Friday, October 1, 2010

Mammal Or Reptile Has More Respiration

V 9 No. 5: Value of academic success and college

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700th member of the ACOC September 30, 2010:
Chantal Bisson, University of Sherbrooke, guidance counselors

GUIDANCE COUNSELLOR CEGEP St-Hyacinthe Load Project 2-4 days / week duration: until later June 30, 2011 with possibility of extension Directorate of Studies and Student Life (Sector organization and the school journey ) Interested candidates should submit applications including a curriculum vitae to the Human Resources Department at the following email indicating competition number 10-11-P (PC) -10 specifying the job for which you are applying in the email subject BEFORE Tuesday, October 5, 2010, at 8 pm / portal / page / portal / Home / a_propos_de_nous / faire_carriere_au_cegep / emplois_disponibles_au_cegep / CO 20charge%%% 20of% 20projet_sept 202010x.pdf

Champlain Regional College is seeking the services of one or Academic Advisor to work permanent part-time (60%) at Champlain Regional College (St. Lambert Campus) http://crc DEADLINE FOR NOMINATIONS Thursday, October 14, 2010 Human Resources CHAMPLAIN REGIONAL COLLEGE (St. Lambert Campus) human.resources @ Pierre Bureau for information, co

Value of college and school success: Girls and boys in college : Parallel universes? : Study on gender and academic achievement in College , Cégep de Ste-Foy, 2010. ROY, Jacques (Principal Investigator), Josée Bouchard and Marie-Anne Touchette, researchers involved in collaboration with Gilles Tremblay and Simon Olivier Fournier. 200 pages

The theme of the Carrefour de l'orientation to be held on November 30 (registration coming soon) to UQAR Levis before noon, will be: Supporting school guidance and professional: methods for integrating a better consideration of social relationships of our clients. Workshop Description: Self-knowledge involves the initial "re" self-knowledge. Social relations of our customers help to mobilize support and thoughts, emotions and behavior favorable to the project construction professional young adults. However, how to incorporate these 'external' to the process one by one? The workshop aims to describe the different roles that can be played by social relations based on the nature and forms of interaction, as well as suggest ways of thinking and appropriate intervention. Speaker: Professor Louis Cournoyer is career counseling at the University of Quebec at Montreal. His research focuses on persistence in college, construction of the professional project for young adults and the role of social relationships and social networks on educational and vocational guidance. Guidance counselor for 15 years, he has varied experience with young adults and adults. He is involved in several professional committees for the purpose of professional development co

