Wednesday, January 19, 2011

How To Dostrip Pocker

V 9 No. 15: Strength future college

After editing, the information is adjusted, if necessary,
(722 members, 9th season of the electronic newsletter)

Purple Sandpiper Escoumins January 2011

News Section
Post API / academic advisor at Cégep Marie Victorin
university admission in Fall 2011 College
Open in universities in Winter 2011
January 26, 2011 - Briefing on media production - UQAM Montreal
January 26 and January 28 Sherbrooke: Conference admission speech U. Laval
February 1: Deadline for admission medicine at Laval University for university candidates
The Future Forces program college

Congress ACOC and mini-symposium OCCOQ . The Congress of ACOC is already planned for 1st, 2nd and 3rd June in Trois-Rivières (UQTR). The College has announced a mini-symposium on the evaluation, 2 and 3 June in Drummondville. Be aware that since that announcement, we are trying to find a solution with the Order so that the Participants at the 9th Congress of the ACOC at Three Rivers are not penalized. We are currently studying the possibility of a contact person we can offer a mini-conference before the Congress or May 31 Rest assured that once we have news, we will contact you soon. Helen Trudeau, co president of the ACOC helene.trudeau @

I am a career counselor in a high school French abroad Ottawa (French Baccalaureate), like Stanislaus College and Marie-de-France in Montreal. I work with clients from both the Quebec and Ontario. So I have to pair up with several educational systems and often advise students to pursue their higher education in Quebec. My colleague Michelle Bourdages, a member of your association, told me about the many resources and conferences organized by the ACOC. I want to know if it is possible to join your association. With great enthusiasm, I can contribute to your association as a resource on postsecondary education in the rest of Canada! Isabelle VEZINA, M.Ed., CCC co Lycée Claudel Advisor Guidance / Guidance Counselor Isabelle.Vezina @

Finally, the program Forces AVENIR college annually organizes a gala to honor and reward models from CEGEP students in Quebec. In total, 48 000 $ In scholarships, an international and an extraordinary visibility are offered to finalists and winners. Their stories of commitment will also be shared with people in various newspapers Gesca and on Radio-Canada. To register / college in January 2011 Forces AVENIR deploy its program in all public colleges in the province of Quebec. Just as the academic program and high school program, it aims to recognize, honor and promote students who demonstrate excellence and commitment dramatically while continuing with their rigor studies. This program affects all spheres of activities of the company, allowing it to reach as many students as possible. The selection process complies with strict criteria and is supervised by an independent jury of well known personalities who stand out both in their personal journey through their achievements as the development of Quebec. Finally, the Forces AVENIR program at the college hosts an annual gala to honor and reward student models from Quebec CEGEP. A total of $ 48 000 in scholarships, international internships and visibility Extraordinary are offered to finalists and winners. Registration

Guide for Parents of young people approach career. The tool, which is also the site was produced by the valuation committee of the vocational and technical training in the Lower St. Lawrence. / files / guide_parents_web.pdf

Workers Education: absenteeism concern. Nearly 50% of absences in the education network are caused by mental health problems. The number of sick leave in the system of education of concern to the Federation of School Boards, which calls for a study by the Department of Education to better understand its causes. During 2009-2010, 714 351 days of wage insurance were paid to executives, teachers, professionals and support staff of the school network, a total of nearly 23 million working days. The absenteeism rate is 3.12%, down slightly in recent years, which does not prevent the Fédération des commissions scolaires du Québec (QBCF) to be concerned about the situation. In 2006, the number of sick days had reached a peak since the Federation is compiling data on this subject, with an absenteeism rate of 3.35%.

Do you know what the food processing plants to improve their energy efficiency? What are the restaurants to reduce their environmental impact? What companies are doing to preserve agricultural biodiversity? Do you know what trades or professions in the industry biofood can have an impact on environmental quality and energy efficiency? This activity guide will give you many answers. You will be asked to explore the document trades eco-bio! Ecological biofood version (available on page LiensPPO produced by the College of St. Hyacinthe. Then, an activity, you will be yourself an important player, contributing to the protection of the environment in the bio-food industry. It's time to see not only the usual duties of various occupations bio-food, but to recognize the importance of each to better preserve the environment. The final activity allows you to make a personal reflection. You can take stock of the knowledge you have acquired and your personal interests for the themes. Finding good trades eco-bio!

