Monday, June 21, 2010

Fair Weather Dresses In Ottawa

V 8 # 30: Following the day Pre-Conference 2010

After editing, the information is adjusted, if necessary,
site bulletin (679 members)

Blue Poppy Garden Metis in Ancienne-Lorette
last summer, Happy holidays!
the summer solstice is coming to June 21, 2010 11:29

News Section
Post API at Champlain Regional College ( St. Lawrence Campus)

Help individual learning Cégep régional de Lanaudière Contest Ends Monday 28 June 2010 Full Time

Following Day Pre-Conference 2010 in college Merici. Program Pre-Symposium ACOC June 1, 2010; Activity Report of the Executive Board in 2009-2010 ; Moving Change Conference - Marc Vachon psychologist Agenda of the Ninth General Assembly June 1, 2010; Minutes of the 8th meeting of May 22, 2009 adopted Progress in change! Tools to facilitate the task Marc Vachon, psychologist / acoc Paper Conference / a_pdf / changement_demi.pdf Contents of the book Dare to change , Put the cap on his dreams / livre_table_matieres Slide Show for album # slideshow which is also found on Bulletin of the site right ( Slideshow Pre-Symposium 2010 at Merici on )

Committees Working ACOC Added Committee of the feasibility to hold our 10th Congress UQAT . When the General Assembly, we have established a committee consisting of Anne-Marie Nadeau Recruitment Officer Student Services and graduates UQAT Aurelius Jalbert and co Shirley Coderre co Cégep Abitibi-Témiscamingue Chantale Desjardins (co CEGEP de Sherbrooke) Executive Board member and will also Melanie Clement co CEGEP Montmorency (contact for the Montreal area).

Executive Board Members 2010-2011

On May 27, ACOC attended the presentation by the Chairman of the Board Higher Education, Nicole Boutin's opinion on renewed focus on the transition between high school and college. Again, thank you for your interest in the work of the Higher Council of Education. Johanne Methot Communications Manager Board of Education johanne.methot @ Presentation Abstract: 1-The research findings that illuminate the transition 2-secondary-college transition from every angle structures L'articulation 3-4 - The linking of knowledge and practical 5-L'intégration college. Implementation of education reform in high school: the rules governing certification of DES have been changed; training courses were introduced in 2ecycle of secondary general and special conditions for admission to college were reviewed. Admission of new provisions in the Regulations govern admission to college: admission conditional admission on a basis deemed sufficient. Devices allow continuity in schooling between the DEP and the DEC. Courses of action that will secure the knowledge and practices: Engaging college teachers around the continuity of knowledge and formalize the exchange between teachers from both levels of education. Measures of student integration: institutional integration; Activities préaccueil "Open House" and "Student for a Day" The maintaining web portals; Activities Home particularly within the formal curriculum. Intellectual integration: Session reception and integration, "Pedagogy of the first class session" Screening for at-risk students; Tutoring services and support centers, assistance measures to improve the language; support individual learning aids (API). Social Integration: Activities of the school year, extracurricular activities (social, cultural, sports); Groups stable periods programs, local resource programmatically; vocational integration; Services Advisors school information and guidance counselors; Noon-career mentoring on the clarification of the school project and professional. The real revival: the student who initiates a new stage of their schooling, the adjustment of the student with the system and the system against him. It is this double adjustment that the Council invites all stakeholders. The notice in full and abridged versions (French and English) are available on the Council website at the following address: To obtain a copy: Abstract and Notice itself

