Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Is Watery Cm Before Period

V 9 No. 3: Teaching college

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Registration DAT for admission to dentistry in fall 2011
Open in universities
Guidance Humanities

Isabelle Falardeau, Co College Maisonneuve, is currently writing a book on college teaching GOAL in collaboration with two other colleges in urban areas (Sherbrooke and Ste-Foy). She would like a college in the region to join the team. Your participation would be to make a survey of the best educational activities East carried out in class by teachers. These activities may have been designed, either by CO or by teachers but must be supported by teachers. The purpose of this publication, scheduled for spring 2012 is to sensitize teachers to the role they can play in the process of vocational school students, in addition to inform the college system the good things that are currently being carried in pedagogy GOAL. If this type of collaboration you are interested, please contact her via email:

Help individual learning (appropriate services) Cégep de Sherbrooke The Contest Ends Tuesday, September 14, 2010 Full-time position

Counsellor ( era) guidance and educational assistance to individual service school organization Cégep André-Laurendeau Contest Ends On Friday, September 10, 2010 Regular, part-time (80%) = 14873

"The new guidance department CEGEP Sainte-Foy : Odette Garceau co cordially greet the last time his colleagues in the college system before finally leaving his post Sept. 16 to re-treat his life. Nathalie Bussières Co got the job and continues its engagement with the team made up of co Louise Bernier, Martine Boudreault plus Lyne Brunelle. It should be noted that we can now go to Louise Bernier co for all matters relating to the inventory acquired pre college (IPA). Welcome back! "Odette Garceau co o.garceau @

National Police Academy: New tests to assess the trial. About fifty students who have completed their police training can not be admitted to the National Police Academy in Nicolet because they failed to new tests that are used to detect behavioral problems and judging for apprentices police. The new selection criteria have been established this year at the request of police who hire graduates of the school. As explained by spokesperson of the institution, Pierre Saint-Antoine, one new tests include a scenario. "He [the student] has a case before him and he has four actions he can do. It must rank the best action he can do as a policeman in the worst action he could do. So that we can detect people who have bad Situational Judgement. The other review is to identify candidates who may be at risk of using excessive force in their work, to commit a crime or evidence of racism or sexism. The Police Academy has 850 entries received last spring. Approximately 650 new students are admitted each year.

Linguistic Behaviors: The college students anglicized. A study of linguistic behavior of college students reveals that in Montreal, francophones and allophones who attend a college English tend to adopt English as the language used, both in terms professionally and personally. This analysis of the Institute for Research on French in America (IRFA) was conducted among 3200 students from seven colleges on the island of Montreal, whose 1494 attending a college English. The author of the study and president of IRFA, Patrick Sabourin says that, after such investigation, the attendance of a college English appears anglicized. "It was at that age that crystallize all linguistic behavior, [...] the first blonde, first job, the first structured network of friends," he said. "Choosing to study English in college seems to favor the transfer of linguistic behavior from French into English, and this, in different spheres of life of students, whatever their mother tongue," he added. The phenomenon is also observed among young people who have studied primary and secondary education in French. Language transfer are yet to English only, since very few choose to do their anglophone CEGEP in French, the study shows. The results of the study, more than half of them are francophone CEGEP in English use the language of Shakespeare with their friends, even if they are francophone or allophone. More than one in four chose to be served in English in the shops. The situation is worse among allophones in college English, in which "the shift is more pronounced [and] severe," Mr. Sabourin noted. "There is a marked indifference to the French language and, by extension, the lack of a sense of belonging to the Francophone community among students, particularly English and allophones, attending an English CEGEP. Knowing the importance of public education as a powerful factor of integration, such as transmission belt of a common culture, and that 50% of allophone students choose to pursue postsecondary studies in English, the analysis shows the undeniable attraction exerted by the English culture, "concluded the President. Students met at Dawson College in Montreal, an English institution, agree with these conclusions. They claim that "everyone speaks English" and the French are "useless puisqu'eux live in Montreal and everything is in English. "

Appointments to committees of the Board of Education. Council Chair, Nicole Boutin, announces the appointment of 21 members in the five committees. At the Commission on College Education: Sophie Poirier, guidance counselor and individual teaching assistance at the College Jean-de-Brebeuf , Mrs. Fanny Kingsbury, French teacher Cégep Sainte-Foy, Guy Morin, a teacher at Cégep Lévis-Lauzon, Renaud Thibodeau, assistant director of studies at Cégep André-Laurendeau, and Mrs. Charlotte Watson, a student at Cégep Abitibi-Témiscamingue. At the Board of Education and University Research: Jean-Sebastien Duquette, a doctoral student in nuclear engineering at the Ecole Polytechnique in Montreal, Daniel Simeone, a doctoral student in history at McGill University, Colin Bernard, professor of mathematics at the University of Sherbrooke, and Mr. Jaques Nantel, secretary general of HEC Montréal.