The meaning to hang - Emilie Robert co ticket on http://www. / Recently, we saw the announcement of a new initiative of the Ministry of Education, Recreation and Sport (MELS) to encourage boys to complete high school. The ministry has launched an awareness campaign using a website ( and television ads aimed especially boys at risk of dropping out. The campaign relies heavily on financial and material arguments, stating in particular young people that they have better pay, can buy more things and "meet girls, they are at school" if they continue their studies. This campaign has provoked strong reactions in the media, among others, columnist of the newspaper Le Soleil, Jean-Simon Gagne (January 3, 2011, Opinion section), which describes the choices that were made by the MELS in relation to this issue. This debate got me thinking about the phenomenon of school dropouts, but the hangup, and especially the place of professional guidance in this matter. Working in a college institution, I can not speak officially dropout students I meet, they are no longer in compulsory education. However, a similar phenomenon occurs in college. First, it is boys who are statistically more difficult to succeed in school. Then, according to a survey conducted by the college where I work, lack of motivation and direction to school would be the main reason given by students who have left the program or college before graduation in December If college students, who chose to go there and have chosen a particular program, see little relevance of studies about their future and their happiness, the difficulty to grasp this meaning must be even more difficult to school. For some kids, the only motivation they have to go to school is legally obliged to attend. These young people are still far from knowing the demands of adult life, the demands of the labor market and the usefulness of studies to address them. However, many dropouts hang up. 80% of them do, according to the site They do the day they have a study project that makes sense for them. One has only to see the admission statistics in colleges and universities to raise the hypothesis that we are witnessing a significant return to school and many young adults. Colleges and universities in Quebec have broken records for admission in 2010, despite a declining population of youth in Quebec. I met several students, a little older, going back to school and I share their past mistakes and learning that they have made. They are now determined and motivated because they feel invested in their efforts. The persistence and hook pass through vocational guidance clear and defined. And that takes time. I know I'm not the first to say so. It was such an objective of the guidance approach to high school. But I find that these essential elements are not put forward in advertising campaigns and the media. Maybe we, guidance professionals, should talk more and more put forward. Who knows? Maybe we should do advertising campaigns in our turn!

To fight against the stall, puts Quebec forward the money ... and girls! School Dropout: a campaign aimed at boys. One of the main arguments for keeping the boys at school: "You don? There may never have thought, but the girls, they are to the school. So if you want more chances to meet your future girlfriend, you better t? sit on the bench? school side? it. "To convince boys to stay in school, the government decided to talk to them frankly. In a Web site unveiled Monday, the Ministry of Education will be arguments "pragmatic." First, money: the holder of a vocational diploma (DEP) or college diploma (DEC) earns on average 35 percent more than non-graduates, or about $ 9,000 per year. Enough to buy movie tickets 782 or 134 video games, it added. Then love: "You do not have perhaps never thought of, but the girls, they are school. So if you want more chances to meet your future girlfriend, you'd better sit down on the school bench beside her. "In fact, the list of arguments listed by the website is long: "Who is proud to say he did not finish high school?" Leaving school for a job poorly paid, "it does not mean being free." Not to mention: dropouts are twice as likely to experience depression and to be unemployed than graduates, in addition to live as long! Beyond the website, the campaign comes in capsules that will be televised on RDS presented to January 17 and March 28 to April 28. It presents the stories of workers who have considered leaving school but who persevered and others who have dropped out and then hung up. At a press conference Monday, the Education Minister Line Beauchamp has ensured that the initiative was not intended "sanctimonious." Her goal, she said, is to place young people about the consequences of the choices available to them: "drop" the school or graduate. It is intentionally that the campaign was launched a few days before Christmas, while many students have just received their report cards. "Time Christmas is often a turning point, where the young who are discouraged by a (bad) result (...) may be thought and said "Is it worth the trouble that I continue ? I could maybe go to work immediately, "said Ms. Beauchamp, emphasizing the important role parents play in the progress of their children. The campaign will cost $ 400 000 in Quebec. It is part of an action plan which aims to ensure that by 2020, 80 percent of youth under 20 years of age hold a degree or qualification, against 71.5 per cent currently. "We never claimed that campaigns Promotional sufficient by themselves to change things, "agreed the minister. The website is accessible through the addresses or . php

