Friday, November 19, 2010

Mouthwash Sheet Music

V 9 No. 10: The Return in a single order OCCOQ

After editing, the information is adjusted, if necessary,
(707 members, 9th season of the electronic newsletter)
At one point in cyberspace for the fall
we passed the 300,000 visits to the site
302,475 visitors since 2005

December 8 will be a big day, the return to order our unique It is emphasized that this major change is the result of reflection and concerted action, a maturation of the structure created in 2000, especially in light of preparations for the Act 21. With the introduction of the new concept of shared activities, it is not necessary that both professions share a common agenda for the reservation of a common activity. Laurent Matte co-chair of the OCCOQ

News Section
Open in colleges
Conference on admission language pathology at the University. Laval
Program Scholarship Toyota Earth Day

Register before November 29
31 members are registered at the next crossroads of East-2010 UQAR Lévis campus Tuesday, November 30, 2010 from 9:30 to 12:00 ( followed by dinner and a meeting with the UQAR afternoon, information below). Day partners University Laval will take place the day after December 1 (information below). We organize every two years, the Carrefour de l'orientation during this time of year to facilitate the travel of members and attendance at both events.

The theme of the Carrefour de l'orientation ( to register, send an email to ; pay site costs $ 30: check in name ACOC ; other information will be emailed to registrants only ) will: Support the school guidance and professional: methods for integrating a better consideration of social relationships of our clients. Workshop Description: Self-knowledge involves the initial "re" self-knowledge. Social relations of our customers help to mobilize support and thoughts, emotions and behavior favorable to the project construction professional young adults. However, how to incorporate these 'external' to the process one by one? The workshop aims to describe the different roles that can be played by social relations based on the nature and forms of interaction, as well to offer food for thought and sensitive intervention. Lecturer : Louis Cournoyer, co is a professor in career counseling at the University of Quebec at Montreal . His research focuses on persistence in college, construction of the professional project for young adults and the role of social relationships and social networks on educational and vocational guidance. Guidance counselor for 15 years, he has varied experience with young adults and adults. He is involved in several professional committees whose purpose is the development professional co

is with pleasure that we invite you to Lévis campus on November 30 for an information meeting on a few training programs UQAR, some unique to Quebec, and a campus visit. This meeting will follow the Carrefour de l'orientation ACOC be held within our walls, is at 1595, boulevard Alphonse-Desjardins in Lévis. You will find against the conduct of the activity of the afternoon. Please RSVP by email to before November 25, 2010. A parking sticker will be sent via email. Hope to meet you. Robert Paré Vice-President, Planning and Partnerships campus Lévis Information Jacques d'Astous 1-800-463-4712 or 418-833-8800, ext 3224

Click on image to enlarge

Partners Day 2010 Laval University be held on Wednesday 1 December 2010, in the auditorium Jean-Paul Tardif flag Laurentian. We invite you to attend lectures given by professors who are important players in the great debates company and we offer you the privilege of visiting three scientific infrastructure facilities-the-art technology brings together top researchers: Research Consortium for High Performance Scientific Computing (CLUMEQ). The Center for Optics, Photonics and Lasers (COPL), world-class infrastructure represents the largest fleet of equipment in optics and photonics in a university in Canada. The Institute of Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods (INAF), the largest group of researchers in Canada to focus entirely on the complex interactions between food components, nutrition and health. Register before November 19 this eventful day by completing the online form . For more information on the course of the day, please consult the agenda attached or contact: Pierre Bonenfant, responsible for promotion and information on studies Pierre.Bonenfant @

Click on image to enlarge

Advisor or counselor at the Cégep de Trois-Rivieres (Contract for temporary professional full-time during the teaching sessions, 6 December 2010 to May 20, 2011) Those interested are invited to submit their application and curriculum vitae before 17 pm November 29, 2010 at ress.humaines @

Help individual learning Cégep régional de Lanaudière Contest Ends On Wednesday, November 24, 2010 Full Time www / detail_poste.asp? NoPoste = 15678

