Wednesday, October 20, 2010

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2010 V 9 No. 7: To better understand the role of parental guidance

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(703 members, 9th season of the electronic newsletter)

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To better understand the role of parents in educational and vocational guidance Claude Grenier psychologist and guidance counselor. The future of youth is at the heart of the concerns of parents. From the birth of their children, parents wonder about their future for them and dream of a successful social, financial, romantic, professional, etc.. Then soon the dream is called to materialize, and during high school suddenly appears the question of a possible career choice for young people become adolescents. And parents find themselves directly involved in this process, and they are required to accompany their children. What is their role? What attitudes will they adopt? What is this support? Who can help with this? This article aims to answer these questions. It aims to clarify the role of parents in guiding adolescents and the role of counselor as support from parents. These two themes are developed simultaneously. Three guidelines are to clarify the role of parents is essential to obtain information, to the reflections and attitudes and actions wisely.

Parents and their role in guiding their young Date and Time: Wednesday, November 10 at 19 pm Location: Cégep François-Xavier-Garneau 1660 Boul. of the Entente, Quebec (QC) G1S 4S3 Activity open only to parents in the area, no reservations needed Organized by the guidance counselor Mary Lagadec, co Services / SCS / Documents / Orientation / Conference% 20of% 2010% 20November% 202010.pdf

To help orient their child to: recognize and listen Date and Time: Wednesday, November 10 to 19 h 30 Location: Cégep de Chicoutimi public square 534, rue Jacques Cartier Est, Chicoutimi Activity open to all parents of the territory, no reservations needed Organized by the guidance counselor Diane Fortin, co 408D-AFA8-6FF760ADCA77

Training College College: graduates are not enough to demand administration, education, health, environment, tourism graduates in many technical training college will place smoothly in 2010. The lack of students actually raises problem in some areas.

Training is tearing his skilled The labor market needs to a skilled workforce and the situation favors the graduates of vocational training. Those who completed their education in spring 2010, amid economic recovery, are sought in various industries.

October Awareness Month Learning Disabilities - The repeated academic failures may be indicative of learning disabilities. Youth with learning disabilities are often labeled lazy because they can provide good performance in some subjects and fail in others. Other children, despite their efforts, have learning difficulties persisted. The repeated failure in school could be a symptom of learning disabilities. The term "learning disability" refers At some number of malfunctions that may affect the acquisition, organization, retention, understanding or information verbal or nonverbal. These disorders affect learning in individuals who also demonstrate abilities essential for thinking or reasoning. They can affect people with adequate education and sufficient cultural stimulation. They are people of average intelligence or above average. Learning disabilities are neurological, therefore permanent (they last a lifetime). They persist even after appropriate interventions. By cons, today, with new technologies and means of adaptation, you can become functional in school and in society. Disabilities apprentissagen'ont no class. Parents can stop feeling guilty, since education is not the cause. It is important to note however that there is a significant incidence of heredity. These problems can manifest as developmental delays and / or difficulty levels of concentration, memory, reasoning, coordination, communication, reading, writing, language, spelling, numeracy, social skills and emotional maturity. The child may have poor pencil grip and movements awkward and clumsy. It can be difficult to locate in time. He can mix his words ("pasghetti", "hôtipal", "the aminal", "spychologue") and have trouble remembering it. It can be difficult to decode (read) the words or the meaning of texts. It will also trouble the encoding (writing, spelling) and will produce an unreadable text. He may have trouble with logic and mathematics, have difficulty to plan and organize work. He can be moody and quickly demonstrate signs of frustration. You see his despondency and suicidal thoughts you fear. The Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is often associated with learning disabilities and behavior. The child (boy or girl) is moving constantly, can not pay attention steadily and acts impulsively. At a time when we talk about dropout prevention, where research shows the ineffectiveness of repetition, where we talk about integration in regular class versus special class placement, how do you make the best decisions for her child? The assessment of strengths and needs must be made by a multidisciplinary team including psychologists, speech therapists, speech therapists, neuropsychologists, pediatricians or psychiatrists. Suite this assessment, the Public Education Act provides for the establishment of a plan. The monitoring plan is essential to ensure continuity in the interventions over the years and will use the means of adaptation during the examinations departmental writing (info sanction 554). It is important that parents, child, teacher, principal and special education stakeholders to participate in these meetings. Let's be careful to give everyone what he needs to become a full citizen. Quebec Association of Learning Disabilities LDAQ is a non- profit organization whose mission is to promote and defend collective rights of children and adults with learning disabilities. It offers its services throughout Quebec with the help of its 16 sections and committees. Christine Couston, communications, LDAQ