Open Special TGH-GER Saturday, February 5, 2011 11 am to 14 pm Campus Charlesbourg CEGEP Limoilou, 7600 3rd Avenue East, Quebec. Only for Hotel Management Programs and Management of a catering establishment. On the menu: interactive workshops to explore all facets of these fascinating formations / en / cegep_limoilou / portes_ouvertes.php

THE TABLE IS SET TO DISCOVER AND HOTEL MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT FACILITY RESTORATION AT CEGEP LIMOILOU Through interactive workshops proposed, visitors will learn about different facets of these programs and careers associated with them. Note that the college will also validate onsite admission of candidates for these two programs. welcomed as arrived at the hotel, prospective students and their families will include: Visit bar and dining room teaching and concoct Smoots; Enjoy sushi prepared by them due to the invaluable advice of our leaders; Participate a quiz to test their knowledge in the management of a hotel. Graduates will participate in this day and talk about the journey. The Chief Executive Panache, Jean-François Bédard graduate of Limoilou College in 2000, he taught in a management eating establishment and is chief Restaurant Panache, one of the tables of Quebec's most famous and associated with the Auberge Saint-Antoine. The deputy chief of the Château Frontenac, Frederic Mercier graduated in 1999 he was deputy chief, alongside Jean Soulard, the kitchens of the Chateau Frontenac. A graduate who has won several competitions, Jonathan Breton Graduated in 2009, he continues to shine and earn prizes! Great prices and price falls in the category "DEC Technical Management of a catering establishment" Gala held by the Association for training in catering, tourism and hospitality (AQFORTH) First Prize contest the Changing Foundation 2008 Serge Bruyere He represented Quebec at the national competition for best young chef roaster held Vancouver in November 2010. You are from outside Quebec? Why not take the opportunity to take part in the festivities of the Carnival of Quebec in full swing? Cégep Limoilou is the only public college in the entire East-du-Quebec to offer such training, which enjoy excellent employment prospects. On Saturday, February 5, the doors are open to the College Campus Charlesbourg Limoilou to find out about Hotel Management and Management of a catering establishment.

The new site "Prospective Students" is online / en On 7 January the Bureau of future students Department of Admissions and Recruitment has launched a new website "Prospective Students". Its main mission is to facilitate the process of exploration and acceptance of future UdeM students. "Nearly 90% of applications we receive at the University of Montreal are online. For fall 2010, we received nearly 38,000 applications for all cycles, "says Michele Glémaud, director of recruitment at Department of Admissions and Recruitment. The new interface has a more colorful and visually richer content. Among the new features include a section for advisors, one for parents and a structure that reveals the variety of programs offered at UdeM. Equipped to an informed choice. The new site has been designed to help prospective students to make informed choices and sensible program. It has produced more than 500 detailed records for each program, all the cycles. In collaboration with Éditions September, specializing in educational and vocational guidance, UdeM has also developed the test Curriculum / questionnaire. It is an exploration tool for students to identify their personal interests and professional and associate programs of undergraduate studies offered by the UofM. The property is the only university to offer such a service to future students. The exchange is at the appointment. In addition to traditional means of communication, such as sending emails or phone calls, the new site now offers Internet users to chat with contacts within the Bank and the Department of Student Admissions and recruitment. It also promotes the Twitter and Facebook pages of the Office of prospective students. Other communication tools are currently in preparation, whose appointment Web, which will offer a virtual consultation service in spring 2011.