Combining Equity and Performance Education, a social challenge. In its Report 2008-2010 on the status and needs of education, entitled Combining performance and fairness in education, a social challenge, the Board of Education said that despite the extent of progress in education in Quebec since the Quiet Revolution, we must go one step further so that Quebec can continue to be among the most advanced societies in terms of the performance of its education system. For example, while nearly 62% of the population owned less than 9 years of schooling in 1951, the rate of obtaining a high school diploma was more than 87% in 2007. Moreover, between 1975 and 2007, the rate of obtaining a postsecondary education has more than doubled from 22 to 49% in college, and 15 to 33% for a bachelor. However, the demands of modern societies exert significant pressure on the education system to train more people educated, skilled and able to fully exercise their citizenship. Despite all the progress, the Council believes it must continue to initiate efforts to remove remaining obstacles to access to education and access to success in curriculum to match the complexity of knowledge. Areas of vulnerability: As the Council is, for each level or sector of education, some aspects of the education system that limit or weaken the access or the educational success of certain populations. The Council's view, too many young people leave school without having gained a first qualification. Also, the system's ability to respond quickly to students who have characteristics or living situations that undermine their access to success, and known in advance the potential risks in relation to school failure and dropout, is central and is a significant area of vulnerability. Moreover, primary and secondary, taking into account the diversity of rhythms and learning needs also deserves some attention in order to avoid the accumulation of delays in the learning often irreversible, which , says the Council routinely announce a high probability of failure school. In secondary education, openness to diversity - that is to say to a diverse student body and having varied and complex needs - is, according to the Council, an area of vulnerability. This requires institutions and stakeholders for greater adaptability. In addition, analysis of success rates at the college and university education shows that despite the considerable distance traveled for forty years, there is still room for improvement both in terms of graduation rates as one of access to education. In its report, the Commission identifies other areas of vulnerability, including the access of young people under 20 years of vocational training and adult participation in continuing education, both residential and business. In the latter case, Quebec is lagging considerably behind the rest of Canada. / FR / bulletin / index.html # 2010-11-16

Young, project Proj'action the Carrefour Jeunesse- emploi Charlesbourg-Chauveau, released a DVD! On 20 November will be held at CEGEP Limoilou campus Charlesbourg, the launch of the DVD "Breaking the veils" the conclusion of the project Proj'action the Carrefour jeunesse-emploi Charlesbourg-Chauveau (CJECC). To set sail on attention deficit disorder, anxiety disorder and conduct disorder and demystify their problems, Proj'action team, which has 24 youth and nearly 100 volunteers worked to 'hard in order to achieve A to Z a documentary on the subject. Youth Proj'action chose this medium as part of their progression and achievement orientation and drawing from their experiences personal life. What: Cocktail of the official launch of the documentary "Breaking the veils" Where: CEGEP Limoilou Charlesbourg campus (free parking) Room Montaigne (Gate 2) 7600 3rd Avenue East Québec (Quebec) G1H 7L4 Date: Saturday, November 20, 2010 Time Cocktails at 11:15 am (tickets cost $ 60.00 including projection) projection to 12.45 (tickets cost $ 8.00 general admission). / nouvelles.php

Symposium of the Association of College Registrars Quebec (ARC) in October 2010 WORKSHOP - QUESTIONS FOR THE MELS Question: Some colleges offer 2 courses upgrade in chemistry in the nursing program for students who failed the high school chemistry class V. If we can not offer more courses to upgrade from the fall of 2011, what will we do with students who are currently in grids with care upgrade and have failed one or two of these courses ? Can we offer courses to upgrade to these students only (very expensive if for some students only) or if they must return to their chemistry in high school? Answer : Actually, the Nursing Program enjoyed an exception to the fall of 2011 in terms of admission requirements and procedures for compliance. Students admitted to a program whose terms of admission are enhanced in this program are eligible because they are the admission requirements prevailing at the time of admission apply. Both courses upgrade in Chemistry for Nursing will be disabled in fall 2012, the time that students admitted before fall 2011 can follow. The rest is for colleges to make the decision with respect to course offerings upgrade. Notably, students admitted before fall 2011 that have not reached the 2 objectives and standards for complementary general education should do otherwise than with the current upgrade in chemistry from the fall of 2012. / FR / bulletin / index.html # 2010-11-16

Question: Could we offer chemistry class upgrade for students in college postsecondary only (a high school student with previous regimes)? Answer: As with all programs of study leading to a DCS, a student who does not meet a condition for admission should follow the required courses before being admitted into the program.