Press the ESC for the launch of the notice. The angle of the joint structures : The transition is first conditioned by the education system itself in terms of its structures. The education system must be consistent and ensure that the requirements for entering college allow educational success while having the flexibility to encourage more atypical course of some students. Consistency and flexibility of the system must act as counterweights mutual. As such, the Council recommends to the Minister of Education, Recreation and Sport to monitor the effects of the changes introduced, including the rules of admission, on the progress of students and college students and their success and make the necessary adjustments, if any. angle securing knowledge and teaching practices: How are secured content and teaching and evaluation practices of the two levels of education influence the transition of young people. Thus, the Council invites teachers in secondary and college awareness programs and practices each of the two levels of education to be able to better prepare or better receive, as appropriate, students who live out the transition. To do this, he considers it necessary to promote and support exchanges between personnel from both levels of education. It also invites teachers colleges to establish changes to their teaching so that students can walk in continuity with the secondary college compliance. The angle of integration students: For the Council, the transition process experienced by a student on his arrival is not the mere his first weeks in college. Indeed, integration - both institutional, intellectual, social and vocational - is preparing in high school. It is, among other things, the work he devotes to his studies at the secondary that leads to reflections on his career choices and exploration of career aspirations that students choose a program Study and prepare to engage in college. Therefore, the Commission invites colleges, together with secondary schools, to disseminate information from the second cycle of secondary school to know prospective students and college requirements to implement initiatives to begin their preparation. The Council also recommends that support the integration of new students with special needs by adequate financial resources, through the adjustment of educational practices at the college level and by disseminating information to them and their parents about services Available in college.

The opinion of the Board of Education or how to disguise the failure of reform www

Notice of Board of Education - FNEEQ skeptical about the implementation of certain recommendations

interventions orientation: modest effects, a significant scientific contribution. A summary of the article by Brown et al. (2003) by France Picard, a professor at Laval University on collaborative research with 21 colleges: The practical orientation with students undecided

I would like to know the college counselors the recent implementation of an online website dedicated to curriculum in careerology at the University of Quebec at Montreal. Louis Cournoyer, Ph.D., co cournoyer.louis @ Professor, Counseling Career Education Department of Education and University of Quebec at Montreal

The statement of social relevance Guidance counselors: "Co, for their expertise in the individual-job-training seek wellness personal and professional potential of mobilizing people and helping them to take their place in society while throughout their life. " This result puts an end to the first phase of the project. The second phase will take place within the committees of the college in which everyone has to take ownership of the statement according to its sector. The College will talk after the holidays.

Academos now in 12 colleges students enrolled in 2007 at pre-university sector, one can note a dropout rate of over 22% and program change by almost 35%. In technical programs, nearly 40% drop! The need to support college students in their career is crucial. To do this, Academos expanding its service to the college level. Thanks to a partnership in 2008, and Academos Skytech Communications colleges offer service to Quebec by annual subscription. Students access it from Omnivox, a web space where they will regularly seek information on their school careers. The service is currently in the process of integration, while twelve educational institutions use since January 2010: Collège Ahuntsic Collège de Bois-de-Boulogne Cégep de Drummondville Collège François-Xavier-Garneau Cégep Marie-Victorin Cégep Limoilou College Montmorency Collège de Maisonneuve Cégep de l'Outaouais Collège de Valleyfield Collège Vanier Cegep de Victoriaville Over 900 students have already contacted a mentor! Colleges unequivocally confirm the interest of service and adequacy of the means used to help as many students with much flexibility. / bulletin

ÉCOBES launches an extensive survey ÉCOBES Transfer and preparing to launch an extensive investigation, in three regions of Quebec on the first cohort of students from the education reform which will meet in September at the college. The goal is not to evaluate the effects of reform, but rather to document the integration and involvement of school youth.

Generation reform (1) - Best or not, high school graduates ? The education reform is still pending assessment

Labour Market CAPSULE VIDEO . Retirees: a pool of manpower to explore. The CQRHT has produced two video clips. One present employer testimonials pleased to have hired retirees, the other evidence of retirees who have chosen to make a return to work in tourism. / virtual-library / videos ?

Demographic Profile of tourism employees
The Canadian Council Human Resources (CTHRC) has published a report entitled "Who works for you? demographic profile of employees in the tourism sector" . This publication shows the demographic profile of the Canadian workforce for five sub-sectors of tourism and for 38 specific occupations. The report is available free on the collaboration portal website to CTHRC page

Admission to December Please note that the last MELS version of the document "Conditions for admission to programs of study leading to a Diploma of Collegial Studies" has just been made public. If this is done, the document will appear on the website of the Ministry within a few days at the following address & ; id = 869 There are very few changes, first affecting the program 180.A0 (Nursing). Indeed, as long planned, the prerequisite for Chemistry Secondary 5 will be required for admission to this program from Fall 2011. The second key the program 243.A0 (Computer systems technology). The prior mathematical was TS / TS is now fifth SN / SN 4e.