Even negative emotions help learning. Levitation? Not really. It is by concentration that Claude Frasson manages to raise the ball, but through the intermediary of an amplifier and a receiver of beta waves emitted during neuronal activity. By its sole focus, Claude Frasson manages to levitate a small Styrofoam ball placed at one meter and a half before him: the more focused, more the ball rises, lifted by a gentle stream of air. He even succeeded in guiding the movement on a path strewn with pitfalls. But to get there, it has a headset that amplifies his brain waves and directs them to a receiver programmed to respond to the characteristic waves of concentration or beta waves. "This device is used to exercise its concentration and thus to reduce their stress," said the professor, Department of Computer Science and Operations Research. The device in question could help people whose level of anxiety impedes learning or closes access to information learned.

Psychology helps us understand our interactions with machines. "The human and machine interaction is fascinating," enthuses Aude Dufresne, accompanied by François Courtemanche PhD. A sandstorm on Mars. Even if we are 300 million miles from our nearest planetary neighbor, the thing worries the operator of the vehicle off-road it runs remotely. Immediately, his pulse quickens, a light sweat is felt at the end of his fingers and his eyes looking for markers on the screen. "Your mission is to bring a soil core Mars and you are left with only a few seconds to accomplish, "says François Courtemanche on research at the controls of the Mars Rover. On the screen, the physiological signs of stress appear, transmitted by different devices connected to the position of the experimenter.

Sex Education: sexologists want have a role to play. This fall, elect the committee for culture and education have unanimously recommended that "a program compulsory sex education be developed and offered from preschool through high school. " Concerned over the return of sex education in schools in Quebec, sexologists are asking the Education Minister Line Beauchamp, to include in the new formula to correct the mistakes of the past. A group of 185 sex therapists wrote to the Minister Beauchamp to express their concerns about the long awaited return of sex education in schools. "We apprehend that this reintroduction is done on paper only and that the quality of education about sexuality continues to be defective, incomplete and granted by actors not to feel comfortable discussing sexuality. We sincerely believe that sex therapists should participate in the return of sexuality education in the school system, "reads the missive. Exclude these professionals would be a "total nonsense", according to the collective. In December, Minister Beauchamp confirmed the return of mandatory training in sex education, a component that had disappeared from the subject-with the arrival of school reform there ten years. The Department does not, however, create from scratch a new course, but instead of setting up blocks of mandatory training that would fit into existing courses at both the elementary and secondary levels. Although they welcome the return of over sexuality education in schools, sexologists are concerned about the quality of such training if it is given by teachers who are not specialists. "To make education about sexuality, it must be comfortable and it can not be learned in a few hours. Why invest money for training that will be made yet about? "Says the spokesperson of the group, Sophie Morin, who stresses that sexologists can count on three years of university education. The signatories of the letter also reminded that committee this fall, something was consensus: those who teach sexuality education should feel comfortable to do, which is really not If a majority of teachers, they added. Currently, some schools rely on sexologists "piece" to provide training to their students, and the results "are more than conclusive," according to the authors of the letter. In the region of Quebec, Marie-Paul Ross sexologist has developed a training for high school students she has given a dozen schools in the province. "The goal is to provide tools for young people to be critical and they understand that pornography is not a model of sex education is commerce," says it, adding that there are always young people who come to thank her after those meetings. The office of the Minister Beauchamp, it was confirmed that the letter has been received. "We're sensitive to comments by sexologists. The Department is working on the new formula, but nothing is decided yet, "said his press secretary, Dave Leclerc. This fall, elect Parliamentary Committee on Culture and Education has unanimously recommended that "a compulsory sex education be developed and offered from preschool through high school." This training, which will be given by speakers and qualified teachers could integrate into courses such as science and technology, ethics and religious culture or physical education and health, could be read in the report of the commission.

