Wednesday, December 15, 2010

How Much Does It Cost To Treat Ringworm In Dogs

V 9 No. 13: Integration of Students with Disabilities

After editing, the information is adjusted, if necessary,
(710 members, 9th season of the electronic newsletter)
The Executive Board of ACOC
and members involved in various committees
you want ; to spend many happy holidays!

News Section
Aptitude Test to dental school (DAT) - Deadline : January 15, 2011
The DAT is no longer a condition for admission prior dentistry at McGill
January 15: deadline for admission in medical university candidates
Doors open at universities Winter 2011

Integration of students with disabilities in postsecondary education. / ens-sup / handicap.asp The integration of students with disabilities and support to offer the most appropriate to enhance their success are emerging issues in postsecondary education. Therefore, in order to better understand their needs, the department began work in 2005. Three reports are from this work: Portrait of Students with Disabilities and emerging needs for postsecondary education: a synthesis of research and consultation sections / publications / publications / Ens_Sup / Affaires_universitaires_collegiales / PortraitEtudHandBesoinsEmergentsEnsPostsec_RapportSyn.pdf
The situation of students having a learning disability or disorder of attention deficit and attending a CEGEP in Quebec this group have a legitimate need for funding and services publications / Ens_Sup / Affaires_universitaires_collegiales / SituationEtudTroubleApp_ResumeEt.pdf The weel services for students of colleges with a mental health problem or a mental disorder http://www.mels.gouv.qc. AC / sections / publications / publications / Ens_Sup / Affaires_universitaires_collegiales / OffreServEtudCegepsSanteMentale_RapportSynt.pdf : We asked the students if they knew the resources available in their college and they used them to support their college. They were also asked if they consulted a professional or outside the college for their psychological difficulties. It is found that students know little (31.6%) and use very little (7.2%) of the SA College in connection with their difficulties. Services they use most relate to tutorial services, financial assistance and guidance . By cons, several students reported consulting a family physician in private clinics (38.4%), psychologist (23%) or psychiatrist (16.4%) outside the college.

Advisor or counselor at CEGEP du Vieux Montreal. The service educational and vocational guidance Cégep du Vieux Montréal is looking for a counselor or a guidance counselor for the period from 24 January to 11 March. This is a casual contract for a approximately 15 days, which represents about two days per week until March 11 . Interested persons are requested to submit their applications no later than January 14, 2011, at the following address: Isabelle Blais, co CEGEP du Vieux Montreal
quality language college is everybody's business! Section Improved French / en Centre College Materials Development (CCDMD ) is clearly recognized for the work of support offered assistance centers in French from different colleges Quebec. But the team of Dominique Fortier, the new head of the section, is also working to produce teaching materials to equip students and teachers in all subjects in their college courses. The goal? Improve the quality of written language by mobilizing the cooperation of all teachers. In CCDMD, we think, too, that the quality French, it's everybody's business!

third of college students take the bus
Approximately 35.6% of students and employees of the Cégep de Sherbrooke go there by bus. By subtracting the number of students who have no access to public transit, the agency estimates that about 56% of students use the services of the Société de transport de Sherbrooke (STS).

A certificate in criminology at the fall of 2011 at Laval University. The new program will include 30 credits that can be followed full time or part time. The University will offer a new certificate in criminology from the fall semester 2011. It is the decision by members of the Academic Council met in regular session Tuesday, December 7. The new program will include 30 credits that can be followed in time full or part time. Four courses are already offered in the Bachelor of Social Work. Seven new courses will be created. Instruction will be provided by three professors including criminologists School of Social Work. Like all short programs, this certificate will benefit from an accelerated procedure for its implementation. He will report to the Faculty of Social Sciences. "This exciting program will meet a real need," said Francois Pothier, president of the academic council. It is particularly interesting because it paves the way for the BA in criminology could be offered at Laval University in September 2012. In addition, the student who has completed his certificate may eventually move to BA, if there is admitted, entering directly into the second year, as would his certificate recognized as the first year of BA in criminology. " Students will gain general knowledge in criminology and become familiar with research and intervention practices in this area. Criminology involves several disciplines, including psychology, law and sociology. It consists, among others, to know and understand the crime, the criminal and the phenomena surrounding the crime. Since 2005, the Employment Service of the University has received nearly 230 jobs in Criminology from the part of employers, mostly from eastern Quebec and the Quebec region. The list of courses https: / / P_session = p_code_prog = 201109 & C-CRI = CRI & & p_code_majr p_code_camp p_type_index = & & = 4 = 0 p_valeur_index

Since September, the University Quebec in Rimouski boasts an undergraduate program in creative writing and letters unique to Quebec designed for the enjoyment of all trades pen . Inspired creative writting programs Anglo-Saxon, including that of Columbia University in New York, this program involves the learning of literature through writing and placement work. UQAR poll conducted in 2009 among 1000 college students in Greater Montreal and Quebec shows that among the 250 students who heard continue studying literature at university, 90 were willing to come to Rimouski to follow this unique program in literature and literary creation. You can therefore play an important role in the flow of information and in this regard, I will send you shortly equipment that you can use in your meetings with students. Thank you in advance to inform students of your college passionate about writing and literature, and please accept my most cordial greetings. Bachelor # Christine Portelance, Professor Director of the module letter

EDUCATION A leaflet too explicit. The leaflets were distributed to students in secondary school second Mgr-A.-M.-Parent, Saint-Hubert. After the sexual questionnaire devised by a teacher on the South Shore, this is a document explaining how to perform fellatio or cunnilingus was distributed to students in class 13, an initiative that some unworthy parents and observers.

121 million 'stolen' by Ottawa students. The Millennium Scholarship program is dead as he was born in controversy. Last July, when the Millennium Scholarship Foundation (FBM) arrived at the conclusion of its legal existence, there were 121 million into the coffers, money that has just been recovered by the Harper government, to the chagrin of leaders Foundation and students.