Attention Deficit at work
Chronic Procrastination, forgetfulness and repeated bad organizational characteristics are not attractive to an employer. More than a lack of will, in some cases it is a disease that is treatable: Deficit Disorder attention. Like many adults, Francine Demers and Gordon Duane were diagnosed rather late, after the screening of their children. They may still consider himself lucky because only 10% of adults are diagnosed concerned. "

PROPOSALS FOR STRENGTHENING THE CONTROL OF LANGUAGE BY cégépiens Qu 'they study in Police Technology and Nursing, they aspire to become designers, engineers and sociologists, our college students have during their training to read texts of a new complexity to them and produce kinds of writings that they never attended.

New Impetus for college research 4333395-new-elan-for-research-collegiale.php

Life at work is not just TV. If you became a lawyer, cop or doctor, because boy, you venerate Michael Kuzak Law in Los Angeles, Sonny Crockett in Miami Vice, Dr. Mark Greene on ER? Do not blush: A lot of people have embraced a vocation to resemble their hero television series.

Health Nurses Inc.. rolling in money Flag Line prefers to be on his own rather an employee of an agency. Like her colleagues, she told the network to arm's length by offering his services. You can find more of nurses who are self-employed in hospitals and clinics. The shortage is such that many health centers rely on Autonomous nurses to fill shifts. A situation more and more common especially in the Montreal area.

University Education Jobs on the rise for graduates University The bulk of the economic crisis is past. Proof: The number of jobs has begun to grow. Engineering, education and computer, as many expected. But also communication, agricultural and human resources.

Partners Day 2010 from Laval University Office of Student Recruitment. Again this year, the Partners Day 2010 of the Office of Student Recruitment at Laval University will inform you about what's new at Laval University in addition to offering tours of several points of attraction for our university. Please note the date of Wednesday 1 December 2010 on your calendar and we hope you'll join us. Also, please circulate this information among your colleagues may be interested in this activity. Watch your mail, you will receive an official invitation in the coming weeks. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Pierre Bonenfant, responsible for the activity. Here's contact information: Pierre Bonenfant, responsible for promotion and information on studies Pierre.Bonenfant @ Hope to meet you!

Psychologists future principals?

Towards a medical education campus in Rimouski A clinical for training students Medicine will be located at the Rimouski Regional Hospital at a cost of $ 4 million until it is acted on by 2015, the first and second years of medical training, as in Chicoutimi and Trois-Rivieres. Friday, Rimouski, Yves Bolduc, Minister of Health and Social Services, has announced the development of the satellite campus of the Faculty of Medicine, Laval University, leaving cast serious hopes for the training component university within five years

Featured Sectors - Financial Services angels finance The financial crisis of autumn 2008 may have scalded the small investors, but it allowed financial planners to show how much they were great allies in turmoil.

Working abroad: more candidates, less pay

Can you picture yourself going into space? would not you like to float in the vastness of space as you see the astronauts do? Or perhaps your dream is to build spaceships on Earth? Are you ever wondered what kinds of people working on space programs? Would you like to join them? If you are fascinated by space, it's up to you to realize the dream of an exciting career in space. Here is some interesting information for you. # Aerospace

Dietitians: Leaders
Dietitians Leaders ... in promoting health through diet and nutrition

Lack Scholarship
In Quebec, only 50% of students who try obtain a scholarship to study at Masters and PhD and whose cases are deemed "excellent" are able to obtain financial assistance. This situation is unacceptable to the Board of Education, which publishes this morning a review of training offered at the graduate level at universities in the province. Believing that the "knowledge society" continues to grow Worldwide, the Council wanted to ensure the competitiveness of Quebec on a global scale in terms of higher education. According to Council President Nicole Boutin, the quality of training offered here is excellent. The president is concerned, however, the lack of access to scholarships. "Only one out of two students have access. And speaking of students with exemplary records. Québec funds do not have enough money to support all deserving students. "

the Field Test Bed In engineering, as elsewhere, the reality on the ground often differs from theory taught about in school. The solution to bridge the gap between these two worlds? Internships.