Psychologists public network: more and more vacancies. In recent years, the working conditions of some 3,200 psychologists Quebec's network of health and education have deteriorated to such an extent that recruit candidates is harder than ever and that the accessibility of these services is threatened, according to the College of Psychologists of Quebec. If nothing changes between now and summer, psychologists public network threatened to stop supervising student placements, which would prevent a full cohort graduating. "There are more and more vacancies in Psychology public network. The difficult working conditions are pushing the candidate. This is not a simple matter of compensation. Accessibility of services is under threat, "said Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of psychological services in hospitals in Quebec, Marcel Courtemanche. The president of the College of Psychologists, Rose-Marie Charest, is not a member. It nevertheless believes that "there is a real problem" in the public sector. From 2004 to 2008, the number of vacancies has more than doubled in the health system. "Whatever motivated psychologists to go into the public network, such as working conditions and continuing education, has disappeared. Our concern is that one day the occupation is over and that only Quebecers who have money can afford these services, "she said. Unlike disciplines such as occupational therapy, audiology, or social work, whose practice requires a master's or bachelor's degree must have a Ph.D. since 2006 to be a psychologist in Quebec. Psychologists spend an average of about five years in school, and began their careers later. But this situation is not regarded by the public network, denounced Mr. Courtemanche. "We calculated that after 25 years of career psychologists public network will have won $ 500 000 less than many high school graduates. By studying longer, accumulating debts, not seniority. It was a great catching up, says Courtemanche. This is not surprising that in the network, it is increasingly difficult to fill positions. "Nearly half of the public network of psychologists working part time just to have as customers pay more to private. "We must find ways to attract more candidates to the public, remember those we have and encourage people to work full time," says Mr. Courtemanche. Ms. Charest said about it that only way to ensure universal access to psychological care is to strengthen the public schools: "Studies have shown that having access to psychological services can reduce health care, thus reducing costs. It should be seen. "Last spring, Mr. Courtemanche has challenged the government on the issue, but it has not been answered. Before Christmas, the committee has voted to undertake pressure tactics. In the summer, psychologists public network will continue to make their clinical services, but everything else, including university functions cease, "says Courtemanche. The courses could be canceled. "There is a problem and we want to discuss it," said Courtemanche. We do not want to cry in public. But we want to explain the situation. It is hoped that these resources will wake up people who do not seem to understand now. "At the Ministry of Health, explains that a meeting with psychologists is expected next week.

How is the online psychotherapy? What is the status of psychotherapy online? Here is the response of American psychologist John M. Grohol, founder and director of the site PsychCentral, one of the few news sites in psychology who was already on the internet when Psychomedia was posted 1996. For several years, from the late 1990s, he helped develop a business (HelpHorizons) providing psychotherapy services online. Her answer about the possibilities of psychotherapy online, he says, has not changed much in the last decade because little has changed in the field.

Welcome to the annual meeting of leaders information and vocational school's 2010 UdeMtl

Dolphins serving persistence. "The most rewarding experience in all this is being able to help children realize their dream, then give them the opportunity to meet other enthusiasts from around the world and they all have the same point in common! "said France Lafleur, head of DolphinLab. France Lafleur, a lecturer at the Faculty of Education, realized his dream in April: one to share his passion for dolphins with a group of fourteen children in Quebec who have been trained in marine biology as part of an intensive course offered at the Dolphin Research Center in Grassy Key, Florida . Its own initiative, France Lafleur has built a relationship of trust with the leadership of the research center over the past seven years. "Students participating in DolphinLab last April were the first Canadians to receive their certification introduction to marine biology, and Canada has been the pioneer for three sessions of e-learning with the Dolphin Research Center. Since then, Other schools are trying to repeat this initiative, "says the passionate friendly dolphins. This exclusive research center with a second initiative involves unusual that will allow other students to follow Quebec's experience with the dolphins, in direct communication through new information technologies. Thus, the Dolphin Research Center will host, from 16 to 22 April 2011, the second group of students from Quebec. Then a group of adults will follow the May 7 to 13, given the numerous requests. In addition, Quebec students attend classes through videoconferencing to workouts Research and Dolphin Research Center and then conduct interviews with specialists dolphins. These introductory courses in marine biology and the life of dolphins will be held during spring break from February 26 to March 4, 2011.

