Thursday, October 14, 2010

Nice Birthday Card Sayings For 12

V 9 No. 6: Tools Experimentation on PPO

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site bulletin
(703 members, 9th season e-newsletter)

From Mount Arthabasca (October 2010)
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News Section
University Admission quarter 2011 Winter Programs
open university in the Winter 2011
Open in universities
October 18, Law admissions information session at McGill
24 November in Quebec City conference on admission to the MA in Speech Laval University
Post API at Champlain Regional College - Deadline: October 14
Quebec week of orientation in 2010

Tools experimentation PPO (Personal Orientation Project and Exploration vocational training)

Disorders of learning: support may be lacking
Cégep de Sherbrooke worried about the effect that could be changes to funding arrangements involving students with learning disabilities. Above, France Turgeon, Director of Student Services, and Jocelyne Lacasse, Director of Media Centre and responsible for the case of students with learning disabilities.

HIGHER EDUCATION: HIGH SCHOOL INTERNATIONAL HOTEL MANAGEMENT The hospitality and tourism are areas that attract you? Looking excellent training in international management? Sign up for Advanced Studies Program in International Hotel Management (Heghe). / Heghe A management program is unique in North America, offered by one of the best hotel schools in Canada, the Institute for Tourism and Hotels Quebec (ITHQ) in the heart of Montreal. Higher education bilingual (English / French), developed after consultation with world leaders in the hospitality industry and meet current market requirements. Two of six paid internships months each, one in Canada and other international, alternating with two sessions of study ITHQ. A team of teacher-management experts, true experts in hospitality and catering. Over a period of two years continuous Heghe opens the way for an international career in hotel management major hotels in the world. Program Overview / intranet / _files / heghi_annuaire_programme.pdf Unique in America, a new graduate training program in international hotel, offers a model of study comparable to that of major hotel schools Europe. Nothing surprising about that since ITHQ is a member of The Leading Hotel Schools of the World, an organization that brings together the best educational institutions and universities in the world offering graduate programs in Hospitality Management . Developed following consultation with leading global hotel industry, it also responds well to market trends than the current requirements of the international hotel sector. In a continuous period of two years work-study, Advanced Studies in International Hotel Management (Heghe) you will become a manager trained to meet the new demands of a rapidly changing industry, able to hold a supervisory or coaching in the best hotels in the world. / en / programs dEtudes, training-upper - upper-management-studies-international-hotel # block3592

Increased attendance at the Institute of Food Technology. Students of the Institute of Food Technology (ITA) were conducting their last school year. For the year 2010-2011, enrollment has generally increasing, especially among first graders. Thus, 921 students have taken this year the doors of the ITA, including 343 on the campus of La Pocatière and 578 to the Saint-Hyacinthe. 2010 figures exceed those of last year, while 329 students attended classes in the Bas-Saint-Laurent and 548 did so in Saint-Hyacinthe region.

Laval University awarded $ 1.5 million to promote collaboration between the college and university. Laval University will forward four projects to foster collaboration between the college and university, through the collaborative program of University-College Department of Education, Recreation and Sport (MELS). The grant of over $ 1.5 million, spread over the next three years, represents more than a quarter of the total allocated by the MELS for all universities and colleges in Quebec. The university is also the only one who saw four of its projects funded on the basis of their quality. In collaboration with the College Lionel-Groulx and the University Centre Lower Laurentians, the General Directorate of Continuing Education Laval University will establish a center of educational support and tutoring in higher education. This center will allow better support for students taking online courses. He will also meet the needs of students enrolled in a combined December-LAC to promote graduation at both levels of education and help them in the transition between college and university. For its part, the Faculty of Administrative Sciences collaborates with colleges François-Xavier-Garneau and Beauce-Etchemin for the creation of a training firm in educational administration. This project will enable students to technical programs in administration and bachelor of business administration from experiences of joint training. The objective is to integrate the knowledge and expertise in providing opportunities for participants to forge ties to foster the pursuit of higher education. The team of information technology of the Laval University Library will work with the College Limoilou to develop students' skills in information retrieval. The learning environment of Web 2.0 requires new skills for students, particularly in terms of selection and assessment of information sources, and respect for intellectual property. These new powers are now intimately linked to the success of postsecondary education. The launch of Webfolio by the Employment Service of Laval University, last October, was a great success among university students. The grant will enable the MELS Sainte-Foy Cegep de Drummondville and to join the University to develop a Webfolio for college students. The goal is to provide students with a tool for reflection in order they adopt the best strategies to reach the right career. The tool used for both the choice of a university program for entering the job market for graduates of technical programs. These four projects are in addition to six others are in progress, having been approved by the Department during the previous competition. The university is a pioneer in partnering with colleges. It works with thirty of them in Quebec and some colleges in New Brunswick. The University has signed 200 agreements DEC-BAC in 73 curriculum techniques. In addition, 1473 gateways are available to college students from 219 programs. The main objective of the agreements DEC-BAC and bridges is to reduce duplication of knowledge because of material already seen in the technical training or university. It thus ensures a better alignment between college and university programs of the same family, and greater consistency in training.

