Tuesday, June 8, 2010

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V 8 # 29: The return of President

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Sun wildfires
in L'Ancienne-Lorette May 31, 2010, 3:57:41 p.m.

News Section www . acoc.info
New Bachelor of Science Biomedical Laval University
There is still time to apply for admission to university
The return of President Helen Trudeau the EC ACOC

Help individual learning / Competition No. 10-11: PR-10 CEGEP Marie-Victorin The Contest Ends Thursday, June 17, 2010 Regular, Full Time www.ameqenligne.com/detail_poste.asp?NoPoste=13778

educational assistant (60%) Advisor teaching (40%) NO CONTEST 10-11: PR-05 CEGEP Marie-Victorin Montreal Contest Ends On Thursday, June 17, 2010 Full Time www.ameqenligne.com/detail_poste.asp?NoPoste=13772

The Board of Education of Quebec released May 27, 2010 a notice entitled renewed focus on the transition between high school and college. We invite you to read them at http://www.cse.gouv.qc.ca/

About three independent colleges Lanaudière? Consultation Cégep régional de Lanaudière a change in governance. Cégep régional de Lanaudière had to decide between two hypotheses: maintaining the current model of governance or Cégep régional Lanaudière in the creation of three autonomous colleges with the desire to preserve some regional assets. Taking into account the results of consultations conducted as part of Bill 44, the Board of the Regional College adopted the resolution recommending to the Minister the establishment of three autonomous colleges in Joliette, L'Assomption and Terrebonne with a willingness to preserve certain regional assets. The consultation process of the National Assembly on Act 44 continues in committee. The final decision falls within the Assembly National. Should the legislation passed in the National Assembly provides for the establishment of three colleges, including the board has resolved to recommend to the Minister to provide a transition period of approximately two years and a budget to complete the transition between the adoption of Act 44 and the formal establishment of three colleges. "If the decision is made, we will analyze what remains in common, but it is clear that continuing education will remain, and regional coordination of educational programs," says Lachance. www.hebdorivenord.com/article-456796-Vers-trois-cegeps-independants-dans-Lanaudiere.html

Calendar 2010-2011 of standards by calculating the CRC session. June 18, 2010. Calculation of basic standards used for the calculation of CRC (odds of return to college) students. Computing standards to calculate the CRC and the weighted average of CRC. The standards are calculated for the first time for winter quarter 2010 and the five previous quarters. The accessibility of the CRC is Monday morning after that date (June 21, 2010 ). 1 October 2010. Calculation of basic standards used for the calculation of CRC (odds of return to college) students. Final calculation standards to allow CRC calculation and the weighted average of CRC students who apply for admission to the university for the winter quarter 2011. The standards are recalculated for the course of the summer term 2010 and the five previous quarters. The accessibility of the CRC is Monday morning after that date (October 4, 2010 ). January 14, 2011. Calculation of basic standards used for the calculation of CRC (odds of return to college) students. Provisional calculation standards to calculate the CRC and the weighted average of CRC students who apply for admission to the university for the quarter Fall 2011. The standards are calculated for the first time for fall quarter 2010 and they are updated for the five previous quarters. The accessibility of the CRC is Monday morning after that date (January 17, 2011 ). February 4, 2011. Calculation of basic standards used for the calculation of CRC (odds of return to college) students. final calculation standards to calculate the CRC and the weighted average of CRC students who apply for admission to the university for the fall semester 2011. The standards are recalculated for the quarter fall 2010 and five previous quarters. The accessibility of the CRC is Monday morning after that date (February 7, 2011 ). June 17, 2011. Calculation of basic standards used for the calculation of CRC (odds of return to college) students. Computing standards to calculate the CRC and the weighted average of CRC. The standards are calculated for the first time for winter quarter 2011 and the five previous quarters. The accessibility of the CRC is Monday morning after that date (June 20, 2011 ).

