Thursday, February 17, 2011

Can Maylox Make Your Stool Light Colored?

V 9 No. 17: The Pyramid of Maslow revisited

After editing, the information is adjusted, if necessary,
(738 members, 9th season of the electronic newsletter)

The Pyramid of Maslow revisited or Pyramid Limoges
(see article below)

News Section
University Admission in Fall 2011 - Prior to March 1

That the Maslow pyramid rests in peace! - Jacques Limoges. I return Cannexus 11 where I, once again, heard some references to the theory of human motivation Maslow. As surprising as it is assigned a hierarchy of needs that he has ever designed and it must be said, was very attractive, including me. The proof for decades, it was the basis of such curricula Education Career and Personal and Social Education and is still taught in many departments of management and marketing! For those who have forgotten, here is a representation.
The Maslow pyramid: a hierarchical classification of human needs .

Special Admission to the Nursing program (180.A0 and 180.B0) The Ministry of Education, Recreation and Sport has just inform the college of the decision of the Minister Line Beauchamp to postpone the fall 2013 implementation of the special Admission in Chemistry for Technical Programs Nursing (180.A0 and 180.B0). We know that you will use all your communication channels to inform students of this important change considering the very short time that separates us from March 1 (deadline for admission for the first round of the fall of 2011). Candidates who have already applied for admission and wish to make a change in their choice of program may do so from their "Personal Folder" tab by choosing "Edit Your Account" or by email at the following address: The email must include the file number of the applicant and be received no later than March 1, 23 h 59. The SRACQ must update its computer systems to reflect this change. The changes will be completed within the next few days including the update site "Predictability of admission. Feel free to contact us for further information. Marc Viens Chief SRACQ Wednesday, February 16, 2011 Special Bulletin!

Admission to Nursing and Chemistry prior to Secondary 5. The Ministry of Education, Recreation and Sport has announced dated 16 February 2011 the possibility for applicants to nursing programs (and 180.B0 180.A0) to be admitted without having completed the Pre-Chemistry of Secondary 5 or Chemistry 534 for admission Fall 2011. This special measure will expire in fall 2013. Candidates who have been admitted without meeting the prior chemistry will be subject, within their program of additional training in this discipline to supplement the lack of training. Jean-Pierre Riel Communications Advisor Regional Listing Service of Greater Montreal

Very very very soon, you can register in the ninth Congress of the ACOC ( 1 to 3 June). A website will allow you to read the program book your accommodation and complete the registration form. The Development Committee has some surprises for you and will highlight the 10th anniversary the ACOC. Please note that the College, our partner Ninth Congress, will on May 31 at UQTR the training on the Assessment Guidance conference registrants at no extra cost. Alain Dubois give a workshop on the evaluation of an adult diagnosed with a mental disorder. Another resource person, to be determined, will give a workshop on the evaluation of a teenager. The choice to participate in this event will be from the registration form in the ninth Congress.

guidance counselor at the Center for college in Chibougamau. Cégep de Saint-Félicien The Contest Ends Friday, February 18, 2011 Full Time Location: Centre College in Chibougamau for the equivalent of two (2) days / week. Local Employment Centre Baie-James (Chibougamau) for the equivalent of three (3) days / week.

GUIDANCE COUNSELLOR Collège Gérald-Godin Contest Ends On Friday, February 18, 2011 Maternity Leave - Replacement possible until August 2013 - Full-time

Why should young people persevere? This week retention, a topic that almost never does not associate with educational and vocational guidance. That may be the week to show perseverance otherwise ... In this week's persistence that will start tomorrow, we can all express our support for initiatives that promote the retention of young people and our own commitment to this goal. I agree. Laurent Matte president of the College of guidance counselors in Quebec.