Question: Can we have confirmation that we can not admit students without the prerequisite of successful chemistry? Answer: The confirmation that students will no longer be admitted into nursing without the prior chemistry was given in November 2007, when the minister made his decision in this matter. The decision appears on the identification card program in the Department's website and in the official program book.

Question: When will the new version of the Annex on the consistency of former high school courses with new courses will be available? Answer: The document will be available by December 2010. Work is underway at the Department of diploma (high school) on this point.

Admission and during upgrade 180.A0 180.B0 and after the fall of 2011. Once eligibility of a student to a curriculum has been established and the student has been enrolled in at least one quarter, the student remains eligible for this program, regardless of whether the admission requirements are modified thereafter. In other words, the admission of Nursing program that take effect in fall 2011 will not apply to students admitted for the first time in this program as of fall 2011. Colleges should not register session transition admitted students without chemistry in the program before fall 2011, but let them enrolled in the program. For students without chemistry admitted before fall 2011, they have until 1 September 2012 to succeed the current 202-1A3-RE and RE-202-2A3, which will then be disabled in departmental systems.

Additional question: Who should recommend the issuance without mention of December when a student (which is right) attended several colleges and that it meets the terms of any PIEA these colleges? Answer: You must first ensure that the terms of sanction without mention of the DEC provided in PIEA do not go against the PSR. For example, a PIEA could not require that the student is not enrolled in an AEC as the PSR states that only the entry in December which prevents the issue without reference to the DEC. However, since the PIEA are consistent with the CER, the more logical that the DEC would be recommended without mention by the last frequented by college students. It would be important in this context to include in each PIEA emergency measures in the usual way of punishment without reference to the DEC.

Probe: The imposition of three secondary stages causes the following problem: when applying for college admission on March 1, the results of a single stage of secondary 5 are available, which is very little. What can the Department on this? Answer: The question was posed to Mr. Jean-Guy Hamel, director of the certification of high school. Mr. Hamel confirms the imposition of three stages in the context of the implementation of a single ballot since the school year 2011-2012 in Quebec schools. These new provisions will be part of the basic school in preparation. Specific information can be found at the site of the MELS to the following address: / bulletinNational , particularly in the section Guidance document for school principals.

pilots courted by airlines
After several lean years, the outlook for air transport, with positive consequences for pilots and other employees of the Quebec area. The Secretary-General of Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Benjamin Raymond, said in late September that the airline had overtaken the lost gap in international traffic as a result of the recession. Sign of a reversal of the situation, Air Canada has recently released a full page in Québec newspapers to highlight the quality of its employees and position itself as an employer of choice with promising rookies. "We committed to excellence. Air Canada recruits only among the best, "says the advertisement. According to Daniel Adams, Manager of Operations at Max Aviation St-Hubert, Air Canada would provide some soon to hire 150 pilots in Canada to offset the retirements and manage the recovery, which is an unprecedented number for many years. It was not possible to interview a spokesperson for Air Canada on Friday. Side Pascan Aviation, a regional carrier, said it had hired forty new employees, including 20 pilots, in the last year. Head instructor at Aviation Training Centre Quebec, Eric Jutras, said that the aviation industry is highly cyclical and he is recovering from a difficult period following the financial crisis of 2008-2009. In general, pilots and other airline employees should take advantage of favorable winds in the coming decades. While the industry is faced with many retirements of pilots from the generation of baby boomers, it must also manage a large increase in demand from emerging countries. The U.S. giant Boeing announced recently that the airlines should hire more one million workers in 20 years to operate the 30,000 new aircraft will be in operation during this period. ICAO plans to share a shortage of pilots for the next 20 years. "The airlines will need 49,900 new pilots a year, but the global capabilities of training are only 47 025 pilots per year," the organization wrote. Mr. Adams said that Max Aviation School annually trains hundreds of Chinese students. These students are trained at the expense of Chinese airlines and guaranteed employment in their countries upon their return. He added that Many drivers in Quebec and Canada are also being courted by carriers from emerging markets in India, UAE and Thailand. Mr. Jutras said that working conditions are often better abroad than at home. "Pilots who go abroad do not pay almost no taxes and are often housed for free," he says. Despite improving prospects, the airline industry continues to suffer from poor image among Quebec youth. "Young people here are less attracted to the profession. There are fewer and fewer points of contact between young people and our industry and the costs training are very high, "says Marco Prud'homme, CEO of the Quebec Air Transport Association. A prospective pilot must pay about $ 60 000 for training, and wages are meager in the early years, "says Jutras. "Things are improving, but many people still have a negative perception of the industry," said he.