Documentation Training
Career Fair: Palais des congrès de Montréal Tuesday, October 26, 2010 from 12 am to 19 pm • Wednesday, October 27, 2010 from 10 am to 17 pm Aérosalon the Aerospace Career Fair Career and Job Fair Career Fair Career Fair Technology Network of Engineers of Quebec / en / trade

For a reclassification interpretative interests by Eric Damato, co Holland certainly has contributed decisively orientation to the world by offering much research on the professional interests. His typology known as RIASEC terminology is used in several countries and the number of publications, tests, etc.. continues to grow. If the tools associated with the typology still contribute to the reflections when careerology one wonders about his future, however, the interpretation of RIASEC done in different ways depending on the professional consulted. These could include that some people are content to meet the highest scales, usually three in number, and interpret personality by simply combining these scales. As if the interest derived personality represent any amount of features that the professional choice will sometimes considered strongly stained. In my opinion, and that is the purpose of this presentation, we would do well to reconsider how to interpret the RIASEC. In this context, I propose a reclassification of interpretative interest in a hypothetical perspective, that is to say where the RIASEC is used in a question associated with three major dimensions that are the work tasks, workplace and working method.

What prior learning and skills? The process of recognition of prior learning and skills can lead an adult at graduation or a certificate that recognizes their skills in the workplace and life, training and development already completed as well as his personal achievements. He recognized the ability to learn from its own experiences.

Manage Facebook and Twitter, the job of the day in company
More broadly, companies are however still at a preliminary stage of adoption Media social, not yet knowing how the department is responsible for managing a Facebook page or Twitter account. Businesses open quietly to Facebook and Twitter, but few managers have the time to do it. Foisting this job to others, they are creating a profession increasingly popular, which could replace traditional public relations, says a recent survey.

Improvements LANDMARKS - September 2010
Here are the new improvements that have been deployed: In the sections Occupations and Training for the user access to specific criteria, there is a presentation of new fields of study for secondary level and college. Now we convey the 21 areas of vocational and technical occupations in the category, especially in the Exploration of Occupations by advanced personal profile, we show now professional codes in addition to the percentage in the list of the occupations obtained Following an exploration by advanced personal profile.

The usefulness of mundane messages in social networks "The casual contact, comments that seem unnecessary and updates status of boring" on Facebook can be considered as a means of keeping in touch, consider that researchers also predict that new media such as social networks like Facebook, Twitter or MySpace, will facilitate the emergence of individual entrepreneurs.

Licensee to have blogged about an oil company Suncor Energy The company dismissed a electricians working on its oil fields, which had complained, through her blog, poor working conditions at the mining sites company in northern Alberta. "Suncor dismissed me without cause [fair], but the reason they cited was that I used a camera to the site," said the electrician in question, Mike Thomas. The electrician has published pictures of oil camps of the company on his blog ( One can see such showerheads moldy. He also posted a video showing workers queuing for food in the camps McKenzie and Voyageur near Fort McMurray, Alberta. Mr Thomas said he understood why he was forbidden to photograph a building site construction. Still, he said, the photos and videos show nothing of operating sites and simply make some services available to staff. "Preventing a person like me to take pictures of showerheads ... Does that make sense from a business that makes billions of dollars?," Said Thomas. I just wrote [on my blog] about my experiences. It was only this, really. "The food served to employees was" recycled "for days, and was sometimes served" slimy, "reported the former employee of Suncor. He has photographed a sandwich packed it was used, which contained 113% of the recommended daily intake of sodium.

Site professional en / element / listeOrdres

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Search Engine find an article in the archives of the newsletter Notice the search engine on the site newsletter right. Just enter a word and you get significant backfiles (149 numbers) on the search topic and Internet links consulted. Famous! Try it adopt .

Mark your calendar
In 2011, the 9th Congress of ACOC will be held in partnership with UQTR the 1, 2 and 3 June

Next Carrefour orientation to UQAR-Lévis campus: Tuesday, November 30 am The Crossroads 2010 will be followed by dinner and a meeting with UQAR afternoon. The Partners Day Laval University will be held on December 1 next . The theme of the next Crossroads orientation (registration coming soon) will be: Supporting educational and vocational guidance : methods for integrating a better consideration of social relationships of our clients. Workshop Description : Self-knowledge involves initially "Re" self-knowledge. Social relations of our customers help to mobilize support and thoughts, emotions and behavior favorable to the project construction professional young adults. However, how to incorporate these 'external' to the process one by one? The workshop aims to describe the different roles that can be played by social relations based on the nature and forms of interaction, as well as suggest ways of thinking and appropriate intervention. Speaker: Louis Cournoyer is a professor in counseling career University of Quebec at Montreal. His research focuses on persistence in college, construction of the professional project for young adults and the role of social relationships and social networks on educational and vocational guidance. Guidance counselor for 15 years, he has varied experience with young adults and adults. He is involved in several professional committees for the purpose of professional development co

Bruno Tremblay, co Secretary General ACOC

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