebook page, the students hope to "create a word bank to have a good note in the vocabulary "of the test. This initiative is a thorn in the Ministry of Education, which hitherto jealously protects the contents of the test. According to the Facebook page called names and phrases can be found in the TECFÉE, the test can for example ask the candidates to define "point blank" and "gather laurels" and the words "harass", "ilk" and "twist". A test divided into two parts. Mandatory since last fall, the TECFEE is composed of two parts: an application drafting a text of 350 words, and the other consists of 60 questions on grammar, punctuation, grammar and vocabulary. It is this last part that particularly rage students. Sebastian is studying to teach high school. It has passed the TECFEE only his third attempt, after failing each time to the vocabulary section. "This review is nonsense. We do not evaluate the French skills of future teachers, "he said. In one of my exams, I was asked to define shock the bourgeoisie and the dogs bark, the caravan passes. We will never use such expressions in our practice! "I was asked to define idiom, steak, poor ... We are asking for definitions of words harmless, unused in the language, "says Sebastian. Centre director of initial teacher training at the University of Montreal, Pascale Lefrançois, reply that it is important that future teachers have the vocabulary. "But how to determine which words are relevant for a teacher to know? she asks. Even if a word is not commonly used, it does not mean that we should not know. "Failures that are costly. But according to Sebastian, it is clear that the "vocabulary" of TECFEE should be changed. Especially since these multiple failures are costly to students: Move test costs $ 80 ($ 40 per game). If unsuccessful, students must complete a refresher course which costs about $ 200, says Sebastian. "Without this examination, you can not teach. It does everything to pass. But it's expensive! "He complains. Sebastian is not alone in his boat. According to latest data, 67% of students at the University of Sherbrooke and 48% of those UQAM failed the French test at their first attempt. Initially, the third failure would result in the suspension TECFEE curriculum for a year, but universities have changed their rules. Now The fourth failure causes a permanent stay. Quebec universities have known since the early summer that the information flows in TECFEE Facebook. Marie Nadeau, a professor teaching French at UQAM, believes that this will MELS to question its review. "That is clearly a problem for the validity of the test. We have no power over social networks. Should we abolish the section vocabulary? We must think about. "Nadeau confirmed that content TECFEE is secret. "Even I've never seen!" She said. The new Facebook page changes the game. But Ahissia Ahua spokesman MELS estimates that information flow is not problematic: "There is a bank of questions and several versions of TECFEE." According to feedback from users of Facebook, it seems that some questions come in several versions of the exam. "Many thanks for all the information. All words ending up in my exam this morning had been mentioned in this group! "Says one student. ; Example on Facebook

University of Quebec at Chicoutimi Information Meeting Friday, September 10, 2010. As we mentioned in our last shipment, we send you an attachment, the agenda for the 10th of September. It's not too late for us to confirm your interest in participating in this event. We would like you to confirm your attendance at the activity from our Secretary Caroline Belley before 3 September if not already done so. We'll send this time your parking ticket. Looking forward meet you on this day dedicated to you. RSVP by the day, and your intention about the dinner, e-mail from Caroline Belley before September 3, 2010. Caroline Gagnon, co caroline.gagnon @ University Information Coordinator, SAE

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Laval University: presentation of current studies offer online programs, there will be improvements. It is expected that the course titles compulsory and supplementary appear online. The credits of registered, but not the sessions. A typical path program will eventually be available online for all programs. a list of all courses offered could return. The new language curriculum was changed and eventually the search programs by keyword available. the list of certificates and the firmware will be offered. The Office of the Secretary-General took the decision to no longer produce the Record Book studies (undergraduate and graduate) and faculty directories. For information contact the secretary of the ACOC who attended the Working Group on the offer online degree at Laval University.