Portrait of the nursing workforce 2009-2010 - GROWTH OF THE NURSING STAFF AND LEVEL TRAINING IN PROGRESS AT CONSTANT few days its annual conference, the College of Nurses of Quebec (ONQ) unveils the portrait of its workforce 2009-2010. He noted that this number continues to grow and reached 71 371 members, a record number to date. There is an increase of 1.1% from 2008-2009; it is within the average for the past five years. As for training, the proportion of nurses holding a degree in nursing or other disciplines is 48%. If one considers only the Bachelor of Nursing, the proportion rises to 30%, a rate never reached now. OIIQ account and 21,719 graduate nurses among its members. He is a 18% increase in the number of bachelor's graduates since 2005-2006, the first year of graduation of nurses who completed the program integrated DEC-BAC. "Nurses are more likely to continue their studies at university level, a trend that will foster the development of new nursing roles and meet the needs of the health system," said the president of the ONQ, Ms. Gyslaine Desrosiers. "Established in 2001, the DEC-BAC program has clearly encouraged the university. This program is attractive and should continue to be incentives and encouragement. Training is crucial, it must be a priority for everyone, "added the President. Meanwhile, more and more nurses are following the training. The data show that 78% of them reported taking continuing education in 2009, compared to 63% in 2005. Nevertheless, one in five nurses said they had made no training. Therefore OIIQ aiming to help improve access to such training. Since 2003, the OIIQ issued annually between 2400 and 2800 allowed new nurses. The number of permits is a record for the past 25 years confirming the attractiveness of the profession. OIIQ notes and its campaigns promoting the profession bears fruit. Another interesting element: the retention of young talent. We observe that on average, 90% of nurses who entered the profession during the first half of the 2000s were still active after five years in Quebec. These figures are excellent when compared to other provinces or other professions. For example, the retention rate after five years of nursing in Ontario is 85% and nursing assistants in Quebec is 78%. One downside: the large number of retirements. Indeed, more than 15,500 nurses are aged 55 or older and therefore potentially eligible to retire. These nurses represent 22% of the workforce, a proportion that has doubled in ten years. In addition, there were 10 800 nurses from 50 to 54 years, a group that will soon be eligible to retire. "The mass exodus to retirement is a concern, so it is important for us to OIIQ continue to educate policymakers to find ways to improve the conditions of practice and to adopt measures incentives to encourage older nurses to continue their careers when they want, "argued Ms. Gyslaine Desrosiers. While the total number of nurses is increasing year by year the number of those working in the public health remains the same. So that the nursing network now represents 82% of the workforce in Quebec compared to 87% in 2001-2002. Across Quebec, 3863 Nurses say they are working on behalf of an agency, an increase of 50% since 2005-2006. These nurses represent 5.8% of the total workforce. This statistic climbs to 12% among nurses who reside in the northern suburbs of Montreal.