University of Sherbrooke. Applications for internships abroad are booming. Internships abroad are so popular at the University of Sherbrooke that a person has been hired to handle requests. For 10 years, claims have quadrupled. In 2001, 46 students Sherbrooke have completed an internship abroad. In 2010 they were 183. It must be said that the Quebec government is now offering a scholarship for students who can reach $ 1,000 per month. In total, students from the University of Sherbrooke have the choice of 500 universities, mainly in France and the United States. Some are particularly fond of the states where the temperature is a bit more lenient than in Quebec, like California or Florida. "Students want to improve their English, of course, but they are also looking for exotic destinations," says Christiane Fontaine, coordinator for student activities. A generation who wants to see the world. For his part, Josée Garceau, Specialist intergenerational issues, explained that the fact of wanting to see the world seems to be a feature of the new generation of students. "Young people now they want to do things. We [...], older generations, you could just for a few years of hearing about France, to hear of Europe and then to see pictures, then watch movies, "says she said. Them, they do not want to hear about it, they want to live, they want to do. So, as part of exchange programs, the opportunity is really an experience abroad and not just be an observer - Josée Garceau, an expert on intergenerational foreign-augmentation.shtml

Documentation and Training
Following my presentation at the conference agenda in 2010, I offer two workshops on the use of eidetic imagery http:// applied to the field of career choices. This offer is however limited to guidance counselors. The imaging refers to a system of internal representations that supports a set of cognitive and affective processes in high demand in a process of making decisions about its future. I am particularly interested in the phenomenon of eidetic image which, according Ahsen, comes in the form of internal experience vivid, sensual, vibrant and intentional. The eidetic image occupies a particular space between perception and memory. In its expression of form, such image reveals a close relationship between history developmental of the person and the construction of his figures of interest. The eidetic image is closely linked to the essence of the subject and to experience his sense of identity. In practice guidance, you have surely seen clients who were struggling to find words to describe themselves. A bit like if they do not know. Yet moments later in your interview you to present content information, such as a vocational profile as an example, and they were able to spontaneously say things like: "I see myself or I do not see myself in there ...; Yes, it looks like me ... .. No, not me ... etc.. . This way of treating academic and career information from global impressions synthetic condensed suggests another mode of apprehension and perception of his internal experience of which the eidetic image as a component part of the experience immediately felt. Seen from this perspective, pictorial representation spontaneous implicit influence the perception process trades and professions and how possessed by the client to mobilize thereafter. The eidetic image supports this process more or less conscious projection of his internal images transposition and its implicit representation of an external object perceived as a monograph. By working from the perspective of dynamic modes of operation of the image, I am still amazed at the unveiling of intentionality manifested in the process of emergence of these images. The latter run by themselves to reach a place that reveals a theme and a still significant challenge of the process of ongoing consultation. Psychological and neuropsychological level, the image formation precedes the choice of the word, concept and thought. In other words, we feel our state if we recognize implicitly approximated before they can develop it with words and concepts. When we learn to work with the image, we emerge momentarily from the schema of rational thought hypothetico-deductive to enter a different perspective of work more right hemispheric, synthetic, emotional and creative. One of my perception is that some (I stress some) of the problem of practice guidance is that throughout history, for all sorts of reasons and contingencies, we have glorified the so-called more rational functions language and being wary of certain mental functions and emotional processes that are inherent and necessary to develop a future project. It is fascinating to observe how the intentionality and imagination come together in the process of image formation when the person scripted a projection of self and his future life. The account of the customer based on this process of emergence of a pictorial narrative that evolves to a destination but often approached relatively unknown to the person as the writer in his creative writing. On the merits, when the client tries to transpose what he believes to be in contact with the social representation pictorial (or stereotypical) a profession, he said at the same time it is and how he intends to show its presence in the world. A guidance approach orientation has at least this singularity in our discipline: it is a process that is lived in the present moment an interview at the same time it is futuristic in the sense that the subject must anticipate statements unrealized self, the world and its future. The report to the present and future is an important dimension of policy work. Agree a contact time to lift themselves and of his desire are necessary for process emergence of image and the development of a project. This is often one of the first resistance we encounter in consultation in this age of instant and quick technology. I would make an analogy with the process of making wine. Time itself is essential for fermentation of the ingredients. Implemented in practice guidance, I really wonder how someone can get to own their choice and feel a sense of identity, if it does not ferment enough. And about this metaphor, I can not help to find similarities between our professional role and that of a winemaker. We do the best possible monitoring of internal and external constituent factors involved. We consider the procedure to be performed depending on the context and possibilities. Thus seen, the choice of training or profession based on a configuration of internal representations that reveal a scene of a pictorial type of relationship to life. In short, choosing a profession is to imagine his life and scripting using a process of image formation. It is an act of creation that becomes significant when the enactment allows the essence of the subject to express existence. In summer 2006, we published an interview about the process of image formation and occupational choice in the newsletter of the French website of Contact Point In 2005, the Carrefour de l'orientation was initiating this approach If you are interested to register, complete the form return it without me deposit. I'll keep a place and we will return the following information on coordinates of the session. We would be grateful to share information with colleagues who may be interested. Luc Duval Guidance Counsellor Psychotherapist accredited PS Contact me if you want to organize a workshop under other arrangements to meet the needs and characteristics of your environment. Even if they are not put on display, I inform you that I offer my content even workshops on the subject: The psychology of adjustment after an accident on the return to work after a prolonged absence.