No more male teachers in elementary school. In Quebec, only 12% of primary teachers are men. And if you do not count the physical education teachers or English, the percentage of men down to 8%. And the situation is not likely to improve: this year, the proportion of men enrolled in the Bachelor of Education primary is low. At the University of Quebec at Montreal, 241 women and only 19 men were enrolled in the Bachelor of Primary Education in June, roughly the same numbers as in 2008. This stagnation is also seen at the University of Sherbrooke (19 men enrolled) and the University of Montreal (twenty entries). Doctoral student in educational sciences at the University of Montreal, Simon Lamarre addresses this lack of men in teaching. The phenomenon is most pronounced in Quebec than in Ontario (20% of male teachers in primary education) and France (27%, preschool included). According to Mr. Lamarre, various factors repel men who are considering a teaching career: "The low social prestige of the profession, low pay, negative perceptions of the teaching profession and the environment are few female factors. " / the-sun / dossiers/les-garcons-et-lecole/201008/27/01-4310509-les-garcons-en-difficulte-une-approche-qui-ne-fait-pas-lunanimite.php

Training, documentation
Autism and Schizophrenia: Researchers estimate the rate of genetic mutations. A study by the University of Montreal found that family history is not always a good indicator. Family history are not always a good predictor the presence of mutations predisposing to autism or schizophrenia, according to an international study led by researchers at the University of Montreal. The results of this research illustrate the role played by new genetic mutations or mutations de novo - alterations of the cell's DNA - in these devastating diseases.

Since July 2010, must be trained 70 hours to obtain a license as a security guard (guarding) http://agentdesecurite. ca / la-training Documentation The candidate who successfully completed the training must apply for a permit officer guarding the Office private security. The profession Organizations and Resources: Participating School Boards Ministry of Public Security of Quebec Bureau of Private Security Joint Committee on Security Officers Union security guards Quebec Provincial Association of Security Agencies

Seeds of Change is a news agency whose mission is to go in search of "the best entrepreneurs," those who set themselves the role of positively transform their societies, their businesses, their lives. We produce or co-produce for that, alone or with partners, books, conferences, folders, or supplements to the press or television programs ... Leaving aside the sensational information to look to that offers solutions, Seeds of Change is to contribute to the emergence of a more responsible, sustainable, humane and joyous: we want to disseminate information Exclusive talking the best of our time, information both exciting and surprising information that make discovering real people, experiences, practical solutions, new approaches and even provocative, and refreshing ideas, information, as that help people to live, to think differently about themselves and the world, to find the energy and desire to move towards a better world.

The world of professional sports includes a variety of fields. While the media have familiarized us with sports teams and the games they argue among themselves, the work of those involved in the backstage area often goes unnoticed. There are several career opportunities in the world of sports other than a professional athlete. Just think about all aspects and all the different services that are found within a professional sports organization.

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Search to find an article in the archives of the newsletter Notice the search engine of the newsletter on the site right. Just enter a word and you get significant backfiles (149 numbers) on the search topic and Internet links consulted. Famous! Try it adopt .

Mark your calendar
In 2011, the 9th Congress of ACOC will be held in partnership with UQTR the 1, 2 and 3 June

Next Carrefour orientation to UQAR-Lévis campus: Tuesday, November 30 2010 Le Carrefour am followed a dinner and a meeting with UQAR afternoon. The Partners Day Laval University will be held on December 1 next .

Following Day Pre-Conference 2010 college Merici. Program Pre-Symposium ACOC 1 June 2010 Activity Report of the Executive Board in 2009-2010; Progress in change - Lecture by Marc Vachon psychologist Agenda for the ninth meeting of 1 June 2010 Minutes of the 8th meeting of 22 May 2009 adopted = 921 Progress in change! Tools to facilitate the task Marc Vachon, psychologist / Document acoc conference / a_pdf / changement_demi.pdf Contents of the book Dare to change, Setting Out dreams / livre_table_matieres Slideshow photo album & feat = mail & mode = SLIDESHOW which is also found on the right site of the Bulletin (Slide Show Pre-Symposium 2010 at Merici on )

Committees Working ACOC Added Committee of the feasibility to hold our 10th Congress UQAT . When the General Assembly, we have established a committee consisting of Anne-Marie Nadeau Recruitment Officer Student Services and graduates UQAT, Aurelius and Shirley Coderre Jalbert co co Cégep Abitibi-Témiscamingue. Chantale Desjardins (co CEGEP de Sherbrooke) Executive Board member and will also co Melanie Clement CEGEP Montmorency (contact for the Montreal area). Executive Board Members 2010-2011

Bruno Tremblay, co Secretary General ACOC ACOC @ videotron. AC

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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Heart Gold English Mac Rom

Some pictures of Serre Chevalier in the month of August:

In Lautaret pass.