college studies in Odanak
A historic moment. A great adventure. A challenge for youth and community Odanak. A gain for First Nations and for the entire population of Quebec. All expressions that have been used to describe the proposed new post-secondary institution of First Nations, whose new status was made last September and has been an official announcement from the Education Council First Nations (FNEC) yesterday at the Community Hall Odanak. Since its opening in September 2011, the new school will be built for this purpose and will be annexed to the new industrial and commercial motel that has been erected along Route 132, east of the urban area of Pierrefonds and Odanak, a college preparatory program to facilitate the transition between secondary and postsecondary education. Through partnership with Dawson College (Anglophone) and the Cégep de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue (French), the IPPN offer a unique bilingual program, or Science Human - First Nations, accredited by the Ministry of Education, Recreation and Sport (MELS) in Quebec. This project in preparation for 5 or 6 years, will offer a program that will lead to a diploma of collegial studies (DCS).

Cégep Beauce-Appalaches makes accessible the training in maintenance of wind turbines. Those interested in taking training in maintenance of wind turbines should not suffer from vertigo or claustrophobia to qualify. From April, Cégep Beauce-Appalaches will make available the Attestation of Collegial Studies (ACS) in maintenance of wind turbines to locals wishing to be employed in the field of wind energy. Through an agreement between the Group Collegia (Consortium of continuing education services from the Cégep de la Gaspésie et des Îles Cégep de Matane and) and the Cégep Beauce-Appalaches, the Beauceron will begin training in maintenance of wind turbines in their own region. Initially, training, lasting a total of 14 months will be offered at Cégep Beauce-Appalaches (CBA). Courses in first session (four months) will be held at the Centre for Integrated Industrial Mechanics la Chaudière (CIMIC) in Saint-Georges. Following the training will give the Quebec Centre for training in maintenance of wind turbines (CQFME) Cégep de Gaspésie et des Îles who also holds the exclusive for this type of training in Quebec. Teachers College Gaspé could come and give training in Beauce. However, the CBA provides for the possibility that new teachers be hired in the coming months. This is to facilitate access to training in maintenance of wind turbines to those in the region, but also to promote local employment in this sector. "I believe that relocating a portion of the wind turbine maintenance training, we meet the needs of the region with the best of our abilities," says Caroline Bouchard, Coordinator of Continuing Education in the CBA. It should be noted that with the introduction of wind farms in Thetford Mines, Saint-Luc and Saint-Robert, 25 full-time positions for technicians in maintenance of wind turbines will be filled in the short term. Provincially, more than 400 jobs will be available by 2015. "The program maintenance of wind turbines is a fairly long program that consists of 1400 hours of training, so we do not think that relocating 400, we will give people a taste of the region to return to school and embark in this life project, "said Caroline Bouchard. The training is for those who have interrupted their studies for at least two consecutive sessions or during a school year and who have a high school diploma (DES) or training deemed sufficient. They must also have passed Mathematics and Physical Sciences 416. The CBA and Collegia Group hopes to fill the sixteen places available training. Note that the program will be funded by the Ministry of Education, Recreation and Sport, so those admitted will benefit from free education. Only the cost of admission and registration fees will be covered by the student. In addition, some registrants may be eligible for income support of Emploi-Québec, a partner in the project. Registration is done online / registration. For more information about the program, contact the Continuing Education of the CBA at 418-228-8896 ext 235 or email