A new international program in the fall at College F.-X.-Garneau. College F.-X.-Garneau has gone even internationally. This fall, a new program will allow college students to study abroad session, a first in Quebec. After a year of effort, the College F.-X.-Garneau became the first college in the province to offer a full semester abroad. Beginning this fall, students can enroll in a humanities program that will take in Argentina while students in arts and letters will fly to Germany and Spain. "This is our international section 2.0, illustrates Mr. Dufour. It goes further than a few weeks of training, installing people abroad for an entire session. " new-international-program-a-Lautomne-to-college-fx-garneau.php

Special Section / / Join the Future 2011. Follow his path. Facing disapproval of your parents about your career choice, it is not easy. Despite the discomfort, it would be good to find out why they disagree with your aspirations. You could go further and validate your thinking your interest.

Choosing a vocation for the right reasons
What criteria guide a career choice? Some young teachers want to be like their mothers, others because it pays dentists ... Worthy ideas, but who deserve a little elaboration.

Brebeuf Marianopolis and launch the first exchange program intercollegiate bilingual. Two Private Colleges Academic renowned Montreal, Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf and Marianopolis College, combine to offer the first intercollegiate bilingual exchange program in Quebec. "This innovative program will promote bilingualism among both anglophones and allophones than in French because the exchange will be based on reciprocity: an equal number of students in each of the two institutions will enjoy their last semester to perfect their knowledge of French or English, depending on the case, "said CEO College Jean-de-Brebeuf, Michel April.

WORLD OF WORK A shortage of labor increased. Quebec will experience a shortage of manpower that will affect the economy in the years to come, because there will be up to 26 times more jobs than graduates, according Jobboom. Quebec students can rest easy, because the job offers will be greater than the number of graduates in various sectors in the coming years, according to the 14th edition of "Review of Labour Market Outlook "report released Wednesday morning by Jobboom. According to the study, some 80 professional programs, colleges and universities offer training in areas of full employment in Quebec. These programs are related to information technology and communications that will top the list. It is estimated that companies in this area will provide 7,500 jobs per year by 2014. "Many industries benefit from our strong economy and infrastructure programs of the massive retirement," noted Patricia Richard, Director of Content at Jobboom. Insurers and financial services companies will experience significant growth by creating 10,000 jobs over the next 7 or 8 years. The field of food processing and mining could generate 6,000 jobs each over the next 5 years due to the expected growth of their business. Expectations are also high in areas of health and construction. The health care system alone will hire 13,000 to 22 000 employees by 2015. It is estimated that the field of construction will need to recruit 14,000 new workers per year by 2013 to meet the specific needs generated by the infrastructure programs in particular. Jobboom even found a thirty Programs Training can not train enough graduates to meet employer demand. This is true of Environment sector. During the 2009-10 school year, the University of Sherbrooke, for example, posted 600 posts for the 23 graduates of a BA in ecology. The 140 graduates in biological sciences from Laval University and the University of Sherbrooke were also able to choose among nearly 600 jobs at the end of their university course last year. The environment is one of the areas most dynamic job. The number of jobs grew by 27.5 % In this area between 2007 and 2010, despite the recession that hit the Canadian economy.

Students of the reform perform well at Cégep Beauce-Appalaches. The portion college students from the secondary education reform (students of the reform) is successful in Beauce.Le success rate of new students from Cégep Beauce-Appalaches is up .6% from 84.5% in fall 2009 to 85.1% in fall 2010.

Innovation Cégep Limoilou honored by the Institute of Public Administration, Quebec. A library? No, a hub of information! The innovative nature of the transformation of the library's College in Hub Limoilou information has raised the College to the status of finalist for the prestigious Education Award from the Institute of Public Administration, Quebec (IAPQ) and allowed to win a special mention. This unifying project results in a significant increase in attendance, on average, 1900 users walk through it daily. The renovation and development required an investment of $ 2 million and led the Crossroads Information Cégep Limoilou the 2.0 era. View video

Collège Shawinigan. Program changes? Attestation of college a year in Techniques ambulance could disappear to make way for a three-year technical training at the College of Shawinigan. For three years, the Department of Health suggests that one-year program may give way to a longer training. For now, both programs lead to exactly the same practice once on the job market. "There's no doubt that one day the Ministry of Health decreed that there is one degree that can lead to the profession. And that day, what will the DEC [college], "says Andre Gingras, CEO of the college. During the open house of the college on Wednesday, it was impossible to tell prospective students what it will look next year. At weeks of enrollment, students are getting impatient. Mr. Gingras said that the establishment has received hundreds of calls about it in recent days. The direction of the college claims to be able to offer either degrees next fall. "We are ready. We have the human resources. We have the expertise. We have a lot of the material, so it is ready to work provided you have authorization from the ministry, "says Gingras. Meanwhile, the college continues to receive entries without knowing what program will be offered to students.

