Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Letter Of Request For Church Donation

V 9 No. 18: Committees of the Board of Education

After editing, the information is adjusted, if necessary,
(738 members, 9th season of the electronic newsletter)

Mounts Valin February 2011

News Section www.acoc.info

ninth congress of the ACOC (1st to 3rd June). Soon a website will allow you to read the program book your accommodation and complete the registration form. The Development Committee has some surprises for you. In addition, the ACOC mark its 10th anniversary. Please note that the College, our partner Ninth Congress, will on May 31 at UQTR the training Assessment guidance conference registrants at no extra cost. Participation in this event will be from the registration form in the ninth Congress.

The Board of Education addressed the ACOC for recommendations of candidates to its five committees www.cse.gouv.qc.ca / en / committees / index.html . If you are interested in applying, send an email to Bruno Tremblay, joint general secretary of the ACOC acoc@videotron.ca that you send the application form. The Executive Board of ACOC communicate the nominations to the Chair of the Board of Education before 1 April. You can choose among the various committees. Currently, Sophie Poirier co spoirier@brebeuf.qc.ca seat on one of college www.cse.gouv.qc.ca / FR / Comcollegial / index.html . We've had members that high school but none for the University Education Commission. You can find more information on the following site for the ongoing work (Early Childhood Education and Teaching primary : preschool, a milestone for the development of the child and his educational success Secondary Education : Support the teacher in its approach to professional development education college : opinion on internationalization of college education; Teaching and research university : opinion on the challenges posed by the realities of current students, adult education and training : promising strategies for the development of basic skills in literacy. www.cse.gouv.qc.ca / FR / TravauxEnCours / index.html

The results of the research-action on the process of educational and vocational guidance at the time of arrival college, will be released as audio clips in the blog A community of practice ... Success! I invite you to visit the blog to read: http://www.lareussite.info/ . Note that this capsule is the first in a series to be presented in the coming months. Nathalie Thibault, MEd Moderator of the community of practice Rep_car Vocational Federation of Professional Laval University Research nathalie.thibault @ sympatico.ca Continued research on the arrival orientation in college. Some suites collaborative project with Laval University in terms of reception and integration session. A team of researchers from Laval University and community college professionals currently working to develop a draft action research on the process of educational and vocational guidance at the time of arrival of the college. This project aims primarily to promote the transfer of knowledge from research to help professionals and stakeholders to better work with this clientele. In this vein, we agreed I ( Nathalie Thibault) Picard and France to team up to deliver the results of this search as a audio clip. France and his team are currently developing a series of vignettes that summarizes the whole research. To read the first session capsule reception and integration: a la carte menu click here (10 minutes) www.lareussite.info/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/CAPSULE_1_narration_finale_voix_off-Vnath2.ppt After opening the PowerPoint file, click on Slideshow and you get an audible presentation slides (after having started from the beginning). Research Team :
of g. to d. Lucie Demers, Catherine Soucy, Julie Labrosse, Nicolas Boutin, France Picard, professor responsible for research, Karine FilterActive Skakni and Isabelle.

Admission, Version February 18, 2011, programs Studies leading to a Diploma of Collegial Studies www.mels.gouv.qc.ca/sections/publications/index.asp?page=fiche&id=869

Since the late 70, the number of students on the labor market has quadrupled. Are they working too? Episode 4: Philo Boulot Dodo - Season 4 - 109 - TOU.TV Watch the episode entitled "Philo Boulot Dodo 'Season 4 (Episode 4) Series 109, originally aired February 26, 2011. Our students work there too? Not in their books of philosophy, but rather to make money. Since the end 70s, the number of students on the labor market has quadrupled. And those who spend more than 20 hours per week at work at risk of school failure. Social phenomenon which worries both parents and educators. www.tou.tv/109/S04E04