Operation Charm Cégep de la Gaspésie-Iles: Relaunch of incentives, enhanced version. For the Cégep de la Gaspésie-Iles, 50 students per year would make a huge difference. A difference in keeping the medium term, the quantity and quality of services our institution college. Therefore nearly 400 000.00 U.S. dollars will be invested in promoting the College and its programs. With social factors such as school dropout, the exile of young people to major centers and the popularity of private schools in large cities (Which offer certifications and college fast eligible for the loans and grants) is fierce competition for a College of remote areas. However, in Gaspé, we decided to do the right thing: play the card of regional charm and the quality of education. Question to encourage students to take advantage of Gaspe 'their' College, but also to attract new students in search of adventure and scenery. Cégep de Gaspésie et des Îles therefore takes the initiative and reiterates its incentive program to convince students enroll in postsecondary institutions in their region. In the wake of the Report Boudreau, the college will offer 100 grants of $ 1 500.00, free accommodation, transport to and from campus to home and even portable, depending on certain conditions. These scholarships and other incentives designed to support students who are to leave the family to continue their college studies. By these measures, the College management wants to first educate future college students to consider life as a premier regional studies on several aspects, including quality education, proximity to faculty and diverse student life. According to Emploi-Québec for the period from 2009 to 2013, 8600 positions are filled in the region. In this context, retention of young people for college is not enough to meet the needs of the Gaspésie-Îles. Thus, the college's objective is to offer between 35 and 50 scholarships of $ 5 000 students from outside the region in targeted programs. Seek adventure, study in the Gaspé, remain to make lives for themselves and is a little mission that wants to succeed the direction of the College. To do this, an invitation is extended to employers and regional agencies, to ally themselves, contributing to the financial arrangements for these scholarships to attract students from elsewhere. Despite the late announcement of the incentive program last January, a study by the initiation of research and sustainable development assistance (CIRADD) estimates that the measures have been influenced in their choice of college, at different levels About 25 students this year. Even if the total number of students is stable compared to last year, with population decline, 30 students more than the expected number enrolled in the institution. What convinced of the relevance of incentives. For full details on the incentives of the College, the public is invited to visit the Cégep de la Gaspésie and Iles, or to call 1 888 368-2201, ext 1626.

stay discovery in computer science at University of Montreal From 14 to 16 January 2011, the University of Montreal to host college students to give them a taste of university and inform them of employment opportunities for graduates in computer science. All this in a friendly environment that brings together students from all corners of Quebec. Draw of $ 500 scholarships. Students who are enrolled in college in the winter or fall 2011 may apply. Registration before December 15, 2010. For details:

SMEs could develop software and video games UQAC

A campus of UdeM in Laval in September

All right, doctor?

An age limit of practice for physicians?

Amendments to the vat in imaging and digital media. Place the tray in the image and Sciences digital media. Known as Bachelor of imaging and digital media since its inception in 2003, the program is changed to the Bachelor of Science from the image and digital media. This degree is unique in North America, with high scientific content, was increasingly confused with training for arts and entertainment field (creation of video games, movies, etc..). The new name aims to better reflect its scientific content and multidisciplinary, combining particular mathematics, computer science and physics, and computer scientists to attract students wishing to specialize in the field of ICA. / science / programs dEtudes / first-cycle / degree-in-computer / science-of-filing-and-the-digital-media

The computer UdeS video. Students perform and are 9 clips 9 challenges. In UdeS you learn a lot by doing ... Is this true? A smart home for people with reduced autonomy ... It works? Students of the Department of Computer Science were given the challenge to demonstrate images the most striking aspects of their program and their experiences at the University of Sherbrooke. They met the challenge brilliantly through nine short videos that each respond to a question in less than 30 seconds! See for yourself by watching videos. / IT / détudiants-challenges-in-computer / it-seems-that-the-teachers-are-always-available

University of Sherbrooke From Ritalin to do better in school. Medical students at the University of Sherbrooke, do not hesitate to take drugs, including Ritalin, for achieve better academic results. According to students met by Radio-Canada, taking Ritalin improves concentration, which helps to perform better in exams. Although Ritalin is sold only by prescription, Sylvie Godbout, a psychiatrist at the University of Sherbrooke, believes it is possible to find quite easily at the university. "People, as they have mentors, tutors, there are still teachers who are close to students, I guess that's how it goes. Or is their family doctor, but they will certainly not try it on the black market, "she said. According Ms. Godbout, the problem is not that students are taking Ritalin, but the reason that drives them to do so. "I think that is what proportion of these people live like stress," she said beforehand. Ritalin has few side effects when taken in moderate doses. Nevertheless, its use is not recommended if it is not justified. "Students [in medicine] know the molecule, so they know how far they can go with this molecule there," argues, however, the pharmacist Lynn Germain. There are no recent studies on the use of Ritalin in academia. The phenomenon would however be used in universities in the province by students met by the CBC.