46th member of the Interprofessional Council Quebec. The Interprofessional Council of Québec (CIQ) is pleased to welcome its 46th member, the Order of Quebec and psycho psycho. Indeed, OPPQ recently created today by letters patent and has over 3200 members. The profession is regulated psychoeducator since 2000 when it was integrated in the professional advisers and guidance counselors in Quebec. "The creation of the new order means that psycho and psycho acquire autonomous mode. This will allow the public to better identify and relevant professionals to better grow, "said Richard Gagnon, president of IQC. "I welcome the new order! "He added.

website launched EDUCQ: university data accessible to all. On 22 November, the Conference of Rectors and Principals of Quebec Universities (CREPUQ) announced the launch of a new website which can be found reliable and comparable data on the Quebec universities. The site EDUCQ, acronym for "Common University Data Set - Quebec, presents data describing the major stages of university education and information commonly requested, including faculty, research and university finances. In Quebec, the university information systems are well designed, but access to each of them have specific requirements thus making identification difficult for the occasional user. "This project reflects our desire to make public information and statistics on academic activities. In fact, the site should provide answers to many questions that may arise students, their families, the media and the general public, "said President of the Board of CREPUQ Denis Brière, rector of Laval University. Outgoing CEGEPs: applications for admission and applicants, offers, candidates admitted and enrolled for the fall term. We present in this group of figures from a survey done at CREPUQ nominations submitted to the Quebec universities for admission to degree programs in the fall semester. The figures presented are interested in applications for admission were made by those who pursued a college education in Quebec in the quarters preceding that for which the request was made. Denotes the expression "OUT OF CEGEPS" those people who go directly from CEGEP to university. It should therefore be noted that the figures exclude people who come from outside Quebec have made applications for admission without having a college in Quebec. Are not included either in the figures presented these students Quebecois (es) who had a college in Quebec but have their (s) request (s) of admission after interrupting their studies for some time after completing their CEGEP, or, in the case of adults, have not attended college. Work is underway to CREPUQ also to report on candidates other than those leaving CEGEP. The tables present the following measures: the number of applications for admission in the institution and discipline, the number of bids (positive responses) made in response to these requests. The "offers" are accepted applications. the number of candidates: This number measures the exact number of distinct people who applied in the preparation and discipline listed. The number of admission. It describes and candidates who receive a positive offer at least one of the requests they made. The number of registered voters is a measure taken at the end of the process: people admitted to more than one discipline eventually make a choice and enroll in a program: the sum of the categories listed in the detailed discipline is the same as in disciplinary groupings, with some cases falling into more than one program. Degrees awarded during the year. The numbers on the qualifications awarded are from the management systems of the academic staff (GDEU) MELS. They are presented in the same structure that enrollment figures: For undergraduate and type of degree in a first presentation, it covers all degrees awarded, including, in addition to degree programs, certificates, diplomas and certificates. Bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees by field data on bachelor degree - bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees, are then presented by discipline, based on disciplinary categories selected for the site. / educq
Future doctors in the last spike
Championship Women's Soccer, November 11, Carabins University of Montreal won their quarterfinal match against the Panthers of the University of Prince Edward Island Prince Edward Island. But the next day, Isabelle Dumais, Catherine Delmas-Frenette and Sophie Pominville had less head next match at their school work. That is the reality of soccer players who are studying medicine. Despite the size of the challenge is in this sport that the proportion of medical students is the largest among the Blues.

Publication of the 2010 Revival More graduates continue their education. Nearly a quarter of graduates from the first cycle of UdeS who graduated in 2008 decided to continue their studies. That said, those who invest in the labor market get their first full-time job faster and get better returns. Here are some elements that emerge from the statistics collected from the graduating class of 2008, as part of Recovery, 2010. This study, conducted every two years, aims to identify the employability of graduates of Sherbrooke University. You can read online highlights of Recovery 2010 and the complete results Survey your site Carrefour Orientation. / orientation / re-raise

Now available official statistics and CRC 2010 at the University of Sherbrooke. Please note that our official statistics intake and CRC minimum fall 2010 are now online. You can view them by visiting the Crossroads Career / admission / requirements / statistics . Medicine: Summary of the January 15 deadline for candidates with at least one academic credit are reminded that for the doctoral program in medicine, the deadline for candidates Contingent Quebec university class is January 15. Anyone who has received academic credit (even one) is considered part of the quota. / intake / record-dadmission / deadlines

Nurses increasingly sought
According Regina Lawrence, president of the FIQ, the new measures obtained following the latest negotiations will reduce the overtime for nurses. For the fifth consecutive year, nurses in the health network in Quebec have seen their overtime increase. In 2009-2010, they worked overtime 3.7 million, an increase of 4% over the previous year, according to data obtained under the Access to Information. The region most affected by this phenomenon is Montreal, where 1.2 million of overtime were conducted in 2009-2010. Even if it tops the ranking, the city can still boast of having succeeded for the first time in five years, reducing its total of 4300 hours of overtime.