The R rating - Do not shoot at college students. In its current form, the R rating is indeed an obstacle to academic success Jacques Roy - Professor and researcher at the Cégep de Sainte-Foy and the Observatory of Youth and Society 27 September 2010. With colleagues in colleges and universities, I drive work on academic achievement in colleges since 2001. Among the irritants cited by college students as part of our studies included a provision for regular performance rating at the college, known colloquially rated R. A closer examination of this provision we found that application of this measure in its current form is unfair and random for college students, it ill serves the academic success as well as being very detrimental in the long term some students in their school careers, especially for those who choose to head to college. Let me explain. A bureaucratic stupidity. The R rating is essentially a mechanism for the selection of students of the college system in different academic programs. It is administered by the Conference of Rectors and Principals of Quebec Universities (CREPUQ). It is somehow "imposed" the college system for selection purposes. The main problem of application of the R rating - and it's size - is that a student has not completed all the evaluations of a course, either because he left the course before the time allowed for not having a failure to his nomination or that he was excluded from a course by his department because of a high number of absences, see the note he had accumulated in the course, the time of withdrawal, relative to 100%. Thus, students who have accumulated 40 points on 50 at the time of the withdrawal or expulsion, will placed on the ballot, the note "40%": 40 of the 50 is reported in 100% mechanically. "Very good" it was (40 of 50 represents a score of 80%), the same student becomes a "dunce"! Thus, the rating of "40%", which has nothing to do with an assessment of student learning, will always remain the newsletter, even if the student takes the course successfully. Contrary to the Criminal Code includes provisions to help in some cases to remove a criminal record, the student's grade remains for life. Influence success. Applying This document carries consequences throughout the academic progress of students. However, its consequences are not visible to college students and professors. This explains in part the lack of awareness and mobilization against this detrimental to the academic success of college students. This is often some years later that a student will measure all the consequences when, for example, its R rating will be insufficient to return such department or faculty in such university or, for a program change or college. Thus, in some academic programs with high quota, it is sometimes necessary little in terms of the R rating, to make the difference between admission and denial; few decimal points can make a difference. But a student who, for example, dropped two courses (or who has scored too many absences in these courses) will have his score vary enough to make a difference. Therefore, the school trajectories become more complex and perverse and negative rated R add up over time. As to count students who hold tangible consequences (an argument for maintaining this measure), there always will be, by definition, difficult to estimate because of the diversity of paths school. Fair and equitable. In recent years, CREPUQ attempts to overcome these disadvantages. For example, when a program change, we will choose the best rated R by either program (or others). Also, students will have their first session rated as worth less than the aggregated scores thereafter. But this is "adjustments" applied to a structure totally unfair assessment of school students. This is the logic of the measure itself must be changed! In fact, it is miles away from one of the fundamental principles of political evaluation "fair" and "fair" learning in colleges. Intellectually, it is quite indefensible to report a score of 100%, while all the assessments were not performed. To my knowledge, there is a unique phenomenon in the college system. Both the elementary and secondary or university, we do not report a partial score of 100%. At university, we indicate, for example, the word "abandonment with failure", without adding a note to school with no real meaning to the student newsletter. Why not do as the university network? After all, the college is also part of higher education! Why what is good and just one would do it not for the other? Especially since, quantitatively, the pool of other grades is more than enough to rigorously evaluate the educational value of student eligibility for university or other college programs. Currently, proponents of this measure believe that it ensures that students leave the course before completion, thus avoiding a failing grade newsletter. To counter the problem, they have developed a cure that is twice as bad as the problem identified. Because the R rating does not reflect the degree of learning of the student; rather, it defies every principle of fair and objective evaluation. It is as if we had given birth to a "bureaucratic monster" that periodically tries to dress to make it more suitable for successive revisions. In fact, in its current form, the R rating is indeed an obstacle to academic success! At the end of the article, there are comments from readers including this one This Carl Brabant. A rating with a largely arbitrary. To calculate the R rating, it involves a data called strength index group. The student has very little control over this element (1/number total students). Accordingly, the results are colorful and sometimes torpedoed by an administrative action before which he is totally helpless. Given the greater difficulty of the boys to comply with the rules and comply with the R rating severely punishes any deviation from academic career. That may be their fault but in this game, boys usually end up losing out to girls. Statistics for admission to the university are there to prove it.

Cool! The Technos! Luncheon October 21, 8 pm 30-10 pm Bistro Vocational Training Centre of Residents (PSC) 120, rue Valmont, Repentigny 8 h 30 Reception partners high school and college at Bistro Luncheon Portrait and prospects use of ICT: find exciting jobs! ICT: A Portrait of employment; present different educational pathways available to the world of ICT Careers exciting and diverse Prerequisites, courses and computer training our students: actors leading 10 am End of luncheon For those who wish to visit the trail Cool! The Technos! Activities, scientific activities, training opportunities and participation of industry professionals are part of the lineup. Place the notes from the tech! This luncheon takes place within the week to promote the ICT industry, and this is to ensure sufficient to meet the urgent needs of manpower in this industry. Indeed, according to data compiled by TECHNOCompétences, by 2014, more than 7500 items per year will be filled in 20 occupations closely related to information technology and telecommunications! Be part of those who hold quality information related to this industry! Be "Cool": confirm your presence! Before Oct. 13 at Catherine Léveillé, the School Board Referrals by phone (450 492-9400, ext 3100) or email (@ catherine.leveillee ). Check the complete schedule on the site . The founding partners of Cool! The Technos! École de technologie supérieure PSC Residents, CSA Rosemont College TechnoMontréal TechnoCompétences Days careers Techno, taken two