La Serre Chevalier from the Galibier!

Les Combes from the station of the cable car.

Somewhere on a mountain bike trail.

The Valleys of Cucumelle, which built the new chairlift Valleys.

In between touring Eychauda and the top of Serre Chevalier.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Sore Throat With Red Spots At The Roof Of Mouth

V 9 No. 1 : Transition from high school to college

After editing, the information is adjusted
if any, on the site newsletter
(686 members, 9th season of our newsletter e)

(Techniques bioecology) student Perce

News Section
DAT Registration for admission to Dentistry
Guidance Humanities

Cégep Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, looking for one or a co , Member of the Order or in the process of becoming for this course project educational and vocational guidance. It a teaching full time for the fall (4 groups). Classes begin next week. The course material is already mounted. For information contact helene.trudeau @ Description: Cégep Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu is looking for a (e) advise (e) a member of the Guidance College of Co to provide an orientation course to four groups (task: 80%) of college kids. It is primarily a process of group counseling with a small portion of individual counseling. The person is comfortable with the administration and interpretation of relevant tests this approach and ideally has experience in schools. Availability: immediate. Classes begin the week of Aug. 23. Very high possibility of the need for future sessions. Interested candidates should forward their application by email as soon as possible to Rémi Garon, Coordinator of Human Resources at remi.garon @

The SRAM is proud to distribute throughout Quebec on a new DVD the transition from high school to college for all students in Secondary 5. Produced by the SRAM, this information tool is intended as a aid the process of referral and admission and a resource for fostering student success in college. BIG CHANGE entitled The transition from high school to college, this DVD is designed for youth and their parents to assist in the transition between high school and college. It contains 5 capsules humorous flavor that feature the comedian Patrice Bélanger, well known for its youth participation in many youth programs. The themes in these capsules are: the orientation process, the application for admission, preparation for the new school year in college, stuff to begin his college on the right foot, motivation, time management and the new responsibilities of college students. In addition to these vignettes, the youth will hear in a vox pop testimonials from real college students gathered on the spot. Finally, a cap made for parents has also been integrated into the DVD to help them understand their role in the progress of their child. Advisors educational and vocational information and guidance counselors of schools will be encouraged to freely distribute the DVD to students of the 5th secondary school. They can also use it as an information tool to complement their activities. 100 000 copies printed in a bilingual version, the DVD will be shipped in secondary schools in the coming weeks. Genevieve Lapointe communications director SRAM The videos are also on Youtube see the page on the site of CEGEP André-Laurendeau 45DE-9CC1-783EC9B678D7 Big Change - The preparation (sixth) Admission (2 / 6) The return (3 / 6) 's go! (4 / 6) The logout (5 / 6) Vox Pop (6 / 6)

economy influence studies
The number of students in the College Abitibi-Témiscamingue will increase 2% in September, and it is mainly the technical training that benefits from this increased customer. The most popular programs include training in prehospital emergency care, nursing, industrial maintenance and delinquency intervention. The Director General of Cégep de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Daniel Marcotte explains that nearly 60% of students go to these trainings. "These are jobs that meet immediate needs of the region, a region that focuses on primary resources," says Marcotte. The rate of investment in technical programs is also 100% according to the director general of the college. Applications for admission remain stable next to the University of Quebec in Abitibi-Témiscamingue (UQAT). However, the booming economy right now leads to a decrease in the number of boys UQAT according to Vice President, Research, Denis Martel. "If you lend me a phrase a bit special they will pay a pick-up before paying a degree, "states Mr. Martel. UQAT been an increase in applications for admission to training programs in psycho, nursing and social work, which are particularly popular among women.