The implementation of the Banner software is completed at Laval University. The module of admission has completed the phased commissioning of the new system of management studies. This week, the team Modernization Project management studies conducted successfully with implantation of the last of the key elements of the package Banner module of admission. In doing so, she put an end to an ambitious $ 26 million project launched in 2003 which sought to replace an outdated system, the entire system, a fully modern technology on the Web, plus performance and adapted to changing curricula at the university. "There was a need to change, says Bernard Garnier, Vice-President Academic and International Activities. Complete is now in its absolute limit functional. The admission marks the end of the great cycle of project implementation Banner. "Modernizing the education management system, this meant reviewing ways to do so by focusing more on the needs of students. It was also to simplify and harmonize management practices studies. Recall that the University management school annually represents over 50 000 applications for admission, more than 300,000 listings of activities, thousands of equivalences, the emission of over 8000 degrees and the production of over 100 000 invoices. According to the Registrar Danielle Fleury is in terms of admission as outdated Complete appears more clearly. "Prior to Banner, says she, any application should be referred back to the hand. In comparison, Banner will in about 70% of patients pay directly into the application for admission online . This will be a huge time saver. " With Banner, the admission decision be sent electronically to the candidate. There will be no postal delay. "Universities operate in a highly competitive environment and everyone works to reduce the response time admission, said Bernard Garnier. Banner will accept a candidate as quickly as possible, which may favor its choice at Laval University as a university. " Another advantage: if applicable, the applicant may send the required documents electronically. It may also know the decision on admission when she has been rendered. To do this, he goes on Capsule, Self-Service Banner Web for students. Banner will also cause a substantial reduction in costs surrounding the admission. No more envelopes, printing the letters responding to requests for admission and postage. "We greatly decrease the amount of paper the Registrar's Office, said Danielle Fleury. This will have a major impact in terms of sustainable development. "During the past 18 months, complete systems and Banner have cohabited. By itself, the module of admission required the training of over 400 managers of study. Laval is one of the few few universities in Quebec have modernized management system studies. According to Bernard Garnier, the long-term undertaking required an enormous amount of work from the project team and mobilized hundreds of employees. "We can say: mission accomplished and thank you all."

launched our new website Admission of undergraduate students from McGill University : / undergraduate-admissions / en page for guidance counselors / undergraduate-admissions / en / advisors Admission Criteria

Documentation and Training
Blog Article on Orientation for all of Louis Cournoyer co Emploi Quebec - Directory of organizations specializing in employability. Today, I offer you to consult or to treasure the Directory of specialist employability . Accessible from the site of Emploi-Québec directory allows customers and staff to search by region or target audience to find the appropriate resource. The agencies listed in the directory, supported financially by Emploi-Québec, are active in specialized fields and their services complement those provided by the local employment centers. These organizations form a network that covers the entire territory of Quebec.

The Board of Education of Quebec released today a notice entitled " services offered to businesses by the network of education: for better access to collective resources . Press 50-0472cp.pdf

Towards a return of sex education in schools. The Quebec association Assistance Centres and the fight against sexual assault (CALACS) sees this as a step in the right direction, provided include the right elements in the training program. "What is important for us is found there a vision of equality between men and women. Respect and equality is the basis of consent, "said his spokeswoman, Rosa Pires. Disappeared with school reform, the compulsory education to sexuality reappear in Quebec schools. It remains to determine what form this new group and from when it is taught.

Sexuality: what and at what age? Sex: expo said is aimed at 12 to 16 years. But the International School of Montreal decided to bring his sixth graders, which greatly displeased the father of one child. Quebec will provide the curriculum of sex education courses, missing the curriculum since 2001. In addition, courses are no longer reserved for high school students: those of primary benefit too, confirms the office of the Minister of Education, Line Beauchamp, who added that these courses could be gradually emerging from autumn 2011.

---------------------------------------- -----------------------------
Search to find an article in the archives of the newsletter Notice the search engine newsletter on the site right. Just enter a word and you get significant backfiles (162 numbers) on the search topic and Internet links consulted. Famous! Try it adopt .

Mark your calendar
In 2011, the 9th Congress of ACOC will be held in partnership with the UQTR 1, 2 and 3 June ACOC The highlight its 10 year history.

Bruno Tremblay, co Secretary General ACOC

Subscribe to our newsletter
Something of 'ACOC

Your email

Friday, December 10, 2010

Donate Unused Insulin

Carrefour and Casino

groups Carrefour and Casino have signs in Serre Chevalier this winter
Carrefour continues its strategy to increase the variants of its brand and so it teaches Carrefour Mountain who succeeds to 8 Eight Chantemerle (the team remains the same!).
the side of Villeneuve, the Group Casino takes place through a franchise Vival. The store replaces the sign in the Sherpa village and will also offer products of the country.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Bluetooth Headset Ps3 Movies

V 9 No. 12: A separate order

After editing, the information is adjusted, if necessary,
(707 members, 9th season of the electronic newsletter)

Click on the arrow to start the fireworks
(during 400th anniversary)

Guidance counselors again grouped in a separate Order
http : / / (new site to discover) .

Today the e December 8, 2010,
counselors and guidance counselors Quebec
find an official order to their own profession ,
psychoeducators after hosting in 2000,
and shared with them the same for 10 years.

News Section
Aptitude Test dental (DAT) - Deadline: January 15, 2011
The DAT is no longer a condition for admission prior Dentistry at McGill
Open in universities in Winter 2011
Post API College Andre-Grasset - Deadline: December 13

Help individual learning Collège André-Grasset The Contest Ends Monday, December 13, 2010 Part time 40%

Adviser (AD) Orientation John Abbott College Contest Ends Monday, December 13, 2010 The Computer replacement. Effective Date: January 4, 2011 to June 30, 2011. Schedule - 8:30 to 4:30 p.m.. We are looking for someone available 5 days a week to fill two (2) part-time positions (40% and 60%) FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PLEASE SEE THE WEBSITE OF THE COLLEGE: / careers

In collaboration with five school boards on the island of Montreal, CLICK FP , Vocational training on the island of Montreal has produced video for students, teachers, guidance counselors, parents, etc.. Also found in DVD format, 101 jobs, 4 stories, these movies are the avenues to success for young people in vocational training. As a reality, you can follow the daily lives of four young adults and trace their path of vocational training to interesting job opportunities available to them: carpentry, mechanical building, kitchen and interior design .

MaCarriè something new this year with a new Facebook campaign , based recognition of a career in technology and the diversity of career opportunities. Change the theme to the world your way through ICT!, You will have the opportunity to talk with industry professionals of information technology and telecommunications. In addition, information on various trades and training sector, as well as companies that might hire you is released. News about the world of technology and are also published showing various embodiments of this growing sector. This spring, a contest will be launched to the followers of the page. You get a chance to see happen or Facebook iPhone application for your invention that would change the world your way! To access all this from MaCarriè site, click on the heading Change the world your way through ICT!