Too easy the new French exam?
Benoît Paquin, who teaches French in high school, hopes his experience will go to the office of Education Minister Line Beauchamp. Suspecting that the new uniform examination in French Secondary V, imposed last June by the Ministry of Education (MELS), was too easy, a professor at the South Shore of Montreal is taking the exam to its students in the fourth school last month. To his surprise, the majority of his youth, who lack proficiency in the skills that the third high school, succeeded handily ministerial review.

Wind. Matapédia needs technicians
Centre matapédien college Amqui (CEMEQ) train maintenance technicians to wind farms to provide the manpower to sponsor St. Lawrence Energy for its Lake project Alfred, in the Matapédia. Maintenance wind early spring 20011 content/uploads/2010/08/ProspectusEoliennes1.pdf

Apple seduced by the work of a CEGEP de Rivière-du-Loup Mathieu Roy can be proud. At a personal project after six months of work, this graduate of Computer Science Technology program at Cégep de Rivière-du-Loup has created a video game called Rocket Boy 2D designed for iPhone and iPod touch iPad. So far, this application has sold over 11,000 copies.

The Board of Education has released its 2009-2010 Annual Report Management . This report reflects the results achieved during the fiscal year ended March 31, 2010. It accurately portrays the Council's mission, values and vision and outlines the achievements associated with each orientation of its strategic plan 2007-2011.

Academos launches new services to support student retention young Quebecers. Academos works directly with young Quebecers giving them access to the world of work by a way they know well: the Internet. Today Academos is proud to introduce new services that leverage these opportunities contact: Portraits of mentors, to have a vision real human journey. Here's a preview: "and say that my refusal to medical school has given me the opportunity to discover one of my greatest passions: Speech! . My dream job, an interactive tool where kids can register their dream job and how many others are interested in the job makes them tick and why. Videos on the trades, to provide a realistic description of the occupations of the future of Quebec. Academos continues to offer its service e-mentoring in schools and in colleges, while nearly 18 000 young people have registered for the year last. Imagine in practice a trade, discuss, discuss these various aspects, receive support from family and friends: these are factors that facilitate the career development of our youth! A teenager who made a career choice that match their interests more easily find the necessary motivation to complete courses that enable it to achieve its objective. Academos is proud to innovate again, while fulfilling its mission: to inspire young people, by and for the community. Academos invites anyone who works and wants to help young people to visit the Academos supports the career choices of young putting them in contact with people active in the world of work. Our main service is e-mentoring: nearly 18 000 young people enjoyed a relationship with an e-mentor last year. Academos is a project of the Corporation Éducentre Bois de Boulogne and is among the measures of the Action Strategy 2009-2014 Youth of the Government of Quebec to promote the retention and facilitate career choice. Academos is also financially supported by several corporate partners, including the Order of Chartered Accountants of Quebec. Marysol Rouzier Communications Coordinator, Academos

Green light tank in biomedical engineering at Laval University
Another step towards the creation of this program was taken to the University Council. The project to implement the University with a bachelor's degree program in biomedical engineering has taken another step Tuesday, September 28. Members of the Academic Council, meeting in regular session, gave their approval to a proposal submitted by the Dean of the Faculty of Science and Engineering (WISE), Guy Gendron. The implementation of the program no longer depends now that the approval of the Conference of Rectors and Principals of Quebec Universities and the Ministry of Education, Recreation and Sport. "All conditions are met for this program was born," said François Pothier, president of the academic council. There is currently only one other such program in Canada, the three concentrations offered are in areas booming and the FSG are several professors and researchers in advanced fields of biomedical engineering sector . The task of biomedical engineering involves the design, development and implement protocols, equipment and medical devices for monitoring physiological functions, medical diagnosis or treatment of patients. The ferry will be a biomedical engineering program at the forefront of 120 credits in a multidisciplinary field. It include a general profile and concentrations in tissue engineering and biomaterials, biomechanics, orthopedics, medical imaging and Biomechatronics. In Canada as elsewhere, the development of the biomedical sector looks promising, particularly because of recent advances in biological sciences and an aging population. There are at Quebec some 75 companies active in the biomedical sector. In Canada in full, we're talking about a thousand companies. Seventy percent of the courses provided new biomedical engineering program already exist in other programs of WISE. "We observe similar programs in the United States, the biomedical engineering has great potential for attracting female customers," said François Pothier. The new program will be attached to the Faculty of Science and Engineering. The Faculty is already planning to develop a master's and doctoral programs in biomedical engineering.