For an assessment for learning and student success. The Board of Education today released an opinion on the draft law amending the Basic school education preschool education Primary and secondary education on assessment of learning. In its notice, the Commission recommends to the Minister of Education, Recreation and Sport not to make any changes planned for September 1, 2010 because such changes appear to him premature and they go well beyond the introduction of a single ballot, the improvement of the information provided to parents and the simplification of assessment practices. The proposed changes would inevitably affect the way we teach, requiring further adjustments by staff school. Furthermore, these changes are not consistent with the aims of education reform to enhance the curriculum and to achieve the greatest number of students. It would undermine important elements of renewal such as the approach and organization skills by learning cycle in addition to questioning the choice of an evaluation designed to serve the learning and achievement. / FR / bulletin / index.html # 2010-08-12_1

Admission humanities - on Socrates. Following the update of Special Admission Requirements programs of study leading to a Diploma of Collegial Studies 2010-2011, and to reflect the entry into force of the new programs of the 4th and 5th secondary special status "have passed Mathematics, Cultural, Social and Technical Secondary 4 "was added to the following programs: 300.10 300.A0 Humanities Humanities, International Baccalaureate 700.B0 path history and civilization. This particular condition of admission applies only to holders of high school diploma obtained under the Basic school regulation for preschool, primary education and secondary education in June 2010 (J5 regime). Holders of a high school diploma prior to the plan J5 and holders of high school diploma obtained in the basic school of general education for adults (scheme A2 and A3 regime until the modules corresponding to the Cultural, Social and Technical Secondary 4 available) remain eligible for three programs mentioned above on the basis of high school. In addition to meeting the requirements of Article 2 of the Regulation on the Regime of college, people who have successful than Mathematics 416 should take refresher training in mathematics (budgetary annex S033). Persons who have passed Math 426, Math 436 or a sequence of Secondary 5 are eligible for these three programs of study and need not undergo training as an extra. Moreover, the special condition of admission to the achievement of 022X, 022Y and 022Z continues to apply to all candidates, regardless of registration status.

Adult education: the crisis caused a surge in enrollment. education classes for adults are overflowing. Some classes reach 50 students. The absence clear standards and the economic crisis swells the student-teachers. Enrollment in adult education is increasing in the greater Montreal area. So much so that several classes overflowing since there is no student-teachers in this sector. Some classes may have up to 50 students to one teacher. The Alliance of Teachers of Montreal estimates that this situation is unacceptable and hoped that the next collective agreement, expected this summer, will put a brake. In 2007-2008, 21,259 students were enrolled at 16 centers for Adult Education School Board Montreal (CSDM), or 7% more than in 2004-2005. Many of these students study part time but if you count the "full time equivalents, enrollment increased from 6622 to 7740 during the same period. The same situation was observed at the commission scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys (BMHC). In 2007-2008, the adult general had 7014 full time equivalents, and 7802 the following year. "There is an increase with the recession," said the spokesman of BMHC, Brigitte Gauvreau. The spokesman of the CSDM, Alain Perron, confirms that this increase is due in large part by the economic crisis affecting Quebec. "During a recession, people looking to qualify by finishing their studies to change fields or improve their situation," says Perron. Research conducted by the University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières had already estimated that up to 60% of young people enrolled in general education for adults were classified as students with learning disabilities in regular schools. But these students do not receive specialized services in adult education.

Program Art and Media Technology (ATM) 2 programs, 5 tracks of specialization: Training Matrix during Labour Market Profile Admission To University Jonquière Photo Explorer Choose more Virtual tour http:// / programs / or production or or http://cegepjonquiere. ca / programs / board-and-advertising-ordination or PROCESS SELECTION The selection process for production techniques and post-television and communication techniques in the media is the same. The number of seats in each program was set at 120. The candidates will be selected taking into account the quality of their academic record. Applications will be grouped into two categories: Students of Secondary 5 In the analysis of their case, special attention will be paid to results obtained in French, English and humanities (history, geography and economics); Candidates and college applicants For academic and criteria already specified for the previous class plus the analysis of all results obtained at the college level and, if applicable, at the university level. A second chance! Candidates rejected in the first round of admission, all categories will be invited to submit a portfolio and resume. They will subsequently be invited to an individual interview with the Selection Program David Chamberland. After analyzing the records, ten candidates will be selected by program.

training to become farm manager Taught in twelve colleges, the college program management and operation of farm (FMT) provides access to stable jobs.