Transfer of knowledge in practical orientation session reception and integration. past year the success of Carrefour is working with the research team of the Centre for Research and Intervention on education and working life (CRIEVAT) . This research is carried with twenty-one professionals and professional college located throughout the province. It is led by France Picard, Professor, Department of Foundations and practices in education from Laval University. We are currently in our second exchange activity on the platform with VIA and business professionals involved in this research. The first meeting was held last May 27 and addressed mainly issues related to vocational identity found amongst the students and students enrolled in welcoming and integrating well on possible solutions. Following this first meeting we agreed to continue our partnership and use the blog to promote the transfer of research results to various stakeholders working with clients in reception and integration. The second session takes place December 10, 2010 and covers the recommendations and knowledge transfer. I am also announcing that we will use the blog in coming weeks as a way for you to provide evidence of practices in colleges as well as short narrative about the fallout from the ongoing research. With generosity, France Picard prepared a document that portrays elements emerged from the interviews and group discussions during the year 2009-2010. This document is a directory that this guidance practices implemented among students of the session reception and integration into their college. It summarizes and classifies these testimonials from a typology adapted Hurteau and Guichard (2005) which highlights the related interventions 1 / needs assessment guidance 2 / school information and professional 3 / maintenance tips, 4 / balance sheets and guidance 5 / education orientation. The various documents relating to activities will be gradually deposited in the blog in coming weeks. www.lareussite.info/?p=1007 practices guidance with undecided students enrolled in the session reception and integration www.lareussite.info/wordpress/wp-content/ uploads/2009/05/diffusion.doc Educational Organization of the session host-integration www.lareussite.info/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/compilation-accueil-integration.doc Directory guidance practices conducted among students of the session reception and integration in colleges, fall 2009 (wide range of practices that can become a source of inspiration) www. lareussite.info/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/repertoirepratiques.pdf

The resurrection of a library
Since its revitalization, Limoilou College Library has seen its attendance more than doubling the number of entries increased from 166,100 in 2004-2005 to 346,340 four years later. In recent years, the library Cégep Limoilou went from a "dusty old books to filing" deserted by students at a "crossroads of information" modern and teeming with life. Portrait of a metamorphosis whose bill amounts to $ 2 million. www.cyberpresse.ca/le-soleil/actualites/education/201102/19/01-4372127-la-resurrection-dune-bibliotheque.php

Cégep de Sainte-Foy holds its 1st ceremony Graduation! Cégep de Sainte-Foy emphasizes the great success of its students! Indeed, the College will hold May 15, 2011, on the stage of the Salle Albert-Rousseau, her first graduation ceremony, which will bring together all of its graduates. Togas, mortars, certificates of graduation, awards of merit, presentation of students involved: a celebration of success, commitment and perseverance ... Graduates of each program will parade on stage to receive certificate confirming their passage at the Cégep de Sainte-Foy with all the ceremony befitting such an event. Subsequently, Merit Scholarship and commitment will be delivered to students each program will compete sometimes by their results, sometimes by their commitment and their creativity. Geneviève Bastien Communications gbastien@cegep-ste-foy.qc.ca

Cégep de Rivière-du-Loup - Become a holiday resort GO! Aged between 21 and 30 years, candidates must have training in working with children or in administration or accounting, according to the chosen field. Experience may also be considered. www.cegep-rdl.qc.ca/communiques/communique.php?com=1169

The dynamics of the Cégep de Sainte-Foy - A school completion rates of 97.3%. With a success rate of 97.3% of school for fall semester 2010, Dynamics of the Cégep de Sainte-Foy is ranked first in Quebec colleges and over 250 athletes. "This is the first year that the Network of Quebec Student Sports provides these data. We knew that the academic performance of our athletes were excellent but it's very interesting to position themselves within the network, "said Marlene Levesque, head of intercollegiate program and admission to the Service sports studies. The program Dynamic Cégep de Sainte-Foy has existed since 1972 and more than 3000 athletes proudly wore the colors in competitions as regional, provincial and national. The program includes 19 teams compete in three different levels: A (regional league), AA (regional league and provincial championship) and AAA (league and provincial championship). For 5 years, the program Dynamics has seen its number of teams doubled with the arrival of golf, cheerleading, cross country, hockey, basketball, rugby and soccer AA and AAA. The Dynamics are proud to have won over 150 regional championships, 45 AA provincial championships and 20 national titles. 1st row http://tvanouvelles.ca/lcn/sports/nouvelles/archives/2011/02/20110224-162004.html