The Maritime Career Day, organized by the Committee Sector Workforce maritime industry, will be held Thursday, February 10, 2011 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Science Centre in Montreal. This event is an invitation to discover the maritime Québec, an industry offering a multitude of exciting career opportunities! During this day you can experience the trades through a lightning-term workshops that present the main occupations and tasks involved in the voyage of a vessel and its preparation. You can also enjoy several hits: the engine room and wheelhouse of a ship; room mock-Port Montreal; Control Center from the Port of Montreal

Newsletter inter-level committee
New Bulletin Board on inter-level new populations with disabilities is now available / caper / Publications / Project-inter-level / Bulletin-automne.pdf

Cognitive therapy effective Prevention of relapse of depression. Cognitive Psychotherapy called mindfulness was slightly more effective than antidepressant medications for relapse prevention of depression in a study published in the December issue of Archives of General Psychiatry. This therapy combines the techniques of cognitive therapy to a standard emphasis on self-awareness and self-reflection. Therapy included: guided exercises daily (by recording) to improve awareness of the moment of bodily sensations, thoughts, and feelings and a focus on acceptance of the difficulties with an attitude of self-compassion, and developing an action plan composed strategies to respond to warning signs of relapse.

We managed to trapping of antimatter. A portion of the apparatus of the ALPHA experiment at CERN. There is a part of the University of Montreal in the news that goes around the planet at the speed of the electron November 18 and announced the capture of antihydrogen atoms produced in one of particle accelerators CERN, Switzerland. This capture lasted just over one tenth of a second, but it is in itself a feat that will in the near future, to study antimatter and why it disappeared after the big bang.

Approaching empathy in medical training? Empathy is an important but not sufficient to guide the professional courses in ethics in health care settings. Every day, professional of Health to make ethical decisions that involve their moral judgments. While there is no doubt that empathy is, or at least should be, one of the basic qualities of any health professional, the relationship between the emotion and moral judgments would be less obvious as might be to believe at first.

Inauguration of Laboratory on cyberjustice. Professor Karim Benyekhlef speaking at the inauguration of Laboratory cyberjustice. The Vice-President for Academic Affairs and Acting Provost of the University of Montreal, Hélène David, opened last Tuesday on cyberjustice the Laboratory Centre for Research in Public Law, headed by Karim Benyekhlef, professor at the Faculty of Law www

Academic programs offered on a cooperative plan

Young men 17 to 21 years sought. Katimavik is looking to fill hundreds of seats still available for programs that begin in July 2011. Young men of Canadians aged 17 to 21 have an excellent chance of being accepted into our programs this year! Spread the word! Put young men aged 17 to 21 on the right track and encourage them to register now! Reason to encourage young people to volunteer are numerous. To learn more, click here. We invite you to transfer or print PDF and use it as a poster or separate sheet to encourage young people around you to "identify" with Katimavik. The TDP is aimed directly at young men with the following message: Make a MAN now! Join Katimavik Be at the height of the challenge: Teach otherwise. Developing personal skills, professional and social outside of your traditional classroom. Acquire practical experience. Explore your career options, set your realistic goals, acquire skills that will be useful on the job market. Become autonomous. Gaining independence by living away from home and learn to manage a house with 10 other motivated young people from across the country. Creates links. Develop lasting friendships with people you meet during your stay. Make your mark. In search of fulfillment? Working full time for nonprofit organizations that play an important role in the development and strengthening communities. SIGN UP NOW TO KATIMAVIK. Ask your brother, your cousin or your friends if they are willing to make men of themselves! Your chances of being accepted are very good. The deadline for registration is January 14, 2011 Katimavik pays for all costs related to program activities and transportation. In addition, volunteers are housed and fed! Visit Facebook, YouTube, Flickr and Twitter! Questions? Email us at

Want to contribute to the advancement of science? Genetics interesting? Get into the game ... and help new wave of science! You need to analyze different sequences to create alignments of the four bases forming the genetic code (A, T, C and G), represented by blocks of color that you should move. You will need to compromise by inserting spaces between your blocks. The results you get will be counted. With various alignments made by players like you, researchers can better compare the genomic sequences. Thus, you help determine what changes - the compromises you have decided to impose an optimal sequence alignment - which increase the risk of developing one of the 150 diseases that target the game ready to enter the skin A researcher in genomics? For additional information about this game, visit the Agence Science-Presse.

Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) - "Students in Quebec are still among the best in the world -07/article-2023915/Les-eleves-quebecois-sont-toujours-parmi-les-meilleurs-au-monde- /

Working in ambiguity
Some employers seek candidates able to swim in troubled waters . They ask them to be "tolerant of ambiguity," a curious requirement that needs to be decrypted.

------------------------------ ---------------------------------------
finder to locate an article in the newsletter archive Notice the search engine of the newsletter on the site right. Just enter a word and you get significant backfiles (161 numbers) on the search topic and Internet links consulted. Famous! Try it adopt .

Mark your Agenda
In 2011, the 9th Congress of ACOC will take place in partnership with the UQTR 1, 2 and 3 June ACOC The highlight its 10 year history.