Help Haitian students: Bill Clinton congratulates UQAR / the-sun / actualites/education/201010/13/01-4332165-aide-a-des-etudiants-haitiens-bill-clinton-felicite-luqar.php

from failure to failure for future teachers
Established since 2008 The TECFEE must be passed by all teachers who study in Quebec universities. Each year, an average of 30% of students in the Bachelor of Education passed this exam the first time. The majority of teachers Quebec continue to fail in large numbers at their first attempt to test for certification to teach written French (TECFEE). The latest statistics reveal that on that success rates vary from 29% to 57% by universities. Established since 2008, to be succeeded by TECFEE all future teachers studying at Quebec universities. Each year, an average of 30% of students in the Bachelor of Education passed this exam the first time. It is still the case this year, according to data obtained by the Journal de Montréal. At the University of Quebec in Abitibi-Témiscamingue the success rate is only 29%, while it is 32% at the University of Quebec in Outaouais and 57% at the University of Montreal. At Laval University, success rates vary by field of study. Prospective teachers of preschool and elementary school were able to review 60% compared to only 33% of future music teachers. The TECFEE is composed of two parts: an application drafting a text of 350 words, and the other consists of 60 questions on grammar, punctuation, grammar and vocabulary. Must obtain at least 70% in both parties to pass the test. Those who fail the TECFEE first time are entitled to three occasions. If the student fails a fourth time, he was expelled from the program and must make a cross on his future as a teacher. At the University of Sherbrooke, 38% of the 497 students who made their first award of TECFEE last April were successful, compared to 33% last year. "And another 38% of students had met one of the two parties and will therefore only repeat this bit of consideration," says Vice-Dean of Faculty Training University Education Sherbrooke, Julie Desjardins. It does not worry unduly low rate of execution. "Before the times, students take advanced courses. The third award, the success rate is 93%. The examination requires students to go to perfect their French, "she said. Centre director of initial teacher training at the University of Montreal, Pascale Lefrançois, said that the success rate TECFEE is substantially the same from year to year and that at his university, 87% of students pass the exam after two reversals.

FRENCH massive failure of future teachers
Future teachers trained in our universities continue to fail massively French test giving access to the profession, a situation that exposes serious flaws in the concepts they were taught in school high school and college, say several observers. At the University of Quebec in Abitibi-Témiscamingue (UQAT), not less than 71% of students who came to test for certification to teach written French (TECFÉE) last May, have failed. It was the first time these students spent this famous test, which was established in 2008 in all universities in the province. The success rate is improving gradually, however, as future teachers receive refresher courses and exams. The data obtained by the Journal show that other universities are faced with failure rate comparable to that of UQAT. At the University of Quebec in Outaouais, for example, less than a third of students who sat for the test last April, have succeeded. "It's very worrying, what happens," says the vice-president Denis Dubé. French language skills of students we arrive inadequate more often than not, "he laments. The picture is somewhat rosier at the University Laval, Quebec, but not in all programs. Students who intend to teach physical education or art, in particular, have largely cast the test last June. In most cases, there was an examination. "Often in those sectors, students are less relevant [a French test]," says Dean of the Faculty of Education, Marcel Monette. A few weeks ago, four out of ten students failed the TECFÉE, University Montreal. "I would have expected worse. We're pretty happy that the success rate is more than half, "said Pascale Lefrançois, Vice-Dean 1st cycle studies. Here are the success rates observed TECFÉE in some universities, in the most recent test administration: Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue, May 2010: 29 University of Quebec at Chicoutimi, June 2010: 29% University of Quebec in Outaouais April 2010: 32% University of Montreal, August 2010: 57% Laval University has detailed results for each of its educational programs, summer 2010. Here are those for which the results are weaker. Music: 33% success Physical Education: 38.1% success Visual Arts: 50% success Science and technology: 56.3% Pre-school and primary education: 60.3% Successful candidates TECFÉE, students must obtain at least 70% in the two-pronged test, the writing and the "speech code." The 'Writing' consists of writing an opinion piece than 350 words. The organization of the text account for 40% of the bill, while the "working language" corresponds to 60% of the assessment. The 'linguistic code "is based on a questionnaire comprising 60 multiple choice questions.