CEGEPs lack of places in Montreal

A Cohort Program Integration the profession of respiratory therapist, a new certificate of college! A new certificate college has added to the range courses offered for Continuing Education: Inclusion in the profession of respiratory therapist. Lasting about one year, 1170 hours of training that welcomes students and students trained in a field similar to respiratory therapy. These facilities receive highly specialized program of Respiratory and hours of supervised practice in the laboratory. This training will enable these students to continue their careers in respiratory therapy. / the-college / publications

Orientation Secondary: Current developments. very interesting document on the website of the order section member of the Working Group on guidance to secondary

Outlook Rosemont - Special Achievement, June 2010 the 1st round of SRAM, Rosemont experiencing a 28% increase in applications Admission and stands on the island of Montreal. After the first round of Regional Admission Service of Greater Montreal (SRAM), Rosemont College has registered an increase of 28% of its requests for admission. "Supporting the success and encourage the development of our students and our students, is what lies at the heart of our actions! This increase of 28% is very good news for our entire college community, it expresses so clearly the attraction of our College in the 1st round, and I rejoice greatly, "says Ms. Patricia Hanigan, CEO of Rosemont College. The Rosemont College was one of the first colleges to introduce the session and Home integration. He has developed expertise and offers a personalized: a tutorial and a multidisciplinary team and accompany the student and encourage him to integrate the program of his choice. The College offers five pre-university programs and eleven technical training programs, four of which are available only at Rosemont College: Acupuncture, hearing aids, Thanatology and Techniques of Social Research. The College is also the first college to create and implement an Environmental Profile in Social Sciences program. Three courses of continuity DEP-DEC [Diploma of Vocational Studies (DEP) - Diploma of Collegial Studies (DEC)], unique in Quebec, are part of the card programs from Rosemont College: Computer Support (DVS) and Techniques of Informatics, specialization Network Support (DCS), Secretariat (DEP) and Office System Technology, Desktop Publishing and hypermedia profile (DEC) Desktop Publishing (DEP) and Office System Technology, Desktop Publishing and hypermedia component (DCS). / the-college / publications

Guidance counselors, real coaches Fellice When Diane started in the trade, he was asked if CO letters written on his business card meant ordinary accountant. But today, Fellice human strategies through its team of 10 counselors (CO), is perhaps the most important company in this field with companies in Quebec. Traditionally identified school district, counselors have made themselves a name in the world of work. Many organizations employ counselors: Bell Canada, Desjardins, Loto-Quebec, Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton, Telus, CGI, Premier Tech, Sun Life of Canada, etc.. In these organizations, CO advisors include human resource management, staff leadership development, management consultants in health, recruitment consultants, training consultants, specialists rehabilitation and development project managers. One of the mandates that companies trust Ms. Fellice is to coach new employees during their first 100 days. "Twenty hours in the past three months with the new employee and his supervisor, this greatly increases the chances of success," says Fellice, whose clientele consists mainly of SMEs that have no human resources department. At Techno Diesel, for example, she advised Marcel Mailhot Thuot and Jacinta for six years about how to pass the torch to their three daughters. Ms. Fellice managed to perk up the key employee of an SME who had lost his motivation. The training of counselors also allows them to pass psychometric tests. Jean-Francois Gagnon is a consultant in organizational development at Desjardins. His work can result in the modification of existing jobs or creating new positions. It must define the profile of each of these positions qualifications, relevant training, remuneration, responsibilities, etc.. "The heart of the training guidance counselor is on the triangle-working individual and society," said Gagnon. It has many applications. For example, I have colleagues who do CO. training, staffing , skills development and even the establishment of a mentoring model. "But what the guidance counselor stands he's human resources advisor?" The counselor is trained in human resources management, while the counselor is trained in counseling, "said Laurent Matte, President College counselors and guidance counselors in Quebec. Counseling is a form of psychological and social intervention which aims to help someone overcome the difficulties that prevent it from functioning properly in a given situation . They differ in that psychologists, who work mainly in terms of performance. The counselors are focusing meanwhile their intervention on the development of identity in the workplace. The college counselors and guidance counselors and psycho and psycho Quebec in September will become the Order of guidance counselors; psychoeducators have their own agenda. In 5400 members, the College counselors will move to the 2300 members, 48% work in schools. About 20% work in companies, as house counsel or outside consultants. The profession is feminized in the fast lane: Women already represent more than half of the order, and within the new cohorts, they are 9 out of 10. You must have a Masters (five years of university) to become a guidance counselor. "Anyone can tell a coach, but the counselors themselves, it's true," said Ms. Fellice, who is also president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Laval and Vice-President of the Company Quebec psychology of work and organizations.