UQAC Information Meeting Friday, September 10, 2010. We hope you had a great holiday season and you're ready for the new school year will begin soon. From our side, we are also preparing to welcome our students for the fall semester 2010 and we hope that this great event will live up to their expectations. As in previous years, we will be happy to receive you at UQAC for an Information Day to be held this year Friday, September 10, 8 pm 30-15 pm On this occasion, we will address such topics as: the latest range of programs, information from the Registrar's Office (statistical admission and registration) and new infrastructure (student residences, arena). We will send you in the next week, the draft agenda the day of the day, we want you here greatly. We look forward to meeting you during the day and remain at your disposal for any further information. In the meantime, get to express our warmest greetings. Registration Confirmation: It would be appreciated if you confirm your attendance to the day, and your intention about the dinner, e-mail from Caroline Belley before Friday, August 27, 2010. Upon confirmation of your attendance for the event, we will send you a parking sticker. We would appreciate this news back to your colleagues who have not received.

It is with pleasure that we invite you to our traditional Information Day for Guidance Counsellors and Information Officers to be held September 13, 2010 , 8 h 30-15 h on our main campus in Sherbrooke. During the day, we offer a few presentations on various topics. Without giving away all our surprises, our presentations will include general information on admission, the new bachelor in environment and professional translation demystifying some scientific programs and the cooperative plan. This day will allow the professional or vocational guidance or information representative of each institution to come visit our University. Participants will then have the chance to interact with students and faculty leaders and the Office of the Registrar, in addition to everything new on our programs, services and facilities. The day will be complemented by a dinner. As usual, we offer you to pay your travel expenses. Naturally, we carpooling prefer to move to Sherbrooke. You will find the detailed schedule of the day at the following address: / guidance / solicitation We invite you to demonstrate, before August 31, your intention to participate in this event by completing the form for registration available on the website mentioned above. We will send you, from 1 September, the final logistical details: campus map and registration form for reimbursement of travel expenses. For questions about this day, please contact Lucie Danis lucie.danis @

We are all preparing for the new school year and the Department for Promotion and Information Studies UQTR is pleased to invite you Friday, September 24, 2010 at an information meeting for professionals orientation and academic and career information. As part of the day, you will have the opportunity to meet with program managers to know the changes to university programs, visit certain areas. Student success is at the heart of our concerns, we will present the actions that the UQTR in place to ensure success its students. We expect you at 8 30 pm, to share coffee and buns before the start of the activity. We'd appreciate your presence definitely confirm today or no later than Friday, September 3, 2010, e-mail from Ms. Boisvert Carlyne ( carlyne.boisvert @ ).

Laval University: current presentation of the offer of online education programs, there will be improvements. It is expected that the course titles compulsory and supplementary appear online. The credit courses will enrolled, but not the sessions. A typical path program will eventually be available online for all programs. a list of all courses offered could return. The new language curriculum was changed and eventually the search programs by keyword available. the list of certificates and the firmware will be offered. The Office of the Secretary-General took the decision to no longer produce the Global Directory of studies (undergraduate and graduate) and faculty directories. For information contact the secretary of the ACOC who attended the Working Group on the offer online degree at Laval University.

Medical schools more accessible in Quebec . Medical schools have more students from poor families in Quebec than in the rest of Canada, a recent study. This is explained largely by tuition lower, the researchers said.

"The end of nurse practitioners subspecialist? " lack of budget, hiring nurse practitioners subspecialist is a trickle in hospitals. When the Minister of Health announced the creation of 500 posts surperinfirmières in primary care, hiring nurse practitioners subspecialist is a trickle in hospitals, lack of budget. "We have five students in training in cardiology, nephrology and neonatology. It's very difficult now to know where they can practice as nurse practitioners, because the positions are not yet opened in hospitals. Principals say they care do not have the budgets to hire them ", said yesterday the Dean of the Faculty of Nursing, Laval University, Diane Morin.