Bruno Tremblay, co Secretary General ACOC

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Something of 'ACOC

Your Email:

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Preparation H & Waist

V 9 No. 11: Orientation for all

After editing, the information is adjusted, if necessary,
(707 members, 9th season of the electronic newsletter)

December 8 will be a big day, return to our unique order: It is emphasized that this major change is the result of reflection and concerted action, a maturation structure created in 2000, especially in light of preparations for the Act 21. With introducing the new concept of shared activities, it is not necessary that both professions share a common agenda for the reservation of a common activity. Laurent Matte co-chair of the OCCOQ

News Section
Open in universities in winter 2011
DAT - Dental Aptitude Test-Deadline January 15, 2011
The DAT is no longer a condition for admission prior Dentistry McGill

Louis Cournoyer, co

GUIDANCE FOR ALL! Louis Cournoyer, co Professor in career counseling at the University of Quebec at Montreal, as well as guidance counselor for nearly 15 years, I am greatly interested in sharing my work and discoveries in my field to which it could serve. I invite you to join this blog and do the same. This blog is both a place of public dissemination of my work in vocational guidance and a place to share ideas, content or questions from colleagues or the general public. Note that this is no service-line orientation. Blog Archive November 20 subjects:
Various resources of France in guidance, support and engage in career counseling: the role of social relationships, I read ... Designing Life: A paradigm for career building in the 21st century, the brain, at all levels! Revisiting psychotherapeutic approaches, Quota in universities, Assessing the mentally retarded ... some information, good advice, with mario cart, Co, CO videos!! Are you Rogers, Perls and Ellis ... ? OCCOPPQ 2010 - Assess the situation of the person, RqODE 2010 - To support and mobilize the employability SUCCEED TOGETHER-tour training AQISEP 2010 - Construction of the profession

Paper presentation by Louis Cournoyer at the Crossroads 2010 orientation: Supporting the educational and vocational guidance: methods for integrating a better consideration of social relations customer / louisco / support-and-raise-in-Counseling-of-career-rle-of-social-relations

Research Project orientation in college: representations of counselors and guidance counselors on the nature and scope of their interventions with the student population enrolled in the regular sector's level of education college. CONTEXT. For young Quebecers entry to college is part of a period of life marked by many changes and transitions as personal, educational and social. Social relations are notably more numerous, more diverse and changing that at no other time in life (Council of Higher Education, 2002, Bidart and Lavenu 2002; Bourdon et al. 2007). It's also when they are asked to make educational choices and future major projects to facilitate their eventual employability (Beaucher 2004, 2006; Cournoyer, 2008, 2009). Advisors guidance work at the heart of the double educational mission of academic achievement and preparation for the future of colleges. In collaboration with academic staff and professional services they provide educational and vocational information, promoting services and programs of study in college, as well as advice to the individual organization and administrative studies (Cournoyer , 2008). Individually, they work at the identity of the youth to help them make educational choices and future plans illuminated (OCCOPPQ, 2009). At a time when rates of program changes and interruption of studies remain a concern, as new cohorts from the reform of secondary education reform are entering, the modes of communication technologies and consumer information, student work that reaches growing proportions among college students, the universe of college education is undergoing profound change. In addition to having to adapt to all these issues, counselors see their scope of practice changed since the recent adoption of a new provincial law on occupational mental health and human relations (Government Quebec, 2009). The latter also attributes their activities legally reserved for evaluation of persons suffering from a mental or neuropsychological certified by a qualified professional or a training certificate shall be issued, and for the evaluation of delay mental and that of students with disabilities or adjustment problems (Government of Quebec, 2009). How counselors college network can they cope with all these changes in order to adequately address the needs guidance college students? RESEARCH OBJECTIVES. This research aims to describe the coping strategies of counselors college network in terms of changes in their profession, the profile of their customers and their workplace. More specifically, the study aims to 1) describe the perception held by counselors against needs guidance and academic success of college students, 2) explore their current professional practices in terms of aid success in school counseling, 3) consider representations maintained by guidance counselors with respect to their ability to adapt to the changes related to their work. CONTRIBUTION. The results of the study will better understand the issues of practice and professional development of counselors. It will also deepen reflection on new realities of the different actors involved in the success and direction of college students, and to identify avenues for intervention and participation for all of them. This will equip stakeholders of the college community, to make the most appropriate initial and continuing training of guidance counselors, and suggest new avenues of research for the scientific community. Louis Cournoyer, Ph.D., Professor Co, career counseling University of Quebec at Montreal cournoyer.louis @ To participate in this research, contact Louis via email. In the coming weeks, the research assistant of the project will contact you to verify your interest to participate and answer your questions and if the interest is, make an appointment with you at the beginning of winter 2011 (in your workplace, depending on your availability).

Following the stand of the Cégep de Jonquière in the day SRACQ October 8 last, the Communications and Development staff will send you of additional information on the two programs in Art and Media Technology. You will find the statistics relating to the placement of graduates in 2009 The candidates rejected in the first round of admission will be invited to submit a portfolio. For details surrounding the submission of a portfolio , see the document Visits ATM Friday afternoon . Students and students are invited to visit the facilities in ATM Friday afternoon 5, 12, 19, 26 November and 3 December 2010, 21 and 28 January 2011, 4, 11 and February 18, 2011 Book early, places are limited. To register: 418 547-2191 ext 381 or josee.gagnon @ Full Record on two techniques in ATM . You can download the attached information sheets concerning the programs of communication techniques and media production techniques and post-production television. If you want a pocket involving the records, please send an email to josee.gagnon @

The course of history in Quebec endangered in college loss-of-au cegep.php

Training for the future: management and operation of farm business. Education Week: DEC management and operation of farm business. Graduated: Mathieu Marsolais, farmer. Studied: the Institute of Food Technology Saint-Hyacinthe. Found a job: while studying, because he took over his parents' farm. He likes: because even if it is a very demanding job, all decisions are taken by the farmer, who runs a small business. He is master of its destiny and is a good place to let people express their entrepreneurial spirit. It's a winning team: because even if the number of farms decreased in Quebec, the succession is insufficient. The placement rate for graduates is 100%, according to Mark Berard, program coordinator at ITA Saint-Hyacinthe. Today, it takes management concepts to operate a farm and training allows students to be ready to take over or start their own business in agriculture. Average weekly earnings: $ 620 (Source: MELS). Opportunities : Farm business, business service producers. Facilities: Twelve institutions offer training, including: Institute of Food Technology, Campus Saint-Hyacinthe and La Pocatière Cégep de Victoriaville. Cégep de Lévis-Lauzon Cégep de Sherbrooke Cégep régional de Lanaudière

Cégep de Matane inaugurates a unique laboratory in Quebec in Urban and Regional Planning

Great River New calculator makes people happy. The new simulator is popular with students. The upgrade of navigation simulator in the School of Fisheries and Aquaculture Great River students impressed. Compared to previous devices, realism and simulation of navigation conditions are exceptional, as future captains of fishing.