You want to hear young people like you talk they make learning to trade them captive? Want to know how it happens in a dynamic and vibrant college? Want to learn more about what you have to be implemented in different programs to prepare you for a trade or profession captivating? The virtual tour is a dynamic site composed of different video sequences you will hear young Cégep de Rivière-du-Loup speak passionately about what they do, what motivates them and show you their places of learning. You will find that very often these places are like that found on the labor market. You'll see students reproducing in their learning, job functions that an individual working in these areas regularly performs. Whether in the arts (visual arts, graphic or interior design), the early childhood education, intervention in leisure, computing and electronics Industrial Administration (accounting and management), health (nursing or paramedic ambulance), you'll learn a lot. http://visite-virtuelle.cegep-rdl.qc.ca/ # programs

Technical or General in December what to choose? Your child is uncertain want to attend university? What college diploma (DEC) should he so choose? Between general and technical, here are some ways to help her decide. http://carriere.jobboom.com/carriere/guide-survie/orientation/2009/01/08/7962291.html

The cabinet as a gateway to the labor market. past few weeks, 10 young people are introduced to St. Pascal in woodworking. The goal: to acquire a better knowledge of carpentry, but also, and importantly, better equip themselves to face the future positively, making a return to school or enter the labor market. www.cyberpresse.ca/le-soleil/actualites/les-regions/201102/19/01-4372119-lebenisterie-comme-porte-dentree-au-marche-du-travail.php

Care Intensive DPJ silence, it heals. In general, educators Gateway unaware that their reserves over the next five minutes. Aquarium in their office, they keep locked away medicines, cooking utensils, mirrors, dryers, perfume bottles and other potentially dangerous objects. www.cyberpresse.ca/actualites/quebec-canada/education/201102/28/01-4374549-soins-intensifs-de-la-dpj-silence-on-soigne.php

Training: outside the shoe and the sommelier? The Vice-President of the Federation of Unions of Education of Quebec (ESF), Josée Scalabrini said that the MELS justifies the elimination of current shoe saying that the claim is nonexistent. A score of curriculum and professional techniques may soon no longer be available in Quebec, including shoemaking, sommelier and techniques equine. So says a document from the Ministry of Education that La Presse obtained. As part of the consolidation of job training programs, the government is also considering merging some fifty courses. www.cyberpresse.ca/actualites/quebec-canada/politique-quebecoise/201102/28/01-4374820-formation-professionnelle-dehors-la-cordonnerie-et-la-sommellerie.php

Laval University
Changes in programs. RE mathematics (DEC humanities). program that accepts the now-MAT RE: All programs in health sciences. Most scientific programs. Except for the following Bachelor: Bachelor of Engineering Faculty of Science and Engineering, Agricultural Sciences and Food and Forestry, Geography and Geomatics, Actuarial Science, Mathematics, Mathematics-Informatics (Bachelor integrated); Operations Forest Physics; Geomatics Sciences and Statistics. Because of their strong emphasis in mathematics, these programs require math NY. Students who have completed the MAT-RE shall, if these programs are aimed, successfully complete clearing MAT-0260 Calculus offered at Laval University. www.promo.ulaval.ca/T/OFSYS/SM2/2/S/F/2732/2627/d44y2Ic9.html