first intercollegiate conference of the Network of psychosocial - A new network to better assist youth in colleges struggling with psychosocial difficulties. The Fédération des is pleased to announce the launch of the Network of intercollegiate psychosocial during a first symposium to be held on 7 and 8 June 2010 in Quebec City. Organized in collaboration with the Federation of colleges under the theme "Together, maintain balance and responses to it", this conference will bring together stakeholders working directly with college students who face a problematic psychosocial or psychological distress. "Some young people live and complex problems people who work every day on the ground are best placed to help them. The creation of this network is a response to the needs of stakeholders who work with these youth to break the isolation and discuss their practices, "said Ms. France Turgeon, Director of Student Services at Cégep de Sherbrooke and Committee Chair Working on the creation of the Network of intercollegiate psychosocial. "By leveraging the expertise and experience of each, the new network will address more comprehensively the various aspects of psychosocial health of students, in addition to promoting the collaborative initiatives in advocacy, prevention and intervention, "she added. The Network's mission is to support practitioners and psychosocial in their practice with college students struggling with psychosocial difficulties (mental health, suicide, eating disorders, drug addiction, etc.).. It includes some 200 psychologists, psycho, guidance counselors, social workers, nurses and other field workers working in colleges. www. lescegeps.com/nouvelles/2010-06-07_1er_colloque_du_reseau_intercollegial_des_intervenants_psychosociaux

Zootherapy taught in college www.passeportsante.net/fr/Actualites/Nouvelles/Fiche.aspx?doc=2006061934 Certifications college part time Intervention Strategies AAT www. cegeplapocatiere.qc.ca / MyScriptorWeb / scripto.asp? ps_id = 95151 & result = 596142

The FEC-CSQ is positioned at the increase of special needs students in college. "is much discussed, often with reason, the arrival in colleges in fall 2010 of the first students of the reform. Our union wants to put forward Another equally important issue, is the marked increase in college students and young CEGEP with learning disabilities and mental health, "says Mario Beauchemin, President of FEC-CSQ, which run for a third term in Congress. Recall that, according to the Federation of colleges, the number of young people with learning disabilities or mental health has been multiplied by 8 between 2000 and 2008. To this we should also add those suffering from pervasive developmental disorders. "The main problem lies in the fact that funding does not follow the increase in the number of cases. The Department of Education Recreation and Sport should be more coherent and fully fund the obligation to accommodate the special needs of students and students that requires colleges. What we intend to apply, they are beacons and boundaries so that the integration of college youth with learning disabilities or mental health is done properly without increasing the workload of teachers, while maintaining the requirements graduation, "says Mario Beauchemin." Adding to the challenge of different problems faced by our students, other facets of diversity of the student population - such as atypical careers due in particular to the new admission rules and reform or cultural diversity - it becomes easier to understand some of our requests for negotiation. Moreover, the Board of Education has recently published a review of the secondary transition to college, "concluded Mario Beauchemin. www.csq.qc.net/index.cfm/2, 0,1676,9656,2323 , 0, html? action = display & BoxID = 16085 & langId = 2 & KindID = 2 & complete = yes

Symposium on teaching students different http://www.cyberpresse.ca/le- quotidien/progres-dimanche/201006/04/01-4287035-colloque-sur-lenseignement-aux-etudiants-differents.php

French Review: penalties eased for future teachers who fail. Now, students who fail the exam after three attempts will not have access to the course, but they can continue to take courses in their curriculum. Universities soften penalties for future teachers who fail the mandatory review of French. If that fails, they will not be suspended or expelled from the program, but they can not get their teaching certificate. Test certification in French for teaching writing (TECFEE) - mandatory for all prospective teachers in the fall - causing many headaches to faculties and departments of educational sciences. In February, The Sun reported that in some programs, only 25% of students had received a passing grade after an attempt. Students must pass this examination before the third stage, which usually occurs during the third year of their four-year degree. Future teachers have three chances to reach the pass, set at 70%. According to what was originally planned, a third failure would result suspension of the program for a period of one year and a fourth failure, the final expulsion. In addition, a student who fails the narrowly TECFEE will now make a final and ultimate recovery a few months after his third failure rather than having to wait a year to try again. "We wanted to give them more flexibility," says Dean, who emphasizes that the content of the examination has not changed. Some faculties are juggling the idea of giving all the same a Bachelor of Education students who have not passed the TECFEE. This diploma will give them access to the patent but not teaching then they have not completed their internship. Other universities are exploring the possibility of offering a general degree to those who arrive to earn 90 credits. "Since the decision is recent, we should explore different scenarios. If students have already accumulated 75 credits, it is best to see how they can complete a bachelor's degree, "said Marcel Monette, Dean of the Faculty of Education at Laval University. www.cyberpresse.ca/le-soleil/actualites/education/201005/20/01-4282504-examen-de-francais-sanctions-allegees-pour-les-futurs-profs-qui-echouent.php