Career Day: trades Astronomy Date: Tuesday, November 9, 2010 Time : 9 am to 15 pm Capacity: 30 people Location: Montreal Planetarium and University of Montreal Cost: Free Registration Deadline: November 1, 2010 / Education / Information and carriere.html Registration: Chastenay Pierre, Montreal Planetarium Students in upper secondary CEGEP and students are invited to explore the many facets of training in astronomy and its many outlets, as part of a Career Day organized jointly by the Montreal Planetarium and Department of Physics, University of Montreal. Research, education, museology and science communication are just some of the aspects of discipline that will be addressed in this activity. The participant (s) will also have the chance to attend a multimedia show at the Planetarium of Montreal and visit the laboratories of Astrophysics of the University of Montreal. A unique opportunity not to be missed! Please note that this activity is intended primarily for students and highly motivated students who have already identified astronomy as a career choice. The teacher (s) sn'ont not accompany students. Download the flyer for Career Day

Elephants Store
Aegis Royer, a professor at the Faculty of Education, powerful sign test on the reasons that explain school failure boys

The simulation game Cyber-Budget offers to deepen your knowledge in the management of public finances a way that is both interactive and educational. Brought, the time of the game to replace the budget minister, you must perform four successive missions in accordance with the budget calendar, preparation of the budget, its programming, its consideration by Parliament and its management. During the first three missions, a series of fun challenges proposes to develop your knowledge of the environment Budget (orders of magnitude, structure, negotiations, presentations by new target.). You will for example show your ability to maneuver between the demands of deficit and economic growth. The fourth mission you in the heart of fiscal management as it is to take control of France's budget by balancing public finances. After this adventure budget, you will balance your results and a surprise awaits the best. Yours to discover!

Nurse Practitioner specialty. Program " superinfirmières "unpopular at UQO. A nurse practitioner took the blood of a patient. The million announced in July by Quebec for the training of nurse practitioners (IPS) have an immediate impact at the University of Quebec in Outaouais (UQO). Indeed, only one student enrolled in the fall semester to become a "superinfirmière. This program is offered by UQO recent years, however, could accommodate 25 students. According to the spokesman UQO Gilles Mailloux, delays in government funding is largely responsible for the drop in enrollment for September 2010. He added that the management of UQO intends to promote its training program for IPS to increase enrollment in fall 2011. The goal is to provide the region with 25 graduates specialized practitioners within five years. In July, the Minister of Health and Social Services, Yves Bolduc, announced the creation of 500 posts of nurse practitioners in primary care within eight years. In the same breath he announced that the Government will invest $ 117 million, 53 million recurring for eight years for training and professional development of these. The nurse practitioners, also known as "superinfirmières" can accomplish much of the work of GPs. They are able to do certain requirements and certain diagnostic tests. They may also carry some treatments and some invasive procedures such as suturing wounds or drainage of abscesses. The specialized nurse practitioner can also take pregnant women up to 32 weeks of pregnancy or patients with common health problems or chronic diseases. Promotion, prevention and health education are also part of its responsibilities, she moves in groups of family medicine in private clinics and CLSC.