PROGRAMMING THE CENTER WINTER 2011 PSYCHO-SOLUTIONS the attention of professionals in relation assistance and / or person responsible for the formation of these stakeholders, the Centre Psycho-Solutions presents herewith its training on brief therapy Solution Focused and sharp themes for winter 2011 to Quebec and Montreal. You can benefit from the activities of the Centre Psycho-Solutions of two ways: Register for these activities to the map: Approach brief Solution Focused / basic education; Cultivating happiness among clients / suggestions of positive psychology; Stay calm and creative with your most difficult; Intervene with a few clients or involuntary reasons. Organize training tailored to your organization or form a group in your area. For further information, please contact me via email at or see my website Yves Gros Louis, psychologist and director

PAY EQUITY The employees now have a duty to complain. The Pay Equity Act became unforgivable for offending companies since 1 January. Employers have an interest in the Pay Equity Act seriously because since Jan. 1 must have completed the exercise otherwise they will face high bills that must be paid to their employees and fines of up to $ 45 000. The Quebec government therefore considers that those who employ 10 people or more have had sufficient time to comply with the provincial law adopted in 1996, which aims to redress differences in compensation in respect of sex. "Since Jan. 1, employees of companies have not only the right but the duty to denounce their employer who did not complete this exercise of salary adjustment. The Act stipulates that they have until May 30th to enjoy arrangements ", said Louise Marchand, past president of the Commission on Pay Equity has completed its mandate. Ms. Marchand estimated that approximately 45% of employers concerned are still missing from this employer liability. These are mainly private SMEs. "But we've been tremendously busy past 18 months, we believe that the amended law has convinced many to achieve this year to 31 December 2010, "said Ms. Marchand. It must be said that the provisions of the Act has teeth. The companies that do not will not pay only salary adjustments in question but retroactive to 2001, plus interest, plus additional compensation that can reach 8% of the debt. In addition, the Act has been amended several times, provides penalties on corporate executives who refuse to comply. The fines can reach $ 45 000, following the criminal proceedings that are on the agenda of the commission 2011 for recalcitrant employers. "Obviously, companies have been slow to implement this law will pay a lot more than those who did before. It is estimated, on average, that the invoice represented 1.2% of payroll for employers who are compliance before 2006, "said Ms. Marchand. Ms. Marchand said that this is the role of employees to file their complaint to the commission. "The legislature intended to empower employees who have five months to address the Committee to take advantage of retroactivity until 2001," she says. After June 1, workers will be entitled only five years of retroactivity.