Police Academy: Quebec cut $ 3.6 million. The National Police Academy in Nicolet in Quebec will have to face significant cuts in its budget after the new fiscal year the Government of Quebec which begins on 1 April 2011. These cuts could have a significant impact within the institution, among others.

School reform: results "alarming" The actors in the network of education take a close look "concerned" about Preliminary results of a study commissioned by the Department of Education reveals that students in the reform have a more negative view of school than those who did not know the education reform.

possible abolition of the only training program gunsmiths. Quebec wants to abolish the only training program that provides dealers in the province. This program is offered by the School Board of Hauts-Bois de l'Outaouais, Maniwaki. School authorities have received support on Monday Regional Conference of Elected to convince the Ministry of Education to continue the program. Gunsmiths become experts in firearms. They sell or manufacture weapons, and know all the workings of their maintenance. The Ministry of Education considers the program is not profitable. 24 students have graduated from vocational high school student from the city Gatineau last year. The president of the school board of the Hauts-Bois-de-l'Outaouais, Diane Nault, reiterates the importance of such a program in a remote area as Maniwaki, where hunting and fishing are part of everyday life. In his view, dealers graduates play a major role to users of firearms, they are able to advise. The program would no longer be scheduled for the start of the Department 2012. The talks continue.

Bachelor of Physiotherapy at UQAC (offered by the extension McGill University) : Our goal is always to offer the baccalaureate in the fall of 2011, however, we are dependent on bodies government. We suggest you regularly check the website UQAC / info_scolaire to keep you informed on developments in this case. In the meantime, for more information regarding the program, admission requirements and the quota, you can visit the website of the School of Physical and Occupational Therapy McGill University at the following address: / spot / pt

Recovery of sexology at UQTR. Pierre concerns would love revive the short program in sexology at UQTR and update. "For example, in 1996, there was no Viagra. It changes everything, "he argues. And if one believes that the drug only changes things for people aged 45 and over, it is better to open their eyes. "There are 20 year olds who take," says Mr. concerns. "There are guys who are not confident with their girlfriend. They wonder if they are up sexually. There are guys who take that 20 years, 25 years, nice guy, but do not trust. Today we must speak of this reality, "he illustrates. Worry stone gives this example to remember that what gave himself as a subject in sexology in 1996, can not be the same as in 2011. Since last summer, with a colleague sexologist, Anik Ferron, a doctoral student in psychology, Pierre concerns has established a project to revive the short program in sexology at UQTR. A survey was posted on the newspaper's website header at UQTR / fc.sexologie to allow interested (s) to decide on the themes that if they wish to appear in the program. "We want to get the profile and needs of new customers," said the sexologist. Among the questions asked respondents to choose or suggest training topics. These may address issues as diverse as sexual deviancy, body image, relationship difficulties or even the sexual realities of the 21st century such as pornography, swinging, and surgery to name a few. The survey also addresses barriers to registration and class schedules. The training will benefit all, but may be of interest particularly nurses, teachers, psychosocial and psycho.

Doctors. Attract future physicians of the middle areas. 12.7% of Canadian medical students come from households with annual incomes less than $ 40 000. The Federation of Medical Students (CFMS) is calling on Ottawa establishing a scholarship program of at least $ 1,000 per year for prospective students with low incomes or who are from rural areas may have a chance applying in the various medical schools in the country.