Mandatory Review of French: fifty failures in Laval (out of 500 students). The portrait is darker at the University of Sherbrooke: 123 students have failed after two attempts, which corresponds to a success rate of 67%. They will get their third chance in late June, after attending an intensive French course. "The trainers are in agreement with the fact that the review is demanding. It's perhaps wrong for students, but the message must be clear, "says Julie Desjardins, Vice-Dean, Faculty of Education. Side of the University of Quebec in Rimouski, twenty students will not do their internship in the fall, they have failed to TECFEE for the third time, bringing the success rate to 76%. Following the decision not to suspend students who fail a third time, UQAR has taken steps to change its rules. The University management does not recommend the suspension, but this position must first be approved by the Board of Studies, explains Pierre Laplante, dean of undergraduate studies. At the University of Quebec at Chicoutimi, the students spent the first review in April. The success rate is 47%. At the University of Quebec in Outaouais, only 32% of students who passed the examination for a second time received a passing grade. www.cyberpresse.ca/le-soleil/actualites/education/201005/20/01-4282506-examen-obligatoire-de-francais-une-cinquantaine-dechecs-a-laval.php

Opinion on the draft Regulations Amending the Authorization to teach. In an opinion on the draft regulation amending the Regulation respecting teaching licenses, the Board of Education believes that as the mobility of teachers in Quebec formed elsewhere Canada is already possible with the current provisions, the requirements for obtaining a permanent certificate to teach in Quebec for people trained outside Quebec should be maintained. Note that the changes proposed in the draft regulation amending the Regulation on teaching licenses are following the entry into force of the Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT), which aims to improve trade between the provinces and territories and to ensure full mobility of labor between these jurisdictions. The Council does not support the proposed amendments as they appear in the draft Regulations published, since he considers that the current mechanism for supervising the teaching profession, which protects the public, do anything to contravenes the full mobility of teachers holding a teaching license obtained in another jurisdiction Canada. Indeed, they may be employed under the same conditions of practice and compensation for teachers trained in Quebec, while meeting the qualification requirements for the certificate of Quebec. These requirements include in a successful probationary period and a course on the school system. In addition, the Council considers that the period probation required, in addition to assessing the teaching skills, promote employment integration. The Council therefore urges the Ministry of Education, Recreation and Sport to continue to make an assessment on a case by case basis to ensure that candidates have the skills necessary for the exercise of the teaching profession in Quebec. In addition, the Board believes that the Department must continue to indicate, on the teaching license issued in any program in Quebec equivalent training received by those tenured in another Canadian jurisdiction. Indeed, the Council considers it belongs to the Ministry for the grant, to verify the qualifications of applicants and applicants to establish equivalence with respect to the training program offered by Quebec universities teaching. The Council has considered other regulatory changes, including those intended to make permanent some training routes to education and access to the profession. In this chapter, even if the Council expressed support for some diversification of training paths, it does not recommend making these programs permanent until an assessment has failed to rule on their merits and relevance. Rather, it proposes to extend the deadline from 2012 to 2016 to allow the Department to conduct such an assessment. To this end, the Council calls on universities to take stock of these programs. The Board reviewed the amendments to the Regulations on teaching licenses in light of a number of criteria such as: protection of public well-founded, precision and flexibility of application of the proposed amendments, he also took into account the principles highlighted in previous opinions that affect the teaching profession and the same rules on teaching licenses, namely : The initial training must enroll in the course of professional education that marks here and elsewhere that the teacher education leading to the issuance of a teaching license meets the competency framework established by the Ministry of Education in 2001 that the access roads and paths of teacher education can be diversified, particularly with the recognition of the educational and experiential. www.cse.gouv.qc.ca / FR / bulletin / index.html # # 2010-05-19

Profs unqualified to fill the shortage. Given the acute shortage of qualified personnel, at least 54 of the 1181 teachers of the school board for Grandes Lordships do not have a license to teach. This was confirmed by the agency this week in reflection. Figures from the Ministry of Education, they are even more numerous, 61. The majority of them (43) possess a baccalaureate degree. Four others have a college degree and nine, a vocational studies. One has a high school diploma. Ten teaching English, a subject in which qualified teachers are "scarce," says Mylene Godin, head of communications for the school board. Nine others give math. The rest are found in special education, drama, music, science and physical education in particular. All received a tolerance of commitment from the Ministry of Education. "This is an exceptional permission which allows an employer to hire, to provide the service to teach preschool or elementary or secondary school, a person who does not hold a teaching license, explains Ahissia Ahua, spokesman at the Ministry. For the 60 tolerances, the school board first had to demonstrate its inability to hire qualified staff. In 2008-2009, she had been granted 97 permissions. At the school board, it is said that these teachers, although they are not trained in education, providing quality courses to students. "Everything is in good and due form," says Godin. For example, we have a drama teacher who recognizes his experience in theater. "In some cases, she says, employees are fully qualified. All they need now is the permit itself. "We have students from the 4th year of BA. They experience as they have done internships. It was another teacher who graduated in the United States. The Department is currently evaluating whether it will have to do additional courses to be recognized by its course, "informs the spokesperson. "And these people are supervised by principals in the same way as other teachers," she adds. The tolerances of commitment are reviewed annually. "It is certain that at the beginning of each year, we go from our list of employees full time and part time. After we fill other positions with unqualified personnel. However, we make sure that these people are up to our expectations, to meet all our criteria for hiring, "says she. http://monteregieweb.com/main+fr+01_300+Profs_non_qualifies_pour_combler_la_penurie.html?ArticleID=642276&JournalID=27