New certificate program in digital realization offered at Laval University offered by the Faculty of Music University Laval in the fall of 2010. The computer has become an indispensable tool in all spheres of music. This program is for performers, songwriters, educators and music lovers who want to maximize the technology they already have access and adapt their creative process. At the end of their training, students will be able to carry out projects to create digital audio, and this, from design to final product. The Certificate in audio realization is not simply to inform the operation of audio equipment or software: it differs from other such programs in promoting the student with a creative spirit, a vision beyond the purely technical aspects associated with the digital domain. Indeed, in addition to compulsory courses (acoustic and digital theory, sound recording, audio mixing, design and audio post-production), the program includes a variety of elective courses, including technical courses (architectural acoustics, computer music notation, etc.. ), but also a selection of courses that allow students to learn about different musical styles in order to feed his creation (pop, jazz, classical, etc..). Part of the training also aims to prepare students for the creative work of music (the music industry, music career management, etc.).. Persons wishing to attend this training should hurry to register because the number of admissions is limited. Program applicants will be subject to a review of classification in music technology. View detailed program: https: / / P_session = 201009 & p_code_prog = C-RAN RAN & = & p_code_majr p_code_camp p_type_index = & = 4 = 34 & p_valeur_index
Martine Nadeau martine.nadeau @

Where will be 2947 teachers? Quebec Classes will be smaller in the next two years. Already facing a severe shortage of qualified teachers, schools in Quebec will find no less than 2 947 teachers to fill new positions being created in the school system within two years, a difficult challenge, according to several .

Training, documentation
Federal Public Service. Recruiting through social media. The Public Service Commission of Canada is attempting a first initiative of recruiting through social media. The pilot project will be launched in September, aims to recruit talent in areas in high demand. Thus, the Committee will invite a virtual job fair, not real people, but fictional characters playing on the website Second Life. On this site, users create characters known as avatars. These characters work, socialize them, buy consumer goods, etc.. Whether true or not does not matter. They will be courted by the Public Service Commission. The project manager, Marvin Bedward says that Second Life, the Canadian government will have its island with several flags describing the prospects for federal job. "We can develop simulations. We have a conference room where people can come and hear speakers. They can handle computers, so they can have a real experience of a job, "says Mr. Bedward. In government offices, there will be real public servants who will handle a thirty-avatar recruiters. For the Commission Public Service, this project is more than just a game It is a serious initiative to recruit mid-career professionals. We see that the average age of Second Life is 30 to 40 years, so it gives us access to those people who are highly educated and who have an interest in technology. The Public Service Commission hopes to encourage people behind the avatars to undertake genuine efforts of employment.

The third edition was launched GROP Fall 2008 and number of tests since raised the impressive statistics as well as constructive feedback from the advisors who use it. In recent weeks, the authors have revised their form GROP results to respond better to your needs. By September, you will see: Adding indexes of statistical confidence; New table synthesis of 3 sections; Best visual for bipolar scales; Improvements typographical Enhancement of the identification section. Melanie Roy