Journal ETS 360 Explosion multimedia applications. The special effects in the hands of artists . The Multimedia Research Laboratory is a broth culture that develops innovative solutions in the field of signal processing audio or video. HTA @ 360 ° interviewed four research professors from the Department of Software Engineering and IT who share: Eric Paquette worked on special effects film, Michael McGuffin on the visualization of proteins in human cells, Luc Duong on fusion of video-2D 3D in the surgical field, while Pierre Dumouchel analysis of emotion in his voice. This professor is an expert in computer graphics, computer graphics and realistic simulation of real phenomena. In September 2010 it will launch a research project for three years on the creation of a new software solution for interactive simulation in the field of special effects. "Imagine a lake of mud from which emerges a viscous monster that solidifies in seconds ..., he suggests. We prepare an application that will allow artists to move shapes in liquid or even gas to the state solidenet vice versa. "The system developed by ETS will be used in a 3D short film produced by the project partner, Mokko Studio. In a second step, Wizzfilms produce the script for a feature film in 3D animation and stereoscopic projection. Upon completion of the project, the software solution developed in the laboratory will be used in production of effects special and could be commercialized by industry partners. The simulation of physical phenomena is a rapidly expanding field. "Our product will increase productivity in their studios to produce images of complex syntheses, more easily, more quickly," said Eric Paquette. see also page 11 Sailing vessels in humans. Digital Emotion

Doctors sought new type McGill University will host in September in his medical school students who have "work experience and different life "of those medical students usually have. More needs to be first class and have had a seamless educational pathways for entry into medicine at McGill University. To diversify the profile of its students, the institution will host in September to three candidates' non-traditional profile. These students, who must have interrupted their university studies for at least three years, will have the chance to realize their dream? Become a doctor. "You've thought about medicine, but have followed an unconventional path to get there? You may have been on the market work for several years. You may have raised a family. Or perhaps you're a professional paramedic who aspires to do something else. Here is a short sample paths "nontraditional" possible may lead to medicine at McGill University, "it said last week on the website of the institution. The Vice-Dean of Admissions, McGill University, Dr. Saleem Razack says wants to "diversify the profile" of future physicians. "We want doctors who reflect the image of society. All studies show that the profession will be more diversified, the better health system, "explains Dr. Razack. Each year about 180 people are admitted in medicine at McGill University. Of these, 80 are from Quebec CEGEP. "About 80 others have a bachelor's degree, but like the young people leaving the colleges, these future doctors are often from privileged backgrounds of life," says Dr. Razack. Many have not been employed during their studies, he adds. "For the three positions reserved for non-traditional students, we seek candidates with more work experiences and different life," said Dr. Razack. Already, several people have applied, including nurses and engineers. To have a chance to be admitted, candidates must be on the labor market for at least three years, obtained a BA with an average of 3.2 or higher and possess certain prerequisites in science. For now, only three posts are reserved for these students. "But a few years, we could accept more," said Dr. Razack. University Laval in Quebec, it also provided eight positions this year to candidates who have been on the job market for a minimum of two years. At the University of Sherbrooke, explains that no job is reserved for such candidates, but they can still apply in the "holder of a Bachelor" and be accepted.

Teaching Certificate: A shortcut
Since 2008, the Sherbrooke University offers a Masters in secondary education for teachers working without a permit. This program, also offered jointly by the University of Montreal and UQAM, allows them to obtain a teaching certificate while working. For the moment, control is offered only to qualifying high school teachers in mathematics, French and science and technology. It is reserved for persons in the service of a school board or private school or are on a list of substitution, and hold a temporary teaching license. Since summer 2008, over 250 teachers have enrolled in the Masters qualifying offered online by the University in Sherbrooke. Side of UQAM and the University of Montreal, a little less than a hundred students were enrolled. "Application forms are continually rising, says Louise Poirier, director of the Department of Teaching Faculty of Education at the University of Montreal. Already 70 people want to meet the criteria to join the next cohort. These student workers will spend at least three years to graduate, by taking courses in the classroom: evenings, weekends and during the summer. "The three universities want to offer this master teachers without ESL patent, from summer 2010, if they obtain the approval of the Ministry of Education, Recreation and Sport.

Training, documentation
Your Career Aerospace takes off! This site offers you the opportunity to visit a virtual factory and discover thirteen exciting occupations in the aerospace industry. Experts will reveal what ignited the casts in their work!

To explore on PPO: Museums to Discover / mad / zonescolaire / splash.php is a directory of museums in Quebec. Among the many sections of the site, the school zone full of information that may be of interest to students of the PPO. Thus, several museums, interpretive centers, etc.. offer the opportunity to meet in small groups, professionals and discuss with them about their daily work. In addition, some institutions offer events for the general public at given times during the year.