Identifies Ad - HEC Montreal won the first place. The HEC Montréal team proudly won the 19th edition of the advertising of the Changing of the Association of Business Communicators and Marketing (APCM). This year, teams had to develop an operating strategy for sponsorship. The customer, TELUS and Station Mont Tremblant accompanied Youville agency creative community, have benefited from strategic and creative recommendations made by the students. Students in the Bachelor of Business Administration Specialization Marketing, HEC Montreal are Sandra Clermont-Lord, Anthony Mince, Mary Elizabeth Lajoie, Marc Lawrence-Atthalin Catherine Maranda Emily McAllister-Lapierre. They were supervised by Mr. Rene Gendreau, marketing professor and head of academic competitions. "The School team consisted of students whose forces are diversified so as to ensure greater complementarity between the members," explains Professor Gendreau. The proposal that our students have made to customers was particularly distinguished by the strategies presented by the other teams. The strategy of our students was differentiated by a complete coverage of all aspects of the partnership between TELUS and Mont-Tremblant. "This annual competition allows the student is in communications, marketing, administration, advertising and design concepts and practical application of concepts learned during their training and develop a truly marketing communications campaign for a client. The Laval University (Administration and Communication), ESG-UQAM, Concordia (John Molson) and Sherbrooke competed with HEC Montréal. To date, the School has won six first places in contest Changing of the advertising. www.hec.ca/nouvelles/2010/nouv201036.html

University of Sherbrooke - Moncton, Saguenay and greet their first graduates in MD. moving ceremony at the two training sites. A project of fools! Mauril Gaudreault, Associate Dean of the Faculty of Saguenay Medicine and Health Sciences, and reacted in 2004 when the dean Réjean Hébert presented him with the idea of deploying the doctoral program in medicine at the site of Saguenay. Same type of reaction of Professor Aurel Schofield Moncton and community members of these medical two sites, which have nevertheless decided to embark on this adventure and to achieve the training of physicians in the Saguenay and New Brunswick. Six years after these initial planning meetings and four years after the arrival of raw recruits, the 22 students from the site of the Saguenay and 23 of Moncton site complete their undergraduate medical education in the next few days. www.usherbrooke.ca/medias/nouvelles/nouvelles-details/article/12265

Shortages of professionals in Quebec: the urgent need to act quickly. The labor shortage is already reality in 20 of the 51 regulated professions in Quebec. These 20 occupations for which employers can not find all necessary personnel are always of your health. "All indications are that this situation could worsen in the coming years", says the CEO of the Interprofessional Council of Québec (CIQ), Jean-François Thuot, in an interview with the Sun. The Council comprises 45 professional occupations that frame 51 per 340 000 workers in three major areas: health and human relations, law, administration and business as well as engineering, management and science. With the decline of the labor force that is expected to begin in 2013 due to the aging of Quebecers and the expected decrease in enrollment in colleges from next year and in universities in 2016, the list of occupations experiencing headaches to fill all vacancies that will occur on the job market will grow. "We work with the likely assumption that the professional staff may be declining in the coming years," says Thuot, who began to see in a not too distant horizon, a shortage in the engineering sector. In addition to having already to face shortages of health professionals - nearly 30% of professionals are nurses or doctors - the region of the National Capital should be saddled with a scarcity of land surveyors and foresters. "The academic programs leading to the exercise of these two professions are living difficulties of recruiting students." The colleges are not barriers, "says Mr. Thuot. "Their mandate is to ensure that people who want to pursue a regulated profession have the skills to do so. The yardstick for establishing the assessment, is the training we give to Quebecers. Corporations do not require more, not less to immigrants trained abroad, "he says, insisting that there are no quotas and that the assessment tools leave no room for arbitrariness. "Barely 15% of applications are refused recognition skills. We are far from disaster scenarios raised by the media. "According to the director general of the CIQ, the number of applications for recognition of skills addressed by professional bodies has jumped over 500% since 2001. In just under 1000 per year, it rose to more than 4000 mainly because of all the efforts to attract immigrants to Quebec. www.cyberpresse.ca/le-soleil/affaires/actualite-economique/201005/18/01-4281753-penuries-de-professionnels-au-quebec-lurgence-dagir-rapidement.php