Academic Achievement in College: guys and girls: same universe One study found differences between boys and girls in college there, but are not significant. In college, the differences between boys and girls who do well are not huge. Rather, when students are struggling as the gap: the reasons that cause them to abandon the college are often quite different. That's the conclusion of a study conducted by the team of sociologist Jacques Roy, who teaches at the Cégep de Sainte-Foy. The aim of the research, funded by the Ministry of Education, was to determine the extent to which boys and girls who come through the doors of colleges are different and how to intervene if necessary. Over 600 college students in 27 colleges were interviewed. Jacques Roy concludes that differences exist between boys and girls, but they are not significant enough to say that they operate in "parallel universes". Girls engage in their studies more conformist, bending the rules, while boys maintain a more distanced. "When the teacher introduced the lesson plan, girls often ask questions to understand teacher requirements and better compliance while the guys will ask questions to challenge the more points awarded for such work or as consideration for example, "he says. But these differences are superficial, however. When asked about their values - a "fertile ground for distinguishing between girls and boys" - the answers are similar. Values related to family, happiness, well-being and pride of place near the top of the list in both camps. Other similarities allow Jacques Roy to conclude that there is no need to modify instructional approaches to teach differently by gender. "It is not of difference in learning, "he said. But in the ranks of students in difficulty, "it's a different story," says Roy. The gender differences are much larger. Boys are twice as likely to say that the lack of interest in education and time spent at work could cause them to abandon college, while among girls, are learning difficulties that appear as the main obstacle . The stress level is also much higher in CEGEP, twice more girls than boys said they were "very stressed" by their studies. To better target interventions for troubled boys, individual meetings, for example, Roy proposes to focus on motivation. "It takes them back to things that can arouse their interest, for they get on their studies," he said. But to say that schoolboys and schoolgirls are moving in two "parallel universes", there is a big step that the researcher refuses to cross. "Ultimately, we realize that there are more differences between the guys who do well and those who are at risk between boys and girls in general," he concludes.

postsecondary students more indebted than ever . A report by the Canadian Council on Learning released Wednesday reveals that the average debt of a university graduate has reached $ 26,680 last year, while that of a college graduate was $ 13 600. From 1995 to 2005, the proportion of students who must repay a loan after graduation increased from 49% to 57%, the report adds. "This growth in debt levels coincides with the recent announcement that the Canadian student loans had risen for the first time, its ceiling of 15 billion, requiring an allocation of additional funds, "says the Canadian Council on Learning. Highlights from the Canadian Council on Learning. About 60% of university graduates and 45% of college graduates have accumulated some debt. Debt of undergraduate studies in Canada has doubled during the 1990s, from $ 12 271 in 1990 to $ 24 706 in 2000. Since then, the average student debt has increased, however, only 9%. A third of graduates who consolidated their loans in 1994-1995 failed to meet their commitments in the 10 years that followed. The youth from high income families are more than twice as likely to attend university than their peers from families with low incomes, despite the Canada Student Loans. Under the scheme of federal loans, a borrower ends up in default of repayment after nine months late. Overdue loans are transferred to collection agencies that may use aggressive methods. A loan default may also reduce the creditworthiness of the borrower.

Teachers colleges across the wave m -

Video: surgeon books At the eBook, Diane Blais, "Bookbinder" professional, is celebrating the tenth anniversary of his business Binding Multi-Services based in Beaumont. Contrary to what one might think, the book is far from dead.

ANNUAL DROPOUT RATE: A calculation that is closer to reality . MELS announcement that the calculation of the annual dropout rate will now be based on data from August instead of January c6043.htm

MONTREAL FIREFIGHTERS 300 positions within three years


Competition Management for college
The college students who are thinking of going a day in the business community are invited to bring their talents to the test as part of a brand new contest that just launched with great pomp and student of the UQTR. Places to management succession, "a competition known as the" Place for Youth ", Ottawa and organized by the School Management TALF will be offered at UQTR by student members of the Organizing Committee of Games trade. UQTR behind and deliver more than $ 15 000 in entrance scholarships to the winners to spice up the competition. All colleges in Quebec are invited to take part in this activity, but the recruitment team will move only in the following institutions: Cégep de Trois-Rivières, Collège Shawinigan Collège Lafleche, Ellis College of Drummondville, Collège Édouard-Montpetit and the Cégep de Granby, Lanaudière, Victoriaville, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Saint-Hyacinthe, Drummondville, Sorel-Tracy.

Education Men fear the classrooms of elementary school. men shudder at the idea of teaching in primary schools for fear of being labeled as gays or have pedophile tendencies, study finds Ontario university. Teachers share their experience in the document published this week by Nipissing University in North Bay. "Do not come near any student! As a man, you're more likely to be under suspicion, and you must be wiser than a woman, "testified one of the participating university researchers. Another teacher mentions the disadvantages of the profession for a man. "I held the hand of a girl and I was said at once to watch while it is in women every day, "said one of the 223 male respondents who were loaned to the analysis. These fears were behind a major imbalance in resources. The teaching staff in primary schools in Ontario is 90% women. A similar situation was observed in the United States, Australia, New Zealand and Great Britain, the study says. Educators and citizens emphasize the importance of men in education to improve learning for boys and serve as a model follow, the study notes. The researchers recommend that the world of education focuses on the fears of male educators to eliminate negative attitudes towards them, and those associated with men who want to enter the profession.

UQO visit today the section for information professionals entitled School CO and CISEP! You'll find lots of useful information including a list of ratings of the last admitted to R-enrollment programs (Coming soon).

The average salary is $ 855.66 per week in Canada . Ever the number of Quebecers who reported incomes of $ 100 000 or more have risen as much in one year.

Laval University - Inauguration of the largest integrated complex training in health sciences in Quebec

Future accountants have a series of tests to succeed early in their careers: job interviews, internships, examinations. To the rescue: Careers Accounting 2011, a concentrate of practical advice and testimonials.

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Documentation Training
Day Compass In Quebec, the day will be held Thursday, October 7, 2010 at the Pavillon Alphonse-Desjardins, Université Laval. In Sherbrooke, the day will be held Monday, October 18, 2010 at the Pavilion A2 from the University of Sherbrooke. In Montreal, day will be held Thursday, October 28, 2010 at the Pavilion of the École de technologie supérieure. To participate, please visit our website at the following address You'll find all the information on the course of days, on the opening conference and presented workshops on these days LANDMARKS.

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Jobs. Currently, over 130 positions are posted on OMB's website at / offers

Some interesting sites to improve his French / en / english.html / liste.html / website / services / test_fr_sel.html / sites.html

integration shy of the new spelling schools. One year after implementation of the new spelling, its integration is pretty shy, or mixed, in area schools.

The Mobile Web: choosing its presence and marketing strategy / BULLETINS% 20APPAC/Vol2No4Sept2010/WebMobile.html

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finder to locate an article in the archives of the newsletter Notice the search engine on the site newsletter right. Just enter a word and you get significant backfiles (149 numbers) on the desired subject and links Internet available. Famous! Try it adopt .

Mark your calendar
In 2011, the 9th Congress of ACOC will be held in partnership with UQTR the 1, 2 and 3 June

Next Carrefour orientation to UQAR-Lévis campus: Tuesday, November 30 am 2010 Le Carrefour will followed by dinner and a meeting with UQAR afternoon. The Partners Day Laval University will be held on December 1 next .

Bruno Tremblay, co Secretary General ACOC

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