A clinical guidance tailored to the workplace at the University of Sherbrooke. The world of work is changing rapidly at various stages of their careers, many people are called to direct or redirect their careers. Guidance Clinic of the Department of Career enables consumers to receive free customized services. More than a hundred students and undergraduate students and master get their start in their future profession and refine their skills in career counseling with the support of their professors. www.usherbrooke.ca/medias/nouvelles/capsules-video/2011-02-10-clinique-dorientation

his dream career: good or bad idea? Without shouting from the rooftops for fear of not succeeding, François Bégin has always wanted to become a doctor. After still hesitate before embarking in as many years of study, he finally decided to forge ahead and redouble efforts to be accepted in medicine. He finally succeeded in being accepted at Laval University and nine years later ... he studied yet, but as a resident. He is convinced he has found his calling. "I wanted to become a doctor for contact with patients, for the intellectual challenge, the field work, autonomy, and also because the work was insured," he says. Challenges and guaranteed work, Francis did not fail because he decided to specialize in emergency medicine. And unlike what many might think, the disappointment did not hit when he started working in emergency rooms overcrowded. "It pushes us to adapt and develop specific skills to manage a crowded emergency room. I find it a shame to be expeditious with patients in order to provide care to everyone, but it is a reality with which we now call, "he says. Erick Beaulieu, guidance counselor who practices at the University of Montreal and met his clients in his office on the Boulevard Saint-Joseph, it is important that a young person who is doing his choice of career unravels the dream to reality. "Many young people idealise the kinds of careers," he noted. They see something on TV for example and they want to do the same thing, but it's not always how it happens in real life http://lapresseaffaires.cyberpresse.ca/emplois/201102/25 / 01-4374006-realize-his-dream-of-carriere-a-good-or-a-bad-idee.php

MA and Ph.D. in epidemiology
Did you know that these programs in population health are available to all students regardless of their field of study? No prior training in epidemiology or health is required. The epidemiological studies are specialists in health research, both physical and mental, in terms of prevention, assessment and intervention. Learn more about this program that offers a variety of jobs and may even allow some students to get a job even before they complete their studies. www.fmed.ulaval.ca / discipline_epidemiologie

UQAC made the "TOP 100" program in hydrogeology in North America. University of Quebec at Chicoutimi was selected in the list of "Top 100" of the best programs in hydrogeology in North America by the National Ground Water Association NGWA • "U.S.. The American Association has evaluated more than 400 programs covering the disciplines of groundwater and hydrogeology. She has compiled a list of Top 100 by providing courses in hydrogeology, diversity and quality of program faculty. The latter was developed to assist undergraduate students interested in hydrogeology to select the right university for further education to graduate. www.uqac.ca/uqactualite/categorie.php?date=20110217112746

The teachers denounce the artificial increase in notes. targets success that the Department of Education requires for the fall to all school boards in Quebec disturb teachers across the province, noted La Presse. By 2020, all regions of Quebec will have to improve their success rate to varying degrees. www.cyberpresse.ca/actualites/quebec-canada/education/201102/20/01-4372267-les-profs-denoncent-la-hausse-artificielle-des-notes.php

APP ... What exactly? Hi! Today I am taking the time to review with you the APP system that I described at the last session in a few tickets. Myself, starting my undergraduate studies, I had not fully grasped the principle, not having asked enough questions. I take the time to clarify things for those of you who still feel lost there. APA is an acronym for Learning Problems and Projects. This is a teaching style where the student is confronted with new situations which lead him to learn by himself rather than lectures. www.usherbrooke.ca / Lavie / blogs / Electrical Engineering