Family Medicine in Quebec. Paid doctors to supervise superinfirmières

A nurse makes $ 127 715 in overtime If
overtime displeases many nurses, it allows others to earn a fortune. Because of the shortage, some manage to double and even triple their salary by hundreds of hours of overtime per year. A nurse's Hospital Maisonneuve-Rosemont and not less than $ 127,715 in overtime during 2009, for a total salary of $ 230 000 with premiums. That's more than Prime Minister Jean Charest. "This is a nurse who gets consistently available for a second shift almost daily. It is 16 hours on a regular basis. It is a true force of nature, "says Francois Brochu, communications director of the institution. This indicates that all those hours are worked and paid according to collective agreement including premium of 29 $ 508.75. The Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Quebec (CHUQ), a nurse made $ 80,792 and one-half. In total, she accumulated 1,697 hours of overtime in one year for a total of 3,630 hours worked. Spread over 52 weeks, this represents an average of 70 hours weekly. At Charles-Lemoyne Hospital, a nurse working overtime for a total of $ 74 172 in addition to his salary of $ 48 976. Ar river for these sums, some nurses combine two or even three jobs. According to documents obtained under the Access to Information in ten institutions in Quebec, 61 nurses made more than $ 100 000 last year. The majority of these hours are done on a voluntary basis. "There are those who will return during the holidays or public holidays or people who work at night that will open during the day and vice versa," said Assistant Director of Nursing at Charles Lemoyne Hospital, Lyne Tremblay. "A nurse can work as much as she wants," says Michel Boudreault, director of human resources at CHUQ. "It was 2600 nurses. The vast majority will be normal hours, I would make about 250 more (overtime), especially in critical areas. "It especially in emergency, operating room, intensive care and birth units that nurses earn as many hours. * Hourly wages for nurses ranges from $ 21.62 to $ 38.53 for nurse practitioners. That means the amounts up to $ 57.79 at time and a half and double time at $ 77.06.

Featured Sectors - Engineering. Licensure as an engineer. course perfect. Between the diploma and license to engineer a series of steps must be taken. But it's worth the effort. At the finish line, the letters "ing." Have finally won!

Documentation Training
Presentations (33 workshops) at the last symposium OCCOPPQ the site of the College : Member section / Training and improvement of competence / conference-2010. Some titles: The authors presented various workshops at the 2010 Conference have agreed to make their presentation available. The workshops are presented by numbers. Act 21: vector of professionalism and interdisciplinary Dr. Jean-Bernard Trudeau wrote: a central tool of evaluation and intervention guidance Marie Cardinal Approach Picard Evidence: practice inspired by the Assessment Yves Gros-Louis A systematic approach to decision-making deadlock Erick Beaulieu Using the results of GROP3 through an exploration of career choices Caroline Cyr Report writing Lyne Beaudoin information era, the employability and Job Jacques Limoges psychogenic perspective : Presentation of the theory Nathalie Ross How the environmental conditions of the client can they be anything but the background of our practices? Louis Cournoyer Issues of socio-professional integration of young people with dysphasia: an example of interdisciplinary intervention with vulnerable clients Guylaine Vandal Overview of the testing practices of the Co Quebec: presentation of preliminary results of a survey of Member OCCOPPQ Yann Le Corff Assessment of personal projects in career counseling Judith Moreau Mental health at work co: to better understand the preserve Simon Viviers Ergomanie or "Workaholism": do you recognize? References The Work Addiction Risk Test "Caroline Quidoz ISIP99 Richard Giroux Dropping professional: understanding to begin to intervene Valérie Grenier

A study shows the progress of French in the world. Francophonie will jump to 20 million people worldwide with the release Tuesday of the French language in the World 2010, the major study commissioned from the International Organization of la Francophonie (OIF) at the Summit Quebec in 2008.

You dream of working in the field of hair? Learn playing, that's what the site offers Hair Be 12, simulation game dedicated to apprentice hairdressers. In twelve episodes of approximately fifteen minutes, this game of virtual modeling of a business hair salon you will develop skills in five key areas of business: customer relations, consulting, retention, making appointments you and the health and safety. Come have fun learning! PPO . html (word password to get on the English link)

Matthew B. Crawford - Philosophy of manual labor. Book: Praise for the carburettor . The American Matthew B. Crawford is a funny guy. Raised in a commune in which he learned the electrician trade, he then earned a bachelor's degree in physics before becoming a doctor of philosophy from the University of Chicago. After a few months in the employ of a think tank in Washington, he resigned and opened a motorcycle repair shop. "The manual work, he concluded, was a more exciting intellectual point of view." Manual

Major depression: new guidelines from the American Psychiatric Association (APA) for the treatment

The main reasons for removal (e) lists of friends on Facebook. A doctoral thesis examined the main reasons why people are removed from the lists of friends on Facebook. Christopher Sibona, University of Colorado, conducted a survey among 1,500 Twitter Facebook users. The main reasons, in order of importance, to remove a person from a list friends are: posting messages too frequently not important or repetitive posting messages on issues that divide such as religion or politics; inappropriate messages, such as rude or racist comments. Given the public nature of Facebook profiles, Sibona urges users to exercise caution in their behavior, citing a 2010 survey showing that 54% of recruiters use Facebook to find job applicants or to investigate them. "The same types of messages that could make you delete friends lists could also be perceived negatively by recruiters," he said. This study will be published by the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