The cell, the primary source of debt among young people. Nicole Petitclerc Cooperative Association of Economics Family Quebec and Robert Bilodeau, Research Group facilitation and economic planning, unveil the results of a survey conducted last summer. The 7th awareness campaign will address the credit from 14 to 21 years. More than 1,034 respondents aged 14 and older, including 816 credit card holders, responded to questions. He was allowed to learn that five Canadians and nearly 40% of 14 to 21 years owning a credit card have admitted at least occasionally be encouraged to buy more than their budget allows. 252C-first-source-dendettement-chez les jeunes / 1

rate: the pressures are fears of a race to the bottom. professors say they are asked to be less severe in their corrections to achieve the new targets of achievement established in the government plan to fight against the stall.
In high school
... succeed without its sixth year. Under the Act on Public Education, a student can not spend more than seven years in primary school. Thus, Students sometimes find themselves in sixth-grade classes, while their French level corresponds to that of a third year student.

Generation Y has not learned patience
The inability to tolerate frustration and the quest for instant gratification can affect the careers of young people. "To want to go too fast, you may go less far," says organizational psychologist.

To better meet the needs of health and welfare of students. Interview with Claire Sylvia, President of the Commission on Student Affairs of the Federation of colleges, and Director of Student Affairs at the Cégep de Rivière-du-Loup. The Portal has published the news about the adoption this fall of a framework to support greater collaboration between colleges and health centers and social services (CSSS). This framework builds on the Health Portrait of Quebec youth aged 15 to 24 years developed into a tripartite committee Fédération des-Ministry of Education, Recreation and Sports-Department of Health and Social Services. We explore in this interview with Claire Sylvain the ins and outs of this file. / etudier_et_vivre_au_cegep / services_de_consultation / pour_mieux_repondre_aux_besoins_de_sante_et_de_bien-etre_des_etudiants

Health Portrait of Quebec youth aged 15 to 24 years. In 2004, the Fédération des released the research report on psychosocial services and health services in colleges in 2002-2003. The conclusions of this paper reported a weakening of health and psychosocial services offered to students in colleges, as well as variability of services between institutions.

Page on the co-op Jean Raymond co
Become IPS (Nurse pratricienne specialty) in Quebec / info / becoming-ips.php has been completely updated. Content updated: all new stories this fall, new caps, including those programs in biomedical sciences and PDF for all programs and admissions statistics. I draw your attention to the caps on the QAS in medicine and speech therapy and physiotherapy for the NAS. Direct links for each program ... Occupational Therapy: / occupational therapy Kinesiology: / Kinesiology Medicine : / Medicine Dentistry: / medecine_dentaire Nutrition / nutrition Speech: www. / speech Pharmacy: / Pharmacy Physiotherapy / physiotherapy Biomedical Sciences: www.admissionsante.ulaval. AC / sciences_biomedicales Nursing: / sciences_infirmieres Guy Labrecque Admission Coordinator Faculty of Medicine, Laval University Guy.Labrecque @ Networking on admission: www.

The Faculty of Medicine at McGill University wishes to announce that the Aptitude Test Dental ( DAT) is no longer a prerequisite for admission to its undergraduate program in Dental Medicine (DMD). This information is available on the website under "Prospective Students" . Please note that this section is currently being rebuilt and that the French version will be available soon.

website launched EDUCQ : university data accessible to everyone! The Conference of Rectors and Principals of Quebec Universities (CREPUQ) announces the establishment of a website providing access to reliable and comparable data on the Quebec universities. This site is accessible at / educq. It is as the name "EDUCQ" stands for "Common University Data Set - Quebec."

Recruitment UQAR Catherine Côté is the challenge
The Communications Department UQAR can count on new resource full of energy: Catherine Côté, Consultant recruitment and communications. She comes to the position when Mr. Réjean Martin begins his retirement after more than 30 years of loyal service. With the arrival of Catherine Services Communications embarked on a reorganization of duties for recruitment activities. Thus, Catherine will mainly recruiting cycle 1, in collaboration with Jacques d'Astous, campus de Lévis. As for Cormier, it will now be responsible for recruitment to higher education while Vicky Jean will focus primarily on issues of international recruitment. / UQAR-info / catherine-score-notes-the-challenge

Laval University suspends admissions to its programs. Despite government investments in the education of nurses specialized practitioners, those of nephrology, cardiology and neonatology have received no financial assistance. Given the lack of enrollment in its program of specialized nurse practitioner (IPS) in Nephrology, Laval University has suspended admissions for next fall, The Press has learned. "There was not enough demand," confirmed the spokesperson of the institution, Martin Guay. The development of nurse practitioners has so far proceeded very slowly in Quebec. While Ontario currently in 1700, Quebec does that lists 66, including 25 in first line and forty in nephrology, cardiology, and neonatology. Law since 2002 allows the hiring of nurse practitioners in Quebec. But since very few candidates chose this career for which he must complete two and a half years of university education. The formation of IPS, which is the equivalent of a master, among other things allows nurses to prescribe medicines and diagnostics simple. The main problem that students wishing to specialize faced was that once enrolled in their program, they had to find a job offer for a scholarship. But hospitals do not stock gold, it was almost impossible for students to obtain a promise of employment and therefore to receive financial aid. By financial insecurity, many gave up the project. To correct this situation, the Health Minister Yves Bolduc, has invested $ 117 million last July that 500 nurse practitioners in addition to the primary network by 8 years. This money will fund the creation of posts of IPS in hospitals and training of candidates. But this ad only concerned frontline nurse practitioners. Those of nephrology, cardiology and neonatology have received no financial assistance. For them, the hiring outlook is still bleak and candidates are not lining up at the gates. The recruitment of nurses in nephrology and cardiology has always been difficult at Laval University and other universities in Quebec. The few listings in those specialties that keep the program became extremely expensive. Members of the Faculty Council of Nursing, Laval University have voted in early November for the suspension of admissions in nephrology for next fall. Other specialties are not currently affected by this decision. The minister's office Health, Yves Bolduc, said it currently studying the demand for nurse practitioners in nephrology, cardiology and neonatology. "We first made an announcement for the first line because that was the priority. But the minister wants to facilitate the arrival of IPS in the specialties. A committee was formed and is working on a deployment plan, "said the minister's press secretary, Karin Rivard. It is too early to say when the plan will be announced and how IPS will be added into specialties.

UQAC form of "super-nurses"
UQAC will be among the institutions that form the nurse practitioners who will be deployed in the region over the next few years. Chair of the Regional Agency of Health and Human Services, Martine Couture, said in an interview that the department would grant budgets for 24 nurse practitioners in the region and 500 in total in the province. "Some of them will be trained UQAC. The nurse practitioners acquire additional knowledge, can do things that other nurses can not do. They can prescribe drugs, for example. "For now, the region has only two IPS and they work at the Hospital of Chicoutimi. One specializes in Nephrology and one in cardiology. The latter, however, is on maternity leave. The 24 new, that will be deployed over the next eight years working on the frontline. IPS holds a master's degree in health care in addition to a graduate degree. In the region, they are mostly deployed in family medicine units and in groups of family medicine or they may provide some minor care and relieve emergencies. "An incentive program was introduced to the IPS front line to encourage them to attend classes for the training. Nurses will receive $ 60 000 for their years of training. This is a course of 45 credits, so about a year and a half. Nurses can also have an additional scholarship if they have to study more than 125 miles from home. "Earlier this week, the daily La Presse said that with the lack of enrollment its nurse practitioner program specialist (IPS) Nephrology, University Laval has suspended admissions for next fall. While Ontario currently has 1,700 nurse practitioners, Quebec does that lists 66, including 25 in the first line and a quarantine in nephrology, cardiology and neonatology. "We have not had any negative comments about the fact that it would be difficult to become an IPS. I think the nurses feel that the training is interesting, "says Couture.

University of Quebec at Chicoutimi. An office in Paris. University of Quebec at Chicoutimi (UQAC) moved to Paris in order to facilitate the recruitment of French students, who comprise a third of its foreign clientele consists of nearly 600 students. The rector of UQAC, Michel Belley, hopes that the new Paris office will allow more exchange. "We want to have a foothold to provide information to students who are candidates to come to study here, but we want to develop it more and more so that our students can go and make visits to these establishments in France, "says Belley. The Paris office UQAC a storefront in one of the most desirable areas of the city, Saint-Germain-des-Pres, near the Sorbonne. UQAC co-located with a school of engineering to reduce operating costs and is a school principal who heads the office of the Regional University. A woman from Saint-Felicien, who lives in Paris for several years, has the task to welcome visitors.

UQAR Four geographers explore, France
After four years of existence, the MA in geography UQAR continues to expand its influence and the dynamism of its students and their desire to learn. Indeed, for the first time, four students from the MA in geography carry out training courses in various research laboratories in France during the fall semester 2010. Students Sébastien Pomerleau (University of Pau), Simon Tolszczuk-Leclerc (the company ACRI-st), Audrey Mercier-Remillard (at the University of Bordeaux 1) and Maxime Boivin (University Normale Superieure Lyon 3) and their respective directors have found placement supervisors specialized in their field of study to deepen their knowledge and especially to enhance their expertise and ideas of new and original. Contacted by UQAR Focus, here's how the students summarize their internship project: / UQAR-info / four-geographers explore la France

The 30-year campus Lévis . Valérie Dion, who graduated in accountancy in Lévis

water Runyinya Access Project (Rwanda)
Engineering students from UQAR quench the thirst in the heart of Africa Engineering luqar-de-la-quench-thirst-in-heart-of-Africas

Sectoral Committee of labor in food processing presents a variety of information to explore this area of activities: with videos and testimonials, fact sheets, information on careers and occupations, myths and realities in the sector of food processing, games online, etc.. Want to learn how the industry are made of yogurt, beer, cheese, mozzarella, pasta, etc..? Want to find out what excites workers in food processing? Want to see workers at work in industry? Discover all this and more in the category Videos and testimonials. A career in food processing? It adds spice to life, that! On PPO

Roadmap model
Gabriel Sarasin's international profile has benefited to travel the world, engaged in a practical approach and community. It is "the good reputation of the University and its access to international" that drew Gabriel Sarasin at Laval University. In 2007, during his BA in Biology Department, moreover, he took advantage of this asset to a session in Norway and a course of nature conservation in Kenya and Tanzania. But his willingness to discovery did not stop there. He was involved in the NGO Engineers Without Borders, which has enabled to gain experience and confidence, he finds today. He established "Massif without borders", an annual event that combines one-day ski activities and entertainment at Le Massif de Charlevoix to promote sustainable development in Quebec and to raise funds for humanitarian projects undertaken by Engineers Without borders in Africa. This initiative earned him the first prize in the Student Entrepreneurship in Quebec Entrepreneurship Contest 2009. Now he leads from the front with a master memory agroforestry and graduate degree (DESS) in integrated rural development. His mastery has led him to Madagascar in 2009 to attend the MITACS program. This university-business partnership for development included four players: Laval University, the University of Mahajanga in Madagascar, Hydro-Québec Équipement and Rio Tinto on sites where the project took place. For four months, he slept in a tent near the town of Fort Dauphin Madagascar, where he became good friends. "In the evening, there is no electricity or television, the only thing you can do is talk. This close! "

Certificate of Criminology at the Faculty of Continuing Education at the University of Montreal celebrating 35 years. Today, more than 2500 graduates contribute to a better understanding of various issues related to crime. Managers, analysts and practitioners, criminologists are found wherever there is the criminal matter. Upstream, while working in crime prevention, as well as downstream in detention centers or the rehabilitation of inmates, they all participate in the development of the discipline.

Financial Planner, a misunderstood profession
Following several scandals, financial planners have a bad press, and vacancies are numerous. A complex profession to discover.

Pay: Quebec stands
Average weekly earnings rose 4.7% in Quebec between September 2009 and September 2010 to $ 799.70 USD, according to Statistics Canada. This is 0.4 percent point higher than the national average: in Canada, pay average weekly earnings rose by 4.3% per cent between September 2009 and September 2010. As against the national average weekly earnings stood at $ 864.13, 8% more than in Quebec.

The job interview
Question of get a Yes! - What are your main strengths? and What is your greatest achievement?

Area 18 is a virtual game to put themselves in the shoes of a firefighter. You have to create and manage your barracks to recruit and train young firefighters, to purchase vehicles, equipment, buildings, etc.. Whether in town, the countryside, mountains, sea, forest, in a tunnel in a car accident, when a plane crash during the derailment of a train during a natural disaster, etc.. the possibilities of intervention are numerous. Ready for action? Sign up and ... your turn! On PPO

Start your own business is not easy. There is so much to think, identify its market, balancing its meager budget starting prospect, worrying about paperwork, etc.. In this game produced in France, you have to choose between two characters: Sami wants to start a business or IT support Emma wishing to turn to jewelry making. Once selected, you must guide your character in the boot of his car venture. You will inform you on how to tax a small business, choosing a domain name Internet and an appropriate email address. You will also be invited to talk to other entrepreneurs to get advice and maybe even contract. Several actions are possible, but the units of money and time you need to effectively manage your limit. Once the units of time exhausted, the module ends and get a score that is explained by your actions and indices of progression of your business. They go up depending on what you have done, said, etc.. You will need a registration to participate in this game produced in France. The contest is open to everyone, but only the French participants will be eligible for prizes at the end of the campaign. You must provide an email address and identify the region of the French territory where you come from. Choose any, then no region of Quebec there is identified. Will you be a good entrepreneur? " On PPO

Entrepreneurship in Quebec: youth do not meet the Appeal Starting a business? No thank you, "replied the population of the Quebec City area and especially the rising generation. In the dock: the resplendent economic health and regional unemployment rate - the lowest in Canada - which stood at 4.6%. "Young people have not finished school yet and already they are providing good paying jobs. Admit that it may be a lot more tempting to go immediately to win $ 64 000 per year rather than starting a business and settle for an annual salary of $ 20 000 for a few years, "commented the CEO of the Foundation of entrepreneurship, Mario Girard, who made a direct link between the current situation of full employment and little public interest in starting a business. Tuesday at the Forum Entrepreneurship organized by the City of Quebec and the Local Development Centre of Quebec, the Entrepreneurship Foundation has released a picture of entrepreneurial dynamism in the census metropolitan area (CMA) of Quebec, which is centered in the territory of cities Québec and Lévis. The survey conducted in May and recently update shows that only 4.8% of the adult population of the Québec CMA intends to create, resume or buy a business during its life time this proportion stood at 7.9% in the rest of Quebec and 14.1% elsewhere in Canada. Mario Girard stated that the CMA Quebec City was lagging behind the cities of Montreal (6.4%), Ottawa (12.1%) and Toronto (17.3%) where the entrepreneurial spirit of the population seems to be stronger. This is not good news given that the owners will leave soon to retire en masse. The level of "desirability" of entrepreneurial business is slowing. By comparison, during the period between 2004 and 2007, 11.8% of the population of the region had expressed its intention to start a business. Economist at the City of Quebec, Jean-Pierre Lessard also pointed out that on average, since 2000, to only 65 new companies had emerged in the region. "Not much." According to Marie-Eve Proulx, Director of Research and Analysis at the Foundation of entrepreneurship, the proportion of the population aged 18 to 34 who expressed his intention to launch business during his life is around 15% in other regions of Quebec. In the Québec CMA, this percentage stands at only 6.9%. Forum participants agreed that the school had a role to play in promoting different models of entrepreneurship among young generations. In the metropolitan region of Quebec, 8.7% of the population owns a business. Importantly, the proportion of women (9.3%) is higher than men (7.9%). In Quebec, 50% of businesses have closed their doors before the start of their sixth year of operation. With a closure rate of 40% during the period from zero to five years of existence, businesses in the Québec CMA fared a little better.

The CTREQ launches new tool - The Prevention Guide for Students risk in primary

Research Chair on vocational integration and psychosocial work environment :

The personality disorders are more common among problem gamblers. The attachment problems or those arising from physical or sexual abuse are twice as common among players than non-players.

Einstein was right about the accelerating expansion of the universe subject-to-throttle lever up male-de-de lunivers.php

When the sculpture becomes therapy when la sculpture becomes therapie.php

Social media scare managers
A survey of Canadian CFOs reveals that the majority of them are wary of the fact that their employees are present on social media. However, they recognize that the benefits might be greater than the risks.

retention of workers
New tool for employers. Employers in Quebec City now have a new tool that could promote recruitment and retention of employees. Commodus, a social enterprise, has developed a system of reward points for workers.

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finder to locate an article in the newsletter archive Notice the search engine of the newsletter on the site right. Just enter a word and you get significant backfiles (158 numbers) on the search topic and Internet links consulted. Famous! Try it adopt .

Mark your Agenda
In 2011, the 9th Congress of ACOC will take place in partnership with the UQTR 1, 2 and 3 June

Bruno Tremblay, co Secretary General ACOC

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