New tray environmental studies at Sherbrooke. www.usherbrooke.ca / first-cycle / programs / news / Bachelor en etudes-de- Environmental improvements and www.usherbrooke.ca/programmes/fileadmin/sites/programmes/documents/Programmes_et_activites_pedagogiques/Sciences/ Accuracy b_etudes_environnement.pdf about admission requirements. We announced in the last newsletter confirmation of the creation of the new Bachelor of Environmental Studies will host its first students in fall 2011. As you know, this program offers an approach multidisciplinary and open to multiple profiles of candidates. Quota program was established at 56 places and the willingness of the University is to create a balanced cohort consists of students and students' academic profiles "and" profiles in the humanities. " To better reflect this objective, the program provided some details on admission requirements. To be eligible, a candidate must therefore correspond to one of the following requirements profiles: DI (DEC integrated science, humanities and arts), BI 200.10 (DEC in natural science path International Baccalaureate) diploma in humanities; DEC in history and civilization; DEC computer science and mathematics have any questions about this program, please contact Jean-François Comeau University Centre Environmental Training (CUFE), Jean- Francois.Comeau @ USherbrooke.ca

SPECIAL SECTION Chemistry is everywhere! In this international year of chemistry, it is expedient to recall that researchers at the Department of Chemistry at the UdeM great way to contribute to the vitality of their disciplines. Other articles: The chemistry has shaped the society in which we live. If sometimes source of environmental, chemistry is also carrier solutions; At the lab, students! Chemistry students at UdeM are, all of Quebec, who spend as many hours in laboratory chemists are green Green chemistry is a reality and André Charette and his team spend their work in progress; A Nanotechnology for Health Jean-Francois Masson uses surface plasmon resonance to develop medical diagnostic instruments, chemistry, everybody eats! Marie Curie Conference, Science workshops for the general public ... the researcher Andreea Schmitzer wants to ensure that the outreach aspect of chemistry is on the menu this year in celebration of Chemistry Chemistry for nanoscience Richard Martel, one of the stars of the Department, working on the infinitely small, with nanotubes carbon. www.nouvelles.umontreal.ca/journal-forum/dossiers-speciaux/20110221-la-chimie-est-partout.html

How to find the director of research for you? www.nouvelles.umontreal.ca/campus/petit-guide-de-survie-etudiante/20110221-comment-trouver-le-directeur-de-recherche-quil-vous-faut.html

It my pleasure to forward the results of my MA research. The title of this research is: Developing a subject directory of technical documents relevant to the formation of cabinet in line with the needs of the labor market. In this paper, I address the topic of training in cabinetmaking in Quebec and that of its inadequacy to the world of work. This document is downloadable at http://pages.videotron.com/dgouriou Didier Gouriou d.gouriou @ videotron.ca

Faculty of Law, Laval University: the crucible of major careers. judges to the Supreme Court of Premiers, characters that have marked Quebec and Canada. Over its long history, the Faculty of Law of Laval University has seen many students who would have a lasting influence their society. www.cyberpresse.ca/le-soleil/affaires/zone/zone-profession-avocat/201102/21/01-4372591-faculte-de-droit-de-luniversite-laval-le-creuset-des-grandes-carrieres . php

Psychology students are mobilizing to maintain their courses (Quebec). In the context of pressure tactics undertaken by the heads of the psychology department of the public sector that involve student placements, the Federation Interuniversity doctoral students in psychology (Fidep) and the National Graduate (CNCS) of the Quebec Federation of University Students (FEUQ) urged the government to act quickly and effectively to improve the working conditions of public sector psychologists. For their part, the associations of doctoral students in psychology some universities have created an online petition asking universities to make the government aware of the impacts of leverage over the departments of psychology and students. In addition, a petition requesting that Quebec universities hold a program doctorate in psychology aimed at the Ministry of Health and Social Services to inform them of the impacts posed by such pressure tactics to psychology departments of universities and their students was posted online by associations Doctoral students in psychology from the universities of Laval, Trois-Rivieres, and Concordia. www.psychomedia.qc.ca/psychologues/2011-02-25/stages-etudiants-au-doctorat-moyen-de-pression-reseau-public-quebec To sign the petition www.petitions24. net / arret_des_stages_et_internats_en_psychologie See also: Shortage psychologists in the public network related to working conditions (Quebec, Jan. 2011) www.psychomedia.qc.ca/psychologues/2011-01-11/penurie-de-psychologues-dans-le-reseau-public- bound-to-terms-of-work-quebec Working conditions in public schools continue to deteriorate, "said APTS. This has the consequence that "more and more psychologists choose to practice in private, where the clientele is less complex and where the pay is much higher," said Dominique Verreault, president of the union, which represents the overwhelming Most psychologists Network public. The PTSA requires a premium to attract and retain more professionals and technicians with psychologists. A complaint was also filed with the Commission's Pay Equity in the context of maintaining pay equity. The PTSA asks the Government to revise substantially upward the remuneration of psychologists to the public network so that it takes into account their academic training and their increasing responsibilities.

DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Biologist for a Day at UQAM www.bio.uqam.ca / biologisteunjour

University of Ottawa Know Yourself: The best way to get involved in a career path for you is to learn to know you better. This will help you evaluate your options, make informed decisions and to identify options most satisfactory. www.sass.uottawa.ca / careers / guide / guide.php Identify your options: Explore the range of study options and professions can be an exciting process. However, discovering a multitude of options can also become invasive. To clarify your interests and make an informed decision, identify and organize these opportunities according to your preferences. Make a decision: A good decision is the result of a process of evaluation, comparison and filtering options that reflects your personality, your interests, your abilities and your values. The ultimate goal in decision making is to identify options that promote your satisfaction and success. Anticipate challenges and potential barriers and be prepared to adjust as needed. Build your action plan: An action plan can specify your goal, the steps necessary to achieve and the challenges you may encounter. This will be useful for planning your studies, to seek employment or to continue your personal development. To increase your chances of success, identify as an alternative. Review your plan regularly to help you recognize your progress and continue your efforts to achieve your goals. Prepare your job search: Effective use of tools and job search strategies increases your ability to succeed in the labor market. To take advantage of favorable opportunities as they arise, collect information and develop the necessary documents, manage your contacts and get ready for interviews. Your Career: Explore and use strategies for successful transitions and to ensure your professional growth. Satisfaction and success in your career require continued investment.

Documentation and Training
Summer jobs as game testers Beenox. video games enthusiasts, young people can this summer to indulge their hobby while earning pennies and putting one foot in the door of an industry flourishing. Indeed, Beenox is looking for 100 testers video game for next season. As is the case for some years, the developer of video games in Quebec City has the mission to test games for the family of Activision. Games that end up on store shelves six months later during the holiday season. For the coming summer, Beenox intends to double its number of testers. Thus, 100 three-month contracts will be awarded to young students eager to try. There is only one real prerequisites required: the tester has to make do minimally English to be able to report defects found during testing. Candidates interested in a position of tester must submit their applications on www.beenox.com / en / recruitment 2011 before March 4. Successful candidates for the next stage of selection will be invited to the recruitment day taking place next March 19 at the offices of Beenox.

the form of video clips produced by various training centers in the region of Laval , learn several trades training. Testimonials from students, teachers, workers, employers, visits to places of training, workers at work, etc.. are waiting for you. You will find that very often these places are like that found on the labor market. You'll see students reproducing in their learning, job functions that an individual working in these areas regularly performs. www.macarrieresedessine.com / programmes_alpha.htm

Hello everyone, I attended the conference Gaulejac Vincent. What a great evening! I place a link so you can listen to his remarks. The value of work is undermined. Once and at the same time a source of personal fulfillment, self esteem, social ties and social recognition, the work is more often experienced as a daily penalty exposing the individual to isolation, the anguish of not being "up to" the stress of competition, public humiliation, suffering psychological prompting some to suicide. Many reports have explored these phenomena now focusing their social, economic and sometimes political causes, or both individual and psychological. The author deciphers the interaction complex causes of these psychological, social, economic and offers a reading grid to resist the dehumanization of work. www.radio-canada.ca/audio-video/pop.shtml # = urlMedia http://www.radio-canada.ca/Medianet/2011/CBF/LapresmidiPorteConseil201102211409_1.asx Nathalie Vachon, PhD, CO Consultant Professional Development and Organizational Director General Institute Socrates nathalievachon@institutsocrate.qc.ca http://www.institutsocrate.qc.ca/