Training, documentation
The Office des personnes handicapées du Québec and the Department of Employment and Social Solidarity invite employers, disabled people and the general public to visit http://www.ensembleautravail.gouv.qc.ca/ View site OMB www.camo.qc.ca/actualites/communiques.php?eventID=703

Career of people who joined the Quebec public service . As part of the Semaine québécoise disability from 1 to 7 June, the Treasury Board Secretariat wishes to present the career of some people who joined the Quebec public service. To find success stories employment integration of disabled people, see new Testimonials section of the website of the Treasury Board Secretariat. Visit this section regularly, as other stories will be filed periodically. www.tresor.gouv.qc.ca / human-resources / access-a-legality-of-employment / testimonials

The Office des personnes handicapées du Québec today launched the consultation report adapt their professional practices against persons with disabilities. This activity was held in Montreal at the Salon Take her! within the Week of the disabled. The report has just been released results from a consultation conducted by the Office with members of various professional bodies in collaboration with the Council Québec Interprofessional. This is an unpublished study in Quebec. The report gives a premièredescription professional practice appropriate to the context of Disabled Persons. It identifies some elements of competence required of members dediverses professions for their services better meet the needs disabledpersons. Such adaptations to professional practice are increasingly necessary, particularly because of an aging population that will increase the number of people with disabilities. The document presented today is to support the professional in their approach in this regard. It is a basis to begin their deliberations. By appropriating it, they can adjust their practices so that it becomes a powerful tool that can improve the work of their members with disabilities. Céline Giroux, executive director of the Office, who spoke at the launch, stressed the importance of giving this issue the attention it requires. "The colleges have to worry about the qualifications of their members regarding the services they provide to people with disabilities," she said. We want the support of professional bodies and training institutions and further development practice adapted helps build a more inclusive society. " www.camo.qc.ca/actualites/communiques.php?eventID=704

Frima The animation studio will create 150 jobs in Quebec www .cyberpresse.ca/le-soleil/affaires/jeux-et-logiciels/201006/02/01-4286100-le-studio-danimation-frima-creera-150-emplois-a-quebec.php

The The insurance industry lacks manpower www.cyberpresse.ca/le-soleil/dossiers/zone-affaires/201005/30/01-4285235-lindustrie-de-lassurance-manque-de-main- doeuvre.php

Manpower in the wood industry: a shortage in view North Shore www.cyberpresse.ca/le-soleil/actualites/les-regions/201005/30/01-4285242-main-doeuvre-dans-lindustrie-du-bois-penurie-en-vue-sur- la cote-nord.php

Students beautiful game
Many seasonal employers who normally hire students during the summer months, are facing serious recruitment problems. This is particularly the case of holiday camps that are struggling to fill their positions as leaders. "This is the first year that we all lack at this time of year. Our training camp starts June 9, when we start to find it a bit more difficult. It starts to be a little more stressful, "admitted the director of Camp" O "Crossroads, Roseline Jean. www.radio-canada.ca/regions/Quebec/2010/05/31/005-emploi_ete_etudiants.shtml

Who Moved My Cheese? is the inspiring story of two very young men, and minigus Flounder Bundles, and two mice, Flair and Arrow, which move in a maze. The foursome revel cheese every day at a specific location of the maze. But one morning, their cheese disappears. This test will take one by surprise ... and will be overcome with brio by others. The cheese stands objectives personal, family or professionals that binds everyone. The labyrinth is part of our quest - the couple, home, business or society. And the four characters embody, each in its measure, a part of ourselves. This fable is smiling to chase our fears, our inhibitions and our prejudices to change. It encourages us to anticipate, to dramatize and even rejoice in it. The big surprise in store for us this amazing story is that, in the matter, humans have much to learn from rodents! Source: www.piloter.org/livres-entreprise/developpement-personnel/Qui-a-pique-mon-fromage---9782840985983.htm

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Mark your calendar
In 2011, the 9th Congress of ACOC will be held in partnership with UQTR 1, 2 and 3 June

Bruno Tremblay, co Secretary General ACOC ACOC@videotron.ca

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