Nobel Prize in Economics 2010: The consecration of the theory of "hunger or bull" The 2010 Nobel Prize in Economics has been awarded to two Americans and a British-Cypriot. Main conclusion of their work: "more unemployment benefits, the greater the rate of unemployment is high and the duration of job search is long" "What was told to Yannick L'Horty, professor of economics at Paris- and is associate researcher at the Center of Employment Studies interviewed by 20Minutes: "How do these work could they have on economic policies?" ... / ... For example, they showed that intermediaries, such as employment agencies play a major role in the labor market ... / ... Similarly, on unemployment benefits, Diamond, Mortensen and Pissarides explain that they play an important but ambiguous: if they are too generous, the search intensity will be lower, while the quality of employment will be found superior ... / ... "Clearly, to combat unemployment, it is enough to compel all those who lost their jobs to take any job, including the most vulnerable and especially to reduce their simplest form the length and terms of compensation! In summary, as Jean Ferrat sang: "it is sometimes necessary to choose the hungry or the bull" Nobel Prize of Economics has therefore reward a known situation and applied for many in Britain: "... / ... The unemployed receive compensation low: about fifty pounds (80 euros) per week. They are followed closely, with contract support. At each visit, they must bring proof of their research and a range ranges of sanctions, refusal of training bad behavior ... / ... "This is reflected in the appalling facts of situations:" In a neighborhood where the unemployment rate exceeds 40%, many people who fall into the trap of alcohol, drugs and desocialization ... / ... Unemployment figures do not take account of these "unfit" to work, too broken by life, or disabled or simply too many mothers ... / ... "- France Info.

The Hiring intentions at the highest
Index hiring intentions of the Conference Board jumped to its highest level in three years to 104.1, suggesting that a wave of recruitment is preparing to Canadian businesses. The index increased by 8% in July, which is the fifth increase since January 2010. "The index shows continued growth in hiring intentions, but we expect to see the pace slow in the coming months," the report said.

RITALIN 16 million pills in just six months. Experts'm concerned, the consumption of drugs in the family of Ritalin is not slowing down in Quebec, on the contrary. In six months he has sold over 16 million pills in the province, never seen. "It shows that people still think that the difficulties children are settled almost inevitably through the medical system, while in many cases, educational support should be offered," says Dr. Joel Monzée Neuroscience , an expert on the issue.

The amp Quebec few words on the amp Quebec: Quebec amp's mission is to enable young musicians and singers of all levels and all genres of music amplified to improve all aspects of their art under the guidance of professional artists and the cultural sector, complementing existing initiatives in the medium.

The real choice for America
Sugary drinks have become a prime target for counter obesity and his sad companions, diabetes and cardiovascular disease

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finder to locate an article in the archives of the newsletter Notice the search engine of the newsletter on the site right. Just enter a word and you get significant backfiles (149 numbers) on the search topic and Internet links consulted. Famous! Try it, it is to adopt .

Mark your calendar
In 2011, the 9th Congress of ACOC will be held in partnership with UQTR the 1, 2 and 3 June

Next Carrefour orientation to UQAR-Lévis campus: Tuesday, November 30 am 2010 Le Carrefour will followed by dinner and a meeting with UQAR afternoon. the Day partners Laval University will be held on December 1 next . The theme of the next Crossroads orientation (registration coming soon) will be: Supporting educational and vocational guidance : methods to integrate better consideration of social relationships of our clients. Workshop Description : Self-knowledge involves the initial "re" self-knowledge. Social relations of our customers help to mobilize support and thoughts, emotions and behavior favorable to the construction project for young professional adults. However, how to incorporate these 'external' to the process one by one? The workshop aims to describe the different roles that can be played by social relations based on the nature and forms of interaction, as well as suggest ways of thinking and appropriate intervention. Speaker: Louis Cournoyer is a professor in career counseling at the University of Quebec at Montreal. His research focuses on persistence in college, construction of the professional project for young adults and the role of social relationships and social networks on educational and vocational guidance. Guidance counselor for 15 years, he has varied experience with young adults and adults. He is involved in several professional committees for the purpose of professional development co

Bruno Tremblay, co Secretary General ACOC

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