a federal job, anyone? Interested in test issues that might arise during screening examinations for jobs in the public service established by the Public Service Commission? The Public Service Commission (PSC) is developing a new entrance examination to the public (EEFP) which will support the selection of university and college graduates for staffing in the federal public service. This review is intended to select for the Post-Secondary Recruitment (PSR) and various federal organizations for the selection to fill a variety of positions offering exciting and rewarding career, positions as Foreign Service Officers and political analyst. As part of the development of the review, the team will EEFP pilot studies to test the new exam questions. By participating, you will have the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the screening tests online government. You'll also see in advance the types of questions that could form the official version of the exam starting in 2011 2012. You run no risk of passing the pilot review, because the results are anonymous. Ready to get started? Subscribe to the development team at PSEE-EEFP@psc-cfp.gc.ca . You will receive a personalized link at the beginning of the pilot review in March 2011.

MANAGEMENT OF DIVERSITY AN OPPORTUNITY TO GRAB! MANAGEMENT GUIDE FOR EMPLOYERS WHO WANT TO IMPROVE THEIR PRACTICE FOR HIRING PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES is the National Bank Tower, in the presence of Mr. Jean-Luc Trahan, President of the Commission's partners labor market and several representatives of the Business Network for the Integration of Persons with Disabilities, the Adjustment Committee the workforce (OMB) for people with disabilities and Kéroul unveiled the document management of diversity, opportunity! Guide the management of diversity, an opportunity! addressed to the heads of public and private companies, small, medium or large size. It proposes an approach to facilitate the implementation of a management program that integrates the diversity of labor supply of people with disabilities. The guide provides staffing strategies, highlights some internal policies that can support the proposed change and identifies the human and technical overcome barriers so that disabled people are able to use all their skills. The guide also draws a portrait of resources, measures and programs to assist the company in its hiring process. Complementarity, the OMB has made various video clips to illustrate the topics covered in the guide. The capsules, which lasts a few minutes each, present the experiences of organizations that value diversity in their workforce. The testimony of senior management, managers, human resources consultants, employees with disabilities and coworkers support about this guide and have certain conditions for the success of this management practice. Managing diversity in a context where the labor force population will grow less rapidly than employment in the coming years. Companies will therefore invited to diversify their recruitment practices to reach pools of labor hitherto ignored. The OMB combines supply of labor of persons with disabilities in diversity by stressing that these people have skills in multiple areas. Guide management of diversity, an opportunity! and video clips are available on OMB's site for people with disabilities www.camo.qc.ca / employers. Eric Daigle, Information & Communications Advisor Committee for the adaptation of labor (OMB) for persons with disabilities camo@camo.qc.ca http://www.camo.qc.ca /

magazine The Owner's Manual, showcase both electronic and paper, is specialized in career choice and direction. You can consult this online magazine published seven times a year by clicking on the Archive. You there are news stories, close-ups on various trades and professions, etc.. Video Rubric provides evidence of workers with their professional passion. The other sections are also worth a visit and can help you move through this referral process as you live. http://www.magazinemodedemploi.com/

From reading ... practice by Louis Cournoyer http://www.orientaction.ca/ . Reading ... in! offers regular updates of reference books or authors prominent in the field of career counseling. In this column, a large space is devoted to illustrations and practical applications transferable to daily work activities of consultants in career development and guidance. Louis Cournoyer read for you: Autobiography of Carl Rogers. Plays plural www.orientaction.ca / images / stories / play / louis_cournoyer_carlroger.pdf

detect burnout by saliva Burnout is associated with abnormal levels of cortisol and other molecules, according to a new Montreal study published in the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology. These results could better distinguish the exhaustion of depression, treatments that control the opposite effects. www.cyberpresse.ca/sciences/201102/23/01-4373082-detecter-lepuisement-professionnel-par-la-salive.php