School of Criminology, international star of television www.nouvelles.umontreal .ca/enseignement/nos-etudiants/20101115-lecole-de-criminologie-vedette-internationale-de-la-television.html

Scholarships. It sits nicely. Isabelle Perreault has always worked hard. She worked so hard she was ranked among the top six in Quebec for the professional examination of the Institute Chartered Accountants in 2009. Academic performance pay, having won not one but two scholarships during her university studies.

Toyota Canada and Toyota Foundation Canada, in partnership with Earth Day Canada, have established the Scholarship Program Toyota Earth Day to help cultivate and nurture this environmental leadership. This program highlights the efforts of graduates of a high school or college institution in Quebec who have distinguished themselves through community service and extracurricular activities and volunteer-oriented environment and have demonstrated excellence in their studies, and encourages them to continue their excellent work. To date, Toyota Canada, Toyota Canada Foundation and Earth Day Canada has awarded 120 students and have given these young environmental leaders more than $ 600 000 in scholarships. Program Scholarship Toyota Earth Day has 20 prizes of $ 5 000 each awarded each year. This amount is applied directly to tuition fees, accommodation and meals (if applicable), payment for books or other educational expenses during the first year post-secondary full-time Canada. For more information, visit

Academos works directly with young Quebecers giving them access to the world work by a way they know well: the Internet. Today Academos is proud to present new services that multiply the opportunities for contact : Portraits mentors / portraitdementor to have a real journey of human vision. Here's a preview: "and say that my refusal to medical school has given me the opportunity to discover one of my greatest passions: Speech! . My dream job / emploidereve , an interactive tool where kids can register their dream job and how many others are interested in the job that turns them on, and why. Videos on trades, to provide a realistic description of the occupations of the future of Quebec. / our-videos

Have you noticed? Essential. This site Cégep de Ste-Foy is for anyone concerned with the well-being of young adults and requires no specific knowledge on mental health. It is an introduction to psychosocial intervention based on behavioral cues. The life of a young schoolboy is replete with episodes of emotional disturbances more or less intense. Most college students live, occasionally, times when anxiety, aggressive or depressed mood dominate.

depressive symptoms in 16% of students
They are not noisy, do not disturb others in class, but they did not necessarily lead to learning. Difficult to identify students with depressive symptoms: they often go unnoticed. Through a partnership with the Research Chair on the success and perseverance of students UdeS, the CSRS is now a tool to identify those who tend to mope, and at the same time, at risk of dropping out. With the implementation of the program and Bumper, CSRS hopes to prevent rather than cure. The Tribune spoke with the architects of the program, and also looked at the other side of the coin is the unit of adolescents with mental illnesses CHUS. About 16% of students in Quebec had symptoms of depression, a factor related to dropout. Not easy to help: in class, these kids often go unnoticed. With the implementation of the program and Bumper, stakeholders of the Commission scolaire de la Région-de-Sherbrooke hope to pull them shade.


A link between chronic fatigue syndrome and personality disorders?

First mapping of individual genetic variations

Regret change sex: the last taboo

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finder to locate an article in Archives Bulletin Notice the search engine on the site newsletter to the right. Just enter a word and you get significant backfiles (149 numbers) on the search topic and Internet links consulted. Famous! Try it adopt .

Mark your calendar
In 2011, the 9th Congress of ACOC will be held in partnership with UQTR the 1, 2 and 3 June

Next Carrefour orientation to UQAR-Lévis campus: Tuesday, November 30 2010 Le Carrefour am followed by dinner and a meeting with UQAR afternoon. The Partners Day Laval University will be held on December 1 next .

Bruno Tremblay, co Secretary General ACOC

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