106 of 126 students in education UQO admitted in the fall of 2008 have passed the certification test in French (TECFÉE). Since the establishment of new standards and the development of the certification test in French for teaching writing (TECFÉE) which assesses language skills of people who pursue a university degree in education, 84% of students University of Quebec in Outaouais (UQO) of the 2008 cohort have now met the requirements of this certification in French. (106/126). The success of TECFÉE is essential that students have access to their third qualifying period referred to university program. As this course runs in the Winter term of the third grade, students admitted in fall 2008 must complete their internship in a few weeks. These students have already had occasion to report for testing during 2009-2010. Those who had not yet succeeded them are presented on 15 and 16 January 2011. Despite efforts by both the students by the university, 20 of them will not achieve the third stage this winter.

A website in progress. Changes to allow him to remain among the most modern in the Canadian university system. the institutional website continues to evolve. In April 2009, Internet site discovered a brand new, beautiful, modern, friendly and efficient. Almost two years later, the development team of the division Web communication and corporate advertising for the Communications birth to a new version of ulaval. Ca. "By definition, a website is never finished. This site remains one of showcases the Web's most modern Canadian university system, both the number of automated features as advanced technology used. "The new version of ulaval. ca includes a number of new features and improvements. On the same page, the sections on institutional and newspaper headlines in the mainstream now occupy a larger space. A window "shows the most recent video capsule produced by the Communications Branch. "For two years, says he, we invested the public space of social media with on YouTube and Facebook and Twitter our links. At now we have nearly 3300 followers of our Facebook page. "The primary navigation bar located at the top of the homepage is enriched with two new items of information:" Prospective Students "and" Sustainable Development " . The six elements that make up this bar now benefit from a dropdown menu. Simply place the mouse cursor on the name of a topic to see the menu appear. In addition to the "Prospective Students" in the navigation bar, we find the buttons "Find your curriculum", "Apply for Admission" and "Questions?".

Hard times for young teachers
The prospects are nothing really encouraging for young teachers Saguenay -Lac-Saint-Jean. The four boards include the departure of hundreds of retired teachers by school year 2014-2015. The problem is that many of them queuing up.

The phenomenon of overqualified Quebec. Bruno Hubert Masters Student Research Practices and Public Policy Institute of Scientific Research (INRS). Because the effects of overqualified affect a growing number of Quebec workers, it seemed legitimate to question the socio-economic effectiveness of a policy of expansion of schooling, including the challenge of transmitting knowledge and the shortage of skilled labor. Using the "objective approach to the analysis workstation, we have demonstrated significant differences between workers overqualified and the rest of the workforce, in terms of sex, age, level of education, experience, union status, the employment relationship and the business sector. This article derives from a knowledge mobilization activity which led to further reflection on the phenomenon of overqualified in Quebec. Transfer activities that we conducted have promoted the exchange between stakeholders and researchers have to consider matching new graduates into the labor market as synonymous with socio-economic prosperity for Quebec tomorrow.

A test to help choose their university program. UdeM innovates by helping the undecided to see more clearly through a new online platform for decision support Curriculum Test. Culture? Humans? Science? Or alive? What academic program to choose? Thousands of people register in the coming weeks in an academic program. For many, the desire to go to university is present, but their heart is torn between many disciplines. UdeM innovative in helping undecided to get a clearer thanks to the new online platform for decision support Curriculum Test. Prospective students are also invited to go to UofM February 2, 16 h 30-20 h 30, to discover what the campus has to offer through its doors open. Curriculum Test, developed by the Editions in September in collaboration with UdeM, is a process of exploration suitable for UofM to facilitate the discovery of the curricula of the first cycle. The test raises several fundamental questions regarding the user's areas of interest and personality to determine what is the dominant profile : Culture, human, material, living or management? Once the dominant profile identified, a second series of questions to determine what is the family area that is closest to the profile of the person. When the family was targeted, the test shows all the programs the first cycle that best fit the person, who can then view details about each program: presentation, structure and course prerequisites, market opportunities labor, etc.. The application can also be done online. Curriculum Review: / questionnaire

Despite record numbers, the shortage of physicians continues. Quebec has never had so many doctors. According to the latest statistics from the College of Physicians, there are currently 18 504 general practitioners and specialists in the province - a record high. Nevertheless, the health network will always say a shortage of resources. Why? Various medical associations disagree on the issue.

Finally a doctorate in vision science

Documentation and Training
The 20-35 years are more committed they believe years-are-more-engaged-Quil-the-croient.html

Less of suicidal thoughts, self-esteem: young people are well. A self-esteem up, fewer suicidal thoughts and gestures, a sense of well-being at school, Teens are going well, according to the latest survey on the health and welfare of high school students in the Mauricie and Centre-du-Québec. "Overall, we can see that young people feel healthier," says Dr. Gilles W. Grenier, of the Public Health and Social Services Mauricie-Centre-du-Québec. However, there is still room for improvement. This survey was conducted in 2007 among 5,200 students attending 26 secondary schools and area private esteem of oneself-the-young-will-bien.php

The laptops in the classroom promotes academic success

Go on and shortage of manpower in sight! Review employment prospects 2011. Some 80 programs in vocational, college and university show full employment. In total, 28 courses were not enough graduates to meet the needs of labor market work.

Immigration and job search. Mission Possible! Even graduates and experienced, many immigrants are struggling to get hired in their field. The secret to get there? Adjust its research methods of Quebec. Here are five tips to highlight to employers here.

100 courses winning
While in some programs, the recent economic crisis has reduced the number of job offers received, the demand for graduates remains strong in several sectors. As to support their growth and replace workers who retire, companies need a supply of skilled workers, sometimes difficult to find. Our survey reveals that nearly a thirty programs do not provide enough graduates to meet the needs of labor market work. Record.

Go on and shortage of manpower in sight! Review employment prospects 2011. Some 80 programs in vocational, college and university show full employment. In total, 28 courses were not enough graduates to meet the needs of labor market work.

Despite the difficult economic climate in recent years, Canadians are satisfied with their jobs and optimistic about their career goals. We rely more on people we know as online networks to find potential jobs. A new survey by the Canadian Education and Research Institute for Counselling (CERIC Although they have come through a tough year economically, the majority of Canadians are generally satisfied with their jobs and enjoy their coworkers. Despite this satisfaction, almost half of Canadians are not confident enough to be compensated for their efforts at work. "As Canadians, we place great value on our relationship with our profession and with those around us. The majority of Canadian workers are satisfied with their work, and appreciate their colleagues think their workplace is inclusive. Our results suggest that if money is an important element, it is not always a determinant of job satisfaction, "said Nancy Schaefer, president of the board of directors and president CERIC Employment Services Youth / Youth Employment Services ( YES), a center of excellence for employment and youth empowerment. New online tools occupy a surprisingly low on the list means they use to discover new job opportunities. We go first to our colleagues (68%) and our friends and neighbors (65%) for advice and information. We then use following resources: Newspapers - 62% Parents - 61% Internet - 58%; Mentors - 58% Job Centres government and community - 53% Office of Community Investment - 43%; teachers or professors - 40%; Specialists Career or career counselors - 37%. Many Canadians say that parents can contribute to the professional development of their children by exposing them to a wide range of experiences and opportunities, which include: encouraging them to learn from their experiences (success or failure) - 56%; their the opportunity to experience various foster the development of personality (Sports or hobbies) - 51%; help them acquire skills for a career - 39%; encourage them to volunteer at various locations - 32%; discuss any career choice - 31%; their awareness of a wide variety of careers - 28.

The festival of "I" - Francois Bernatchez. Hello, I'm back. The other day I stumbled by chance on a website on the success of his career. In the site we were offered free to complete a "test" Guidance called Orientest. Surprise! This questionnaire I really emerged as the festival of "I" and "love." Following a sixty questions most of which were of this type, the survey suggested me this: painter and decorator, interior designer, other support staff and health services ... respiratory therapist! I know nothing about the designers of this "test" and I'm not trying to question their intentions. I just react to the wording of questions.

Fatal Attraction. Suicide is first and foremost an intolerance to pain. Within six months, Peter, 37, has lost two jobs and had a painful marital separation. Driven to the wall financially, he had to sell his house and he put a cross on many dreams. To his family and loved ones who asked him if he needed help, he replied that everything was fine and that he would eventually get away. One day, Peter has decided to end it and committed suicide. For him, life was not worth the trouble of living. "Contrary to belief People, this is not the suffering that leads to suicide, but the look that covers this suffering, "said Marc-André Dufour, a psychologist who worked ten years at the Centre for Suicide Prevention in Quebec . "The suicidal act is first and foremost an intolerance with suffering. By ending his life, the person does not eliminate his pain: it multiplies and distributes it to those who remain. One has only to see the reactions of people who are posting the suicide of a loved one: they are completely destroyed. It is indeed an enormous bereavement traumatic. For this reason, I consider that suicide is an act highly damaging not only to the person himself but also for his family. It is therefore essential that welcomes her suffering and she goes to get help to avoid such a tragedy. "

A easy, enjoyable and effective way to improve memory. Walk for 40 minutes several times a week, would preserve and protect the memory of the decline of mental abilities associated with aging, according to a U.S. study published in the February issue the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The study shows that moderate exercise increases the volume of the hippocampus, a brain region associated with memory and improves performance on memory tests. Erick Kirk of the University of Pittsburgh and his colleagues conducted the study with 120 healthy people, aged 55-80 years who presented with normal signs of atrophy of the hippocampus. Half of them were assigned to a moderate walk of 40 minutes, 3 days a week, and the other half did stretching exercises and weight training. After one year, participants who walked had a greater volume of left and right hippocampi of about 2% compared to a reduced volume of about 1.4% of other participants. Cardiovascular exercise in the elderly, even on a modest and relatively short period, the researchers conclude, may protect the brain from the normal decline associated with aging. The brain at this stage remains editable, they comment.

accessibility to psychotherapy. Increased accessibility to psychological care. Recent Canadian studies have shown that education, income and costs of services are among the factors that govern the use of psychotherapy services providers such as psychologists frontline. In addition, policies on health should seek to improve access of disadvantaged people to these services. To date, the United Kingdom and Australia have introduced access to psychological care subsidized by the state.

job. The Eldorado for years. The job market offers excellent prospects Lower St. Lawrence. Emploi-Québec provides that 21,000 jobs will be available in the region by 2014. The retirement will be many, which will provide 80% of available jobs. It still provides the creation of 5,000 new jobs to meet business growth. According to Marie-Claude Jean, an economist with Emploi-Québec, the growth will be concentrated in services. "In the Lower St. Lawrence, almost 75% of jobs are linked to services and when we talk about services, there are also health care, retail trade. That's the two positions where there will be a very strong job creation, "she says. Employment will increase in 21 sectors of economic activity. The production of goods will increase in some industries such as forestry. There will be no shortage of manpower widespread. A scarcity will be felt in some sectors. "We'll have to go look for people who are inactive, that are just students, unemployed people and that leads them on the job market. It'll be there the sinews of war, I would say, "says Marie-Claude Jean. Emploi-Québec provides that in 2014, Bas-Saint-Laurent has 1,600 fewer unemployed than in 2009. The share of jobs requiring high school college or university is growing.

Quebec in hiring mode
A consultation conducted by the College of Human Resources Advisors Chartered, 45.9% of respondents said their company was preparing to hire new workers. Quebec companies are preparing to hire workers during the first months of the year, says the Association of Certified Human Resources Advisors.

Welcome to the online future careers! each year to help you better understand the links between training and job market, Team Editions Jobboom asked nearly 400 astute observers: responsible for placement services, economists, employers and others. Digest of this approach, the guide for future careers in 2010 shows you who are graduates of the most requested and where they are expected. Check-in here a few excerpts, find additional information - including nearly 100 portraits of graduates - and stay informed the job market! Release of Employment (PDF: 106KB) Research Report (PDF 429Ko) News on graduates (PDF: 1.171 KB)

Position outlook labor market 2011 - Up to 26 times more jobs than graduates - Resuming on and shortages of labor always to / 02/03/17142141.html

Occupational Outlook - MORE THAN 65,000 JOBS TO FILL IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL BY-2014. According to Emploi-Quebec 65 400 jobs will be filled in the region by 2014. It will provide over 25% of these jobs to meet business growth (net creation of 16,900 jobs) and nearly 75% to replace retirements (48,500 jobs). "The National Capital has managed the economic diversification that it had begun a few years ago. Coming out of a global recession, the region is even stronger than before and remains a place where unemployment is one of the lowest in the country. Then we will fill more than 65,000 jobs by 2014, it is vital that our companies have a skilled workforce to continue this momentum. In this sense, we must continue to make our labor market even more attractive and more competitive, "said Minister Hamad. Between 2010 and 2014 in the region of the Capitale-Nationale, 114 occupations with good prospects or very favorable for ten of them. During this period, employment will grow by 0.9% on average annually, which represents more than 3000 items per year. Employment will increase in 23 sectors of economic activity. Growth will focus on the services side, an area which already supplies over 85% of jobs in the region. Thus, the sectors in which requirements the highest job creation by 2014 are: health care and social services professional, scientific and technical retail trade; finance, insurance, real estate and leasing; the accommodation and catering. Some secondary industry is also growing, such as construction and manufacturing of metal products. In this context, the government's campaign of value trades vocational or technical training for Success is a tool to encourage young people to make the right decisions for their future.

Winning Strategies Self: Me Inc.. As a freelancer, you become a micro enterprise, with all the paperwork involved. Here are some tips to manage the situation.

TAKE THE TEST! For the week of Valentine evaluate and share your attachment style in romantic relationships /-tests and quizzes / relationship-love-style-of-attachment-valentine

The chemistry of love demystified

We send you this message for information for those interested in participating in one of our missions or our internship program francophone. Founded in 2001 and has treated over 120,000 patients, distributed nearly half a million prescriptions and provided grants worth over $ 7 million in medical and other supplies, the Alliance of Community Health Canada-Africa (CACHA) is an NGO registered Canadian charity and volunteer-based with operations in Benin, Gabon, Tanzania and Uganda. The increased involvement of health professionals from all Canadian provinces is proof of our seriousness and recast our commitment to promoting health worldwide. With our African partners and our volunteers more and more numerous (about 1500 since our inception in 2002), we have reached a total of 10 medical missions per year. This year, we developed an internship program in international health in Benin and probably other countries in the years to come. We plan to send a dozen students for an academic internship next summer. The duration of the internship in the field will be 8 weeks following a pre-departure training. All information relating to probation are attached to this email. Mohammed Bello SOW, MA Community Health Alliance Canada Africa / health

POSTSECONDARY Education: parents' education is crucial. The level of parental education is a determining factor than family income in the attainment of children in post-secondary studies in Canada, according to two studies commissioned by the Ontario Council of the quality of higher education.

Dialogue. A complete schedule will be sent to the beginning of April, including fares and accommodation options. The student singular in a plural environment 14, 15 and 16 September 2011 Auberge Godefroy Becancour We'll be there! And you? The organizing committee Dialogue 2011 Michele Beaudoin, Isabelle Simard, Demers Daniel, Sophie Blanchet, Melanie Clement, Maryse Lachance, Michelle Bourdages.

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Search Engine to find an article in the archives of the newsletter Notice the search engine of the newsletter on the site right. Just enter a word and you get significant backfiles (166 numbers) on the search topic and Internet links consulted. Famous! Try it adopt .

Mark your calendar
In 2011, the 9th Congress of ACOC will take place in partnership with the UQTR 1, 2 and 3 June ACOC The highlight its 10 year history. The College, our partner ninth Congress, will on May 31 at UQTR training on the Assessment Guidance conference registrants at no extra cost. Alain Dubois give a workshop on the evaluation of an adult diagnosed with a mental disorder. Another resource person, to be determined, will give a workshop on the evaluation of a teenager. The choice to participate in this event will be from the registration form in the ninth Congress.

Dialogue. A complete schedule will be sent to the beginning of April, including fares and accommodation options. The student singular in a plural environment 14, 15 and September 16, 2011 Auberge Godefroy Becancour.

Bruno Tremblay, co Secretary General ACOC

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