Snow White and Cinderella on the psychiatrist's couch Daniel Bordeleau, Characters fairytale us , Montreal, Groupéditions, 2010, 308 p. www.nouvelles.umontreal.ca/recherche/sciences-de-la-sante/20110221-blanche-neige-et-cendrillon-sur-le-divan-du-psy.html

School Success by full Air And if it was possible to promote student success while leveraging the potential offered by the surrounding nature in addition to strengthening the collaboration of partners around an innovative project? Precisely what the new option Outdoors, proposed by the fall in high school Louis-Jobin Saint-Raymond, will perform. www.cyberpresse.ca/le-soleil/vivre-ici/societe/201102/22/01-4372955-la-reussite-scolaire-par-le-plein-air.php

Do you practice self -sabotage?
Would you developed a particular talent for sabotaging your success? Check here if you agree. http://fr.canoe.ca/artdevivre/carrieres/article1/2011/02/15/17281906-jdm.html

Cyber shame strikes our teens. After making the headlines in the United States, the phenomenon of "sexting" real havoc today in Montreal. Dozens of teenagers who have exchanged pictures showing naked comrades were arrested, suspended from school or questioned by investigators. Humiliated, some of their targets are talking about suicide or crack after being blackmailed. www.cyberpresse.ca/actualites/201102/23/01-4373365-la-cyber-honte-frappe-nos-ados.php

Study: Using a cell phone affect brain activity When a individual uses his cell areas of the brain located near its antenna with increased brain activity, says a U.S. study. However, scientists still do not know if the magnetic field generated by cell phones is harmful to the brain. The study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, was conducted in 2009 by Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute for the fight against drug abuse in Maryland. Although she found that a call lasting about fifty minutes increased by 7% of brain activity, his experience does not allow whether this stimulation may have adverse effects on the brain. When an individual receives or makes a call, the phone produces a small magnetic field may be absorbed by the head and brain. Dr. Volkow has also found that increased activity of the exposed parts of the brain follows a direct line of force of the electromagnetic field generated by the téléphone.L American study was conducted among 47 volunteers between 1 January and December 31, 2009. Each participant had to use a cellphone during a period of 50 minutes. They had to switch to ear with a device on and off. Brain activity was measured using a positron tomographic camera. In recent years, cell phones regularly make the headlines. Indeed, many researchers suspect that pose risks to health, such as brain tumors, for example. However, no study has confirmed cancer risk to date. www.branchez-vous.com/techno/actualite/2011/02/activite-cerebrale-accrue-utilisation-cellulaire.html

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Engine search to find an article in the archives of the newsletter Notice the search engine of the newsletter on the site right. Just enter a word and you get significant backfiles (166 numbers) on the search topic and Internet links consulted. Famous! Try it adopt . http://quelquechosedelacoc.blogspot.com/

Mark your calendar
In 2011, the 9th Congress of ACOC will be held in partnership with UQTR the 1, 2 and 3 June www.acoc.info/accueil/affichage.asp?B=971 ACOC The highlight its 10 year history. The College, our partner ninth Congress, will on May 31 at UQTR training on the Assessment Guidance conference registrants at no extra cost. Alain Dubois give a workshop on the evaluation of an adult diagnosed with a mental disorder. Another resource person, to be determined, will give a workshop on the evaluation of a teenager. The choice to participate in this event will be from the registration form in the ninth Congress.

Dialogue. A complete schedule will be sent to the beginning of April, including fares and accommodation options. The student singular in a plural environment 14, 15 and 16 September 2011 Auberge Godefroy Becancour.

Bruno Tremblay, co Secretary General ACOC ACOC@videotron.ca

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