What will we in 2035? Posted July 15, 2010 by Marc Vachon psychologist. What do you think will be the mental health of people in 25 years from now, or in 2035? What are the possible scenarios if the trends continue? These are the questions that we invite you to respond today. So if your heart speaks, take your pen, tap into your imagination and let us know the results of this foresight exercise in the comment section below.

SYSTEMATIC INVENTORY OF PROFESSIONAL INTEREST ISIP99 . The interest test ISIP99 is based on the theory of Holland, just the same way as the Strong-Campbell. However, we used a different method of measuring the interests of the individual. Our test set includes 300 all in the form of work tasks from several different areas. The results indicate a percentage interest of the individual work areas to 75 grouped into 20 broad sectors: Construction and Architecture and Construction Mechanics and Nature Protection and Agriculture Army Public Personal Physical Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering Sciences Health Sciences Human Drama and Languages Crafts and Design Music Education and Social Work Education Medical Service Law, Politics, and Public Sales, marketing and management representation Secretariat Accounting and Finance Computers

Omega-3 tested for the treatment of depression. supplements of omega-3 type EPA have modest efficacy for the treatment of major depression anxiety disorders not accompanied by a Canadian study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry.

short guide to the subtle gland
This week a thought for those who do not go on vacation: Students, recent arrivals, self-contractors ... Rest assured, there is always a way to do nothing at work. Online videos for demonstration.

For some jobs , feminine beauty is a handicap. Feminine beauty is not always an advantage in finding employment, a study says U.S. academic which shows a beautiful woman will not be chosen for work deemed more "masculine".

The Supreme Court had to rule in a case of working relationships UQTR between and one of its lecturers. The case will set a precedent in Quebec. The Supreme Court of Canada ruled yesterday that will impact a large number of employees at risk, Quebec, part time, casual and seasonal combined. The decision, which divided the nine justices to 5 against 4 after four hours pleadings from the lawyers, makes that now, employees at risk receive additional recourse to defend themselves in case of dismissal, provided they have an employment relationship with the same employer for two and over. This remedy is section 124 of the Act labor standards, according to the Supreme Court ruling released yesterday, is now integrated into collective labor agreements and carries articles on collective agreements on dismissals and non-renewal of contracts. "There was a controversy in jurisprudence dating back several years," this question, tells me Dion. "It's not for nothing that the highest court in the country met at the maximum, that is to say, nine judges deciding the issue," he said. Section 124 of the Act respecting Labour Standards already granted an appeal to employees with more than two years of continuous service with the same employer. If the employer makes a dismissal after that, but it is not based on a just cause, the employer is obliged to reinstate the employee. However, to achieve two years of service, casual employees must offer a benefit of 260 work hours, which sometimes takes many more than two years. However, sometimes an employer terminates two years after the employment relationship before all the hours are accumulated. The employee is not entitled to the grievance and appeals are limited, which will not be the case with the ruling yesterday.

PUSHING THE AGE OF RETIREMENT timid measures despite the state of emergency. Not only the population ages, in Quebec, but life expectancy is higher and higher, putting increasing pressure on the system board Quebec Pension Plan (QPP). At a time when many European countries push back the retirement age, some up to 68 years, the debate remains unresolved in Quebec and the measures are considered shy despite the state of emergency that arises . "It is done in France, Greece and elsewhere, but it's not because there are politicians who make bold decisions because they are on the verge of bankruptcy because they no have no choice analysis Germain Belzile, director of research at the Montreal Economic Institute. We are not not yet fully returned to it, but we are going towards that, it's not complicated. In Canada, the Harper government announced this summer that he considered canceling the mandatory retirement at age 65 for federal employees. It would also make the market more attractive for seniors. In Quebec, some measures have been put forward by the government in recent years. Some of these measures facilitate phased retirement. It is among others became possible to vary the rent taking into account the days worked. However, it should remain with the same employer. Co-author of the report Longevity wealth, published in January, Mr. Laberge said that if nothing is done to encourage the reduction of retirement age and that nothing moves in the Quebec economy, we are heading towards a critical period of 2013 2025. We then begin to lose workers, which will slow economic growth. An aging population in Canada: Population 80 years and over: 1.3 million in 2009, 3.3 million in 2036. Between 2015 and 2021, there will be more seniors 65 years and more than 14 year olds and under. The proportion of people of working age will increase from 70% to 60%. In 2011, the first boomers will turn 65. In 2031, the entire boomers will be 65 years or older. Shortage of manpower in Québec: By 2018, 1.3 million jobs to fill. Of these, 80% are vacant due to retirements. In 1966, eight workers for every retiree. By 2040, two workers for every retiree.