Teaching sex brain
The idea to teach boys differently based on a differential brain development between boys and girls . The emotional issue. Boys learn differently from girls and should be taken into account at school, say some. A vision that only reinforces stereotypes, say others. Should we teach boys differently to facilitate their success?

Ten years of school reform: Consequences for Students? Advocates of reform argue that the education reform was dismantled piece by piece in recent years. His critics, however, welcome a fair return to equilibrium. Other, more nuanced view that the reform was implemented too quickly. To interest the boys in school, teachers have every reason to make their teaching more practical to allow students to use in practice what they learn about in school, say many. But it was not not one of the key objectives of the reform school, set up 10 years ago?

The suit made its debut in a public school. Jeremiah, Sarah-Maude, Jean-Christophe and Maeva proudly wear the clothes identified at their high school Summit, in the Notre-Dame des Laurentides. Wednesday morning, all students of Summit High School wore clothes displaying the logo of their school. Somehow, it's back in costume as schools private, but this time in a public school. And the costume is unanimity among the 880 parents and students.

For the return of sex education in schools. Dr. Rejean Thomas said see on the ground that condom use is no longer valued as of old. The new Education Minister Line Beauchamp, was apprehended by people working in the fields of education and health to reintroduce it during sex education in schools. These courses were integrated program of personal and social, were abandoned in 2001. Dr. Rejean Thomas, well known for its social involvement in Quebec and elsewhere in the world, and the Federation des femmes du Québec (FFQ) are among those calling for the return of sex education in schools. They suggest in particular an increase in sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unwanted pregnancies among adolescents to explain their claim. At a press conference Wednesday in Montreal, said Dr. Thomas noted that the sexual behavior of young people have changed in the last decade. He said seeing on the ground that condom use is no longer valued as of old. He said young people are at all embarrassed to admit they have had unprotected sex then it was just the opposite 10 years ago. The president of the FFQ, Alexa Conradi, also lamented that there were five times more cases of gonorrhea in women, particularly among the 15-24 years between 2004 and 2008, according to Ministry of Health and social services. She also finds that youth clinics and school nurses are increasingly sought. Ms. Conradi even believe that we must reintroduce these courses in school from the primary, while adapting the content according to the age of pupils. She believes that that material would allow young people to be better equipped to face pressures they may suffer, particularly in adolescence. Another speaker, Rosa Pires of Regroupement québécois des Centres and help the fight against sexual assault (RQCALACS), said he must take into account that the environment is hypersexualized youth. She stressed that too many young people make their sex education from the Internet and magazines. These stakeholders believe that the government must implement a program, with appropriate materiel and well-trained people, so that the school's responsibilities toward education about sexuality.

40 years Cégep de Matane : major shift focus on imaging . To increase its student, the college put on such projects as the Centre's implementation and development of digital imaging research and business incubator in the field of image, movement and sound. The 40-year Cégep de Matane will be an opportunity for a major shift for the collegiate institution. Several projects are underway and will inflate the number of students: the establishment of the Centre for Development and Digital Imaging Research (CDRIN) in spring 2011 and the possible establishment of a business incubator in the field image, movement and sound. In four years, the college hopes to reach a target of 750 students, compared to 629 today. "We are a small college and we have put in place the means to keep its head above water: recruiting students internationally and creating the CDRIN to continue offering our services to local customers. "We want to double the number students from 300 to 600 over three years in our six programs in digital imaging, animation techniques and 3D computer graphics, multimedia integration, photographs, computer, "said Emery Béland, Director General of Cégep de Matane, which recruits half its students from outside the region. In the field of motion capture, the college will be the only research center of its kind in North America. "We will open the CDRIN with our equipment, which we will add more than $ 1 million in new equipment for which funding is in demand," said the director. This institution intends to build on new strengths in the coming years: Alternative education, expansion of the card programs, the increased activities of College abroad, conducting recruitment activities Quebec and New Brunswick and elsewhere in the world and the establishment of an initial classroom devoted to distance learning, among others. In addition, the Group will introduce this year Collégia Innovation Centre in distance education. "We are on during the year the Academy of Digital Entertainment, the sequel to Ubisoft Campus," said Mr. Beland. Efforts are still underway with private sector partners to develop a capacity for an additional 50 seats in a student residence for the fall 2011. "The past two years, we had to turn 20 students per year due to lack of space," says the director.