Information Officers Tourist: a Quebec professional standard. Work on the development of occupational analysis, the profile of competence and the professional standard for the trade of Quebec information officer tourism are almost completed. The next step is to confirm that this new standard is the subject of a broad consensus among experts in the art in Quebec. The steps for the establishment of this consensus will be held during the summer to allow the greatest number of employees, including experienced staff who work on a seasonal basis, to participate in the validation process. Any person employed in a tourist information officer in the ILO, a BAT or center Infotouriste and have at least a summer full of experience to this position may participate in the consultation. To participate in the consultation, contact Elina Kirova elina.kirova @

Career Guidance and Public Policy: Bridging the Gap., 3425, fr_2649_39263238_34050181_1_1_1_1, 00.html and on our website in the Members section Resources and Tools Working

Lounge Welcome aboard! The Maritime Career Fair 30 September 1 and October 2, 2010 Beauport Bay - Street Surf - Quebec. The first edition (2009) Maritime Career Fair was a resounding success. Upon visiting 14 sites including a Youth Employment Centre, a Centre for Adult Education and two CEGEPs, exhibitors and proposed activities have attracted about 1,200 visitors over 3 days (including 755 students and staff of teaching). On 8 October, a survey was sent to exhibitors and schools in order to obtain feedback and suggestions from everyone. The results of this survey will accompany the post mortem of the event which will be sent to participants in a few weeks. The positive feedback received to date show the real value of this project which could be renewed the next year. The success of this event is a true gateway to the promotion of maritime careers and the need to maintain our efforts to provide young people our passion for our sector of activity and influence their career choices.

Schizophrenia: aspirin tested
Aspirin may be effective in some people with schizophrenia or other schizophrenia spectrum disorders to reduce symptoms, according to a Dutch study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry.

New training dates: Accreditation Trima : 25, 26, 27 October and 17 November 2010 Quebec to , 23, 24, 25 November and 6 December 2010 at Montreal ; Accreditation Program TRIMA SPECIAL 2 DAYS reserved CO and PSYCHOLOGIST: 10 and 11 November 2010 in Montreal 10 and March 11, 2011 at Quebec; Talents and Skills for Integrated Human Resources October 19, 2010 to December 1, 2010 at Montreal's Quebec You can get more details and to register line directly on the site Christine Esnault Executive Assistant

IDEO 16-17, a measure that promotes student retention http:// slang = en

Career Guidance and Policy Public: Bridging the Gap, 3425, fr_2649_39263238_34050181_1_1_1_1, 00.html
reading suggestion by Robert Leveille Dokimos and Section members site ACOC Resources and tools to work

This activity guide you will discover the horizons of two areas Related: firefighting and ambulance profession, the latter being designated today under the name paramedic. This document is divided into two parts : A) the firefighter and B) the universe of paramedic.

A new portal in French in September. Academos is growing and developing a new Web space. What will he? To offer students alternative ways to define their professional dreams! With over 18,000 participants annually, the e-mentoring has been proven. However, the mentoring relationship is not appropriate for all young people. Academos decided to act upstream of career exploration by providing access to interactive content which will explore the business otherwise. To ensure we make the right choice, we consulted young people using a survey and a focus group with students of the College of Montreal French, whom we thank. The new tools will include: video clips on careers, profiles of mentors that will include videos and written accounts, a corporate blog and a section sharing your dream, where young people can share their interest in a trade. Everything will be online for the start of the 2010-2011 school year. / bulletin
Academos: IT at the service of e-mentoring

My summer job docent in a museum. Each week, La Presse showing a young man who loves his summer job. This week, it was Marie Belisle, 24, docent at the Museum of the masters and artisans in Quebec, in the Saint Lawrence.

Anorexia of Male rarer but also dangerous

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finder to locate an article in the archives of the newsletter Notice the search engine Bulletin on the site right. Just enter a word and you get significant backfiles (144 numbers) on the search topic and Internet links consulted. Famous! Try , is believing.

Mark your calendar
In 2011, the 9th Congress of ACOC will be held in partnership with the UQTR 1, 2 and 3 June

Next Carrefour orientation to UQAR-Lévis campus: Tuesday, November 30 2010 before the day of the partners at Laval University (December 1)

Slideshow Pre-Conference 2010 at Merici # slideshow

Bruno Tremblay, co Secretary General ACOC

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