New psychiatric diagnoses of DSM-V will remain there for normal people? worry experts. With the new diagnostics added, such as for example the "slight anxiety depression" The syndrome psychosis risk "and" disorder of mood disorder, many people previously considered perfectly healthy, they say, could in future be told they are sick. "The new edition of the manual reduces the pool of what is normal in a puddle," said Til Wykes, King's College London.

Your employees need love "I have something you need, money, and you have something I need, your hard work. Let So an exchange. "design is how the human resources management most of the entrepreneurs, that might be called transactional leaders. But transformational leaders, themselves, understand that the stakes are greater. Harvard Business Review ( HBR) identifies four key expectations of employees to their leaders. The first is the need to love and be loved. People who do not and do not receive love can not be well balanced and offered their full potential. Transformational leaders have always this concern for the welfare of their employees in mind. The second requirement that employees expect their leaders meet is personal growth. True leaders understand that the only alternative to growth is death. Stability exists nowhere in nature. By creating a culture that allows their employees to grow, leaders there are widely employed. The need to contribute is the third need of employees. Employees who feel they do not contribute to the success of their employers end up not falling apart psychologically. Instead, those involved have a great peace of mind. They have pride in something. To feel respected, employees need to feel they contribute to the whole. Finally, the need for meaning is the fourth requirement of employees to their leaders. If your life has no meaning, if you are not committed to something greater than yourself as an individual is dissatisfied permanent stalking you. The transformational leader, writes HBR, knows very well that address these four needs is not easy, but he knows that if it happens, something wonderful can happen: the commitment, creativity, passion and effectiveness of their team!

Help parents
Work-life balance. Workers who feel they do not see their children grow too familiar with the real meaning of that phrase - an impossible quest that leads to guilt and exhaustion without meeting anyone. Professor Nuria Chinchilla's mission is to transform the workplace so that the term becomes something other than wishful thinking.

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Search to find an article in the archives of the newsletter Notice the search engine of the newsletter on the site right. Just enter a word and you get significant backfiles (148 numbers) on the search topic and Internet links consulted. Famous! Try it adopt .

Mark your calendar
In 2011, the 9th Congress of ACOC will be held in partnership with UQTR the 1, 2 and 3 June

Next Carrefour orientation to UQAR-Lévis campus: Tuesday, November 30 2010 Le Carrefour am followed a dinner and a meeting with UQAR afternoon. The Partners Day Laval University will be held on December 1 next .

Following Day Pre-Conference 2010 college Merici. Program Pre-Symposium ACOC 1 June 2010 Activity Report of the Executive Board in 2009-2010; Progress in change - Lecture by Marc Vachon psychologist Agenda for the ninth meeting of 1 June 2010 Minutes of the 8th meeting of 22 May 2009 adopted = 921 Progress in change! Tools to facilitate the task Marc Vachon, psychologist / Document acoc conference / a_pdf / changement_demi.pdf Contents of the book Dare to change, Setting Out dreams / livre_table_matieres Slideshow photo album & feat = mail & mode = SLIDESHOW which is also found on the right site of the Bulletin (Slide Show Pre-Symposium 2010 at Merici on )

Committees Working ACOC Added Committee of the feasibility to hold our 10th Congress UQAT . When the General Assembly, we have established a committee consisting of Anne-Marie Nadeau Recruitment Officer Student Services and graduates UQAT, Aurelius and Shirley Coderre Jalbert co co Cégep Abitibi-Témiscamingue. Chantale Desjardins (co CEGEP de Sherbrooke) Executive Board member and will also co Melanie Clement CEGEP Montmorency (contact for the Montreal area). Executive Board Members 2010-2011

Bruno Tremblay, co Secretary General ACOC ACOC @ videotron. AC

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