surveys and investigation
The certification program of college studies (AEC) Survey and investigation, which lasted from 765 hours, aims to transmit to each student a thorough knowledge of the field of private security (survey and investigation) and that they acquire all the skills required to perform effectively the duties of the profession of private investigator. Those interested in this program must possess the following qualities: Discretion and integrity; Adaptability; resistance to stress; Observant; Sense of responsibility, autonomy and resourcefulness; method, thoroughness and insight, ability to work with team; Analytical and synthesis; Easy to get in touch with people. At the end of your training, you will be able to conduct an investigation using appropriate means (spinning, infiltration, etc..), To seek relevant information, to ask individuals to provide evidence, drafting reports investigation, to testify in court to prevent crime and work with all instances of justice and public safety. Following the phenomenal growth in recent due to a combination of several factors such as, inter alia, fraud and theft, employers, governments, related government agencies and individuals themselves hiring professionals to conduct investigations of several orders including: On domestic flights and shoplifting; To verify the facts on financial fraud and computer; on Preemployment criminal history; On the conduct of others on the financial situation of the people, the infidelity of a spouse, harassment and threats; Of the accidents. / programs-and-training-CEGEP-montreal / aec-dec-montreal-CEGEP / investigations-and-investigation #

School Dropout: The Canada ranks poorly
While the dropout rate has decreased by 5% since 1998 in the 33 OECD countries, it stagnated at 20% in Canada. In Canada, 20% among 15 to 19 years no longer attend school, rather than the 15% registered in other countries of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), a new study from Statistics Canada released yesterday.

information on the labor market Tourism finally regrouped. The CQRHT just completed a major achievement in the site . This is the content of the "Inform me about the labor market" appears in the top tab of the homepage. Finally, a wealth of information gathered at the same address.

Briefings admission in law from McGill University Monday following 16h30: 20 September 201o, 18 October 2010 22 November 2010. It happens at the law school in 3644 Peel Street (corner of Peel & Doctor Penfield), Montreal. Sarah Dauchez Coordinator of Student Affairs Admissions Office 1st cycle Faculty of Law McGill University email: @

The myth of the troubled boys. The author is a high school teacher in Quebec. Aegis Mr. Royer, a professor of special education, is all the stands when it comes to dropping out. He said, a few days ago that the system school does not adequately address the plight of boys. He is wrong. The best evidence is the implementation of school reform. The latter has forced teachers to convert to the educational projects in order precisely to keep kids in boys. Moreover, the supply of sports studies programs continues to grow in order to make school more attractive, particularly for boys. By asserting that boys represent the majority of pupils, Royer suggests that all boys is less successful than girls in school, what is wrong. This myth, widespread by the media, is clearly contradicted by Mr. Jean-Claude St-Amant, a researcher at the Centre for Research and Intervention on Academic Success (CRIRES). In his book Boys and school, he categorically rejects this idea with serious studies supported by statistics. "The only area where we found a delay of boys over girls is the language of instruction (reading and writing). And this is not unique to Quebec because the same phenomenon is found in all industrialized countries, "he says. His studies show that boys who experience the most serious difficulties are those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds, living in a household where the father is absent and whose mother is poorly educated. Excluding the results of statistical boys meet these three criteria, there were no significant differences between boys and girls. It is time to say loud and clear before our boys do not develop an inferiority complex. Mr. Royer has to be put in place affirmative action to increase the presence of male teachers. Either! It is further necessary that there be candidates! If the teaching profession at primary and secondary interests so little men is that working conditions are extremely difficult and that wages only becomes interesting after a dozen years. Furthermore, to argue that boys do better with male teachers, is to unfairly blame the teachers who chose to take up the challenge to teach and educate. Certainly, the boy needs male role models, but the school did not overcome the deficiencies caused by parental disengagement. Nor is it his responsibility to fight against physical inactivity in our youth. It is up to parents to assume these roles. The boys all works rather well at school. Let the teachers teach. We no longer require them to change their practices every five years. We always want to "fit" school for the umpteenth time. We act in the interests of the majority and come back to special education classes for students experiencing difficulties. And most importantly, we cease to discourage our boys in conveying the idea that they do less well than girls!

The cyberporn changes practice of law. The fight against Internet pornography has resulted in several amendments to the Criminal Code of Canada which, according to Caroline Vallet, alter the very foundations of law.

Training, documentation
You will find on the site of Contact Point. ca a new section, "... reading practice." A section reading written by Mr. Louis Cournoyer professor in career counseling at UQAM. You are invited to read his first report of the book "Cognitive therapy and emotional disorders" Aaron T. Beck. Team Contact Point

The future is in the future?! - Francois Bernatchez A dimension of the orientation process of "young" strikes me. This is the time dimension. Do "youth" have enough time to move or if they have too much or not enough? This is a recurrent question among others for a large percentage of parents of "young". However, too often in my opinion, it is believed that the future is necessarily in the future. He found it more to vindicate the time and wandering to reach clarify its identity and "find" his career path. Several arguments circulating. For example, careers are increasingly non-linear and a number of "young" part of a vision equally non-linear career choice - the "young" are too young to move - "kids" have too many choices - people will change 10 or 15 or 20 times in their career working lives. This approach automatically look to the future in order to "find" his career path has the gift to come bothering me regularly. Because I think the future is now and today. The best way to go in the future is to prepare. An old expression that I particularly like is: "good researchers found, others seek." A good researcher knows where he goes and he knows when it comes to recognize so well. As stated by Richard Nelson Bolles (What Color Is Your Parachute) " If you do not know where you go, you'll get elsewhere "(If You Do not Know Where you're going, you're going to end up somewhere else). In principle, I agree with the fact that a percentage of "young" look and seem to wander in circles before embarking on a path. By cons, how to characterize the "young" to know better distinguish them from other "youngsters" who do nothing until time they feel compelled or forced to act? Travel broadens the mind, as the saying goes, but it is still necessary that the traveler has the kind of personality that would enable it to take advantage of his experiences.

While doing research on the definition of professional interests, I came across a research article published in 2004 dealing with the hexagonal model Holland according to the structures and gender differences. is true that much water has flowed under the bridge since 2004, but hey, it's still interesting information and thought to share the Internet link this with you. The research objective is "to analyze the fundamental problems in the current debate on the professional interests of Holland as the model" (sample Italian). Enjoy the curious and inquisitive. Véronique Grenier Advisor career management and learning Veronique.Grenier @

Cégep de Lévis-Lauzon - New Publication of Jacques Belleau, Assistant Director of Studies. "Intelligences pluriailes: action guide to stimulate minds from early childhood " A few months ago, in September launched the latest publication publisher of Jacques Belleau who is Deputy Director of Studies at Cégep de Lévis-Lauzon. This new release follows two other works already published by the same publisher, including "My mind is yours." The action guide for educators in child care in order to provide tool support in their educational approach to young people from three to five years. The guide is divided into two sections. The first presents various information on intelligence and its development and a process for implementing structured. The second section provides tools to reproduce, suggested activities and tools of observation. Eight themes are developed to illustrate and guide educators in their actions. The guide is accompanied by a disk consisting of little songs, one for intelligence, having its own pace. A picture book "The Feast pluriailes" complete equipment. This guide is a unique and original. It serves to illustrate the application of educational principles put forward by the educational program of child care in Quebec. "Early childhood is a key moment in the development of the individual. Educational activities to put that time have a major impact on the fate of the individual. It is therefore important to provide educators with the tools to inform and stimulate them, "says Belleau. For further information: Jacques BELLEAU Deputy Director of Studies Cégep de Lévis-Lauzon jacques.belleau @ September editions

Complete list of products and services tailored business advice Quebec. / en / corporate / liste_secteurs.asp

Collective integration enterprises Quebec

Needs and motivation: Maslow's famous pyramid revised. Researchers in psychology have updated the famous pyramid of needs of Abraham Maslow proposed in the 1940s. Their proposed revision, controversial, is published in the journal Perspectives on Psychological Science. The revised pyramid reflects new discoveries and theories from fields such as neuroscience, developmental psychology and evolutionary psychology, "said Douglas Kenrick of Arizona State University, senior author. Maslow's hierarchy was not always supported by empirical research, "says Steven Neuberg for his part, co-author. It was increasingly seen as odd and outdated, "he adds. Maslow's hierarchy is a hierarchy of needs. Those at the base have priority over those that lie above. At the base are physiological needs such as hunger, thirst and sexual desire. Maslow, a hungry person is not focused on other goals. But if it is satisfied at a certain level, it focuses on other needs. So once she is well fed, she cares about safety. Once safe, she worries about the affection and esteem, etc.. At the top of the pyramid is the need for self-actualization, the desire to express their unique creative potential. The research team, which also included Vladas Griskevicius University of Minnesota and Mark Schaller of the University of British Columbia have restructured the pyramid to reflect the psychological processes that change radically in response to fundamental motivations related evolution, such as its own protection, mating or concerns regarding its status. The four levels at the base of the new pyramid are very compatible with that of Maslow. The most controversial change is that self-actualization is no longer in the pyramid. On top of that there are three key motivations related to changes that Maslow had neglected: the acquisition of a (e) partner, retention and parenthood. According to the authors, while self-realization is interesting and important, it is not a basic need related to evolution. Many of the activities that Maslow labeled them as self-fulfillment (artistic creativity, for example) reflect more biologically fundamental motivations to get a status, which in turn serves the purpose of attracting partners. "Among the human aspirations that are most biologically fundamental are those that will ultimately facilitate the reproduction of our genes in our children's children," says Kenrick. "For this reason, parenting is paramount." These motivations are not necessarily conscious. The artists, for example, do not think consciously increase their reproductive success when they feel an inspiration to paint or write. They do so for various reasons, without being aware of the ultimate function, the researchers said. Human reproduction is not just about sex and give birth. It is also raising children and reach the age where they can also reproduce. In addition to Maslow, once a need is filled, it disappears when the person moves to the next step. In the pyramid changed, the needs overlap each other and coexist rather than replace it completely. For example, some environmental cues can reactivate needs already met. If a person walks down the street thinking about love, art or the meaning of life, she will soon return to the level of self-protection, if she sees a gang of ill omen heading on its way.

Facebook: self-promotion for narcissistic people. A new study concludes that the social network Facebook is popular among narcissists and people with low self-determination.

Sex education works best virally. Computers are as effective as face to face consultations in regard to sex education, according to a new Cochrane Review published September 8 in Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2010. Interventions computer are a promising solution, and have already proved effective in teaching about HIV, but it is unclear whether the same success for other sexual health issues such as unwanted pregnancies, the psycho-sexual problems or relationship problems.

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Engine search to find an article in the archives of the newsletter Notice the search engine of the newsletter on the site right. Just enter a word and you get significant backfiles (150 numbers) on the search topic and Internet links consulted. Famous! Try it adopt .

Mark your calendar
In 2011, the 9th Congress of ACOC will be held in partnership with UQTR the 1, 2 and 3 June

Next Carrefour orientation to UQAR-Lévis campus: Tuesday, November 30 2010 Le Carrefour am followed by dinner and a meeting with UQAR in post- noon. The Partners Day Laval University will be held on December 1 next .

Following Day Pre-Conference 2010 college Merici. Program Pre-Symposium ACOC 1 June 2010 Activity Report of the Executive Board in 2009-2010; Moving Change Conference - Marc Vachon psychologist; Agenda for the ninth meeting of 1 June 2010 Minutes of the 8th meeting of 22 May 2009 adopted Progress in change! Tools to facilitate the task Marc Vachon, psychologist / Document acoc conference / a_pdf / changement_demi.pdf Contents of the book Dare to change, Setting Out dreams / livre_table_matieres Slideshow photo album & feat = mail & mode = SLIDESHOW which is also found on the right site of the Bulletin (Slide Show Pre-Symposium 2010 at Merici on )

Committees Working ACOC Added Committee of the feasibility to hold our 10th Congress UQAT . When the General Assembly, we have established a committee consisting of Anne-Marie Nadeau Recruitment Officer Student Services and graduates UQAT, Aurelius and Shirley Coderre Jalbert co co Cégep Abitibi-Témiscamingue. Chantale Desjardins (co CEGEP de Sherbrooke) Executive Board member and will also co Melanie Clement CEGEP Montmorency (contact for the Montreal area). Executive Board Members 2010-2011

Bruno Tremblay, co Secretary General ACOC ACOC @ videotron. AC

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