Contact Day - 4th edition Tune in to the network job! Proud of the success of the last day contact during which nearly 800 students, graduates and workers with a disability met 32 employers, the OMB for people with disabilities, in collaboration with the Disability Action Integration Work (ÇAPHIT) Laval SEMO and the Montérégie is preparing the 4th edition of Day-disabled employers Contact to be held next Thursday, April 7. Objective of the Day Contact: enabling students, graduates, graduates and those working on the labor market, which have a functional limitation (including difficulties with mental health or learning disabilities), meet employers and thus facilitate their access to quality jobs, whether full-time positions, part-time summer job or internship. Program: Employers! Your skills! Full-time positions and part-time summer jobs and internships! Conferences! Clinic Eye on CV and interview space etc. Job Training space. In Montreal, Thursday, April 7, 2011, from noon to 19 pm Free For more details and to register online at the OMB, see the homepage of / from next Monday, January 31. Contact Day is organized by the National Research Council Canada in collaboration with the Disability Action Committee Work Integration (ÇAPHIT) of Laval and the Montérégie SEMO.

music like drugs, sex and good food for the brain? The pleasure felt while listening to music is underpinned by cerebral mechanisms similar to those involved in the response to good food or drugs, according to a Canadian study published in the journal Nature Neuroscience. The experience of pleasure is characterized in all these situations by the release of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the reward system known whose role is seen as reinforcing certain behaviors necessary for survival (like food) or maintenance motivation.

Employment Opportunities for 2011
The year 2010 was relatively good for jobs in Quebec. 2011 could be better, however, some sectors with good prospects. In the construction sector, despite the economic downturn, jobs are numerous. Several projects will also be released in 2011 including the Turcot Interchange. Information technology: The Quebec companies have been rather timid in recent years investment in information technology. Companies should therefore make upgrades to their fleet computer, which will give a lot of work with computer scientists, systems analysts and programmers. Do not forget the video games industry which has not experienced a slowdown. Financial Services: All the financial services sector is shortage of manpower in recent years. So there are lots of vacancies in services and the sale of financial products. Health: The health sector is also experiencing a shortage of manpower. The needs are becoming increasingly important particularly because the aging population. Aerospace: Several investments have been announced in the sector in 2010. We therefore expect a good year 2011. Mining: The mining industry saw its greatest period of growth. Within five years, about 5,600 positions will be filled. Manufacturing: The manufacturing sector outlook is less positive. There have been several closures in 2010, including that of Electrolux. However, are expected to employment growth for next year.

Quebec public sector. Measures to retain the baby boomers in the workplace. Major changes to pension plans in the Quebec public sector come into force on 1 January. The maximum number of years of service for calculating retirement pension from 35 to 38 years. Working three years longer, officials and teachers who retire will receive a benefit equal to 76% of average pensionable earnings, against 70% for 35 years of service. The Conseil du Trésor du Québec, Michelle Courchesne, hopes this measure to retain a portion of baby boomers who will retire en masse. It removes the pressure on the regime, because these people will contribute 6% more, and while they contribute more, we are not obliged to pay their monthly pension. Minister Courchesne believes that one third of future pensioners may choose to work three more years, although she does not know their exact number. She said the measure is no cost for pension and allows even small economies.

behaviors that explain the difference in life expectancy between men and women. Smoking is the main reason for the difference in life expectancy between women and men in Europe, followed by alcohol consumption, according to a British study published in the journal Tobacco Control (the British Medical Journal Group). It explains 40% to 60% of this difference. Alcohol consumption explain another 20%. Some experts have argued that the difference was due to biology or the fact that women are more likely to seek medical but the results of this large study suggests that the main responsible for the longevity gap is indeed smoking.

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In 2011, the 9th Congress of ACOC held in partnership with the UQTR 1, 2 and 3 June ACOC The highlight its 10 year history.

Bruno Tremblay, co Secretary General ACOC

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