Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Waxing Eugene Oregon Brazilian


I used to go (almost) every Sunday at Mass praying that an old priest (who is no longer officially priest) in a village near my home. It distills her faith and humor to all people present and that is why I appreciate it. I understand Pascal wants apostasy is his choice and I accept that given that shows the Catholic church with its next retrograde. On leaving the church this Sunday and during the ceremony we were given a candle and a little text to explain that this week is the week of light and it would turn every night at 19pm a candle on his window. They were based on the Gospel of Matthew that says: "You are the light of the world." PD cathos, straight, bi, trans, Muslim, Buddhist, Shinto, animist, if everyone brought voodoo ... some of its light at the next, the world would turn it not a bit more rounded. Tonight, I think the Egyptians. I hope they can escape without falling into